Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

The point of the deload is to let your body recover from max efforts - which is desperately needed. However, I still do a decent volume, just at lower weights. It says 3x5 in the programme - but I find that isn't sufficient. Yes you need to let your CNS recover, but a little bit of light work with a bit more volume is just as good really. As long as you're not caning your body - it's the opportune time to work on form, and just get used to time under the bar. The weights SHOULD be lighter - but the volume can be ramped up more than the 3x5 suggested.
The issue is there is no real evidence of sticking to something for a long enough amount of time, while working hard as ****, and coming out on top with huge bouts of gainz.

It still boggles my mind how this program even seems like a good idea. Deloads every 4 weeks when the weeks in between aren't even close to maxing out?! What in the world. I have never done a "deload", unless the occasional beach weights session counts, but even then it's a session not a week. Maybe it's more fool me for not doing one but i can't say i feel hindered by not.. And i've been doing the same routine with decent progression since october. And if anything my strength has still gone up pretty massively over the past month or so. Bench PB while on a hypertrophy routine whaaa? DL PB after a couple of months back from snap city whaaa?

Anyway it's looking like i'll be out of lifting for a while so hopefully i'll come back and delvis will have made some mad progress.

I stuck to 3x8/10 for most of last year, apart from during injury where I had to change some rep ranges. Why can't you train soon? Job prospects or something?

And cheers FF
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The point of the deload is to let your body recover from max efforts - which is desperately needed. However, I still do a decent volume, just at lower weights. It says 3x5 in the programme - but I find that isn't sufficient. Yes you need to let your CNS recover, but a little bit of light work with a bit more volume is just as good really. As long as you're not caning your body - it's the opportune time to work on form, and just get used to time under the bar. The weights SHOULD be lighter - but the volume can be ramped up more than the 3x5 suggested.

This, but to me its a mental thing I can't do that little of a workout. I have tried, even if I'm not in the mood I just can't.

I skipped my first few deloads, but now I enjoy them. I get to work on depth, form, try different things. C&J etc get done during deloads as I'm not good enough to be added to a main workout.

But to be fair Delvis, as far as I can see your doing nout wrong and stick to it. Plus you'll be stronger than most of the forum in a few years ;)
...Along with not derailing my thread. kthxbye

Thursday 14th March: Shoulders - C1 W4 - Sissy deload
  • OHP: 3 x 5
  1. 15kg x 5
  2. 17.5kg x 5
  3. 22.5kg x 5 + some more.
  • Alt DB press: 3 x 10 x 12kg
  • Seated DB press (S/S with below): 3 x 10 x 12kg
  • BB raise (S/S with above): 3 x 10 x 10kg
  • Cable side raise (S/S with below): 3 x 12 x 4.5kg
  • Face pull (S/S with above): 3 x 14 x 36kg
  • Cable rear delt flye: 3 x 12 x 4.5kg (weirdly, think these have clicked better now)
  • Pallof press: 3 x 10 x 23kg
  • Hang cleans for lols: bar x 5+, 30kg x 3+, 40kg x 3 lol

Yeah, cleans were terrible once they went over the bars weight, wrist mobility isn't grand and neither is anything else front squat related, never mind.

Some nice pump by the end of it, deads tomorrow, will aim for speed.
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