Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

No vids I'm afraid, they were hang cleans as well :p No doubt they would have made you die inside. I enjoy them, but it felt like my wrist wanted to turn in on itself :o

I had some nice red marks on my legs from bar humping though :p
No vids I'm afraid, they were hang cleans as well :p No doubt they would have made you die inside. I enjoy them, but it felt like my wrist wanted to turn in on itself :o

I had some nice red marks on my legs from bar humping though :p

Not at all - they are (IMHO) a very important exercise from a power/strength perspective and those benefits are very transferrable to a lot of powerlifting, too. :)

Plus you get monster traps that make most people go :eek: ! :D

Regarding wrist mobility, there's a thread for that (as I'm sure you know). :D

Regarding bar humping, did you manage to get the bar singing?
They're something I want to carry on doing really, it's finding time mainly.

Still need to read your cleaning thread properly, it's like learning to walk again though!

Not sure what you mean about the bar singing though :p
Look at the first video: when you hump the bar properly, the sleeves should rattle. That's how you know you've connected well with it.

Sure, when you get hip drive mastered, you can concentrate on the movement and get the bar in the 'right' place for a full clean, but that's for later. :)
While I agree I'm probably doing it wrong, simple tasks such as sitting at my chair or standing up aggravate my back :p

If you can deadlift 140kg, powercleaning anywhere below that shouldn't be a problem.

And dude - you have an amusing/unpleasant problem if just existing gives you that kind of pain. :( :D
.....I am the definition of an unpleasant, existing problem, so it would not surprise me.

I wonder if I go in to a state of APT sometimes, as it will be the back of the pelvis area by the spine where pain tends to sit.
Tried a 'cut-out' cushion?

I have one on my work chair and until using it could not recover from a coccyx injury which prevents all kinds split squats/lunges...

I appreciate that's a bit lower than where you're talking, but the premise being it prevents the coccyx (and spinal colum) getting compacted against the surface on which you're sitting...

They also happen to be comfy, so if you have no personal hang-ups about appearing to be an old man, they're the way to go. :D
Was getting some errector spinae pumps (just doing day to day tasks) recently after a pelvic adjustment, couple of lying hyperextenions with a 10-15 second hold seem to have helped massively. More planned for tonight.
Friday 15th March - Cycle 1 Week 4 - Back Deload
  • Deadlifts: 3 x 5
  1. - 50kg x 5
  2. - 70kg x 5
  3. - 75kg x 5
  • Pull ups: 5, 5, 5. Negs @ 5 seconds: 5.
  • BOR: 3 x 10 x 45kg
  • Seated cable row: 3 x 10 x 32kg
  • SAR: 3 x 10 x 20kg
  • Dips and curls

Deadlifts felt nice and speedy. Really pleased with the pull ups, they aren't dead hang ones but I'm intending on working up to those. The BORs, cable rows and single arm rows all had a nice pause at the top for extra goodness.

Cycle 2 next week, be nice to shift something. Will post up the numbers and see what people think, minus the squats as thats been covered.
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