Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Friday 5th April: Back - C2W3
  • Mobility
  • Deads: 1x5, 1x3, 1x1+
  1. 102.5kg x 5
  2. 115kg x 3
  3. 127.5kg x 10
  • Pull ups: 5, 4, 2+1/2 (60s rest)
  • Seated cable row: 3 x 10 x 45kg
  • SAR: 3 x 10 x 24kg

Meh, weak as sin this morning, deadlifts felt heavy at 100kg, nothing appeared to be firing correctly. Pull ups made me lol. Only things I was reasonably happy with was the single arm rows due to getting some nice pinching going on :p

Didn't do my OHP set, shoulders still jaffed, hardly get my elbow above my head before hitting a wall and pain proceeds, awesome. May go in tomorrow and try it.

Plus set of my deads:

Errrrrr, hello? Core? HELLO???? Where are you?
Good effort, that looked tough towards the end. Back was taking quite a bit of load towards the end and making it harder than it should be.

Indeed it was :(

Just didn't click this morning, knew it was going to be a struggle as soon as I started warming up, squats seem to be really hammering my hammies at the moment and they're taking practically all week if not more to heal, so by the time it's deadlift day they're tight as anything.
Squats Deload - Cycle 2 Week 4
  • Mobility
  • Deload squats, something like 35, 45, 55. 3 x 5.
  • BSS: 3 x 10 x 16's
  • RDL: 3 x 10 x 80kg
  • YTWL's: two small sets with 1.25kg per hand.
  • Some other shoulder barbell rehab.

Simple routine, RDL's were actually pretty taxing in hindsight.

Hoping to see a local physio this week to see whats up with my shoulder, got a but of bruising or something on the end of what feels like my Clavicle, near the acromioclavicular joint, referencing this:

Love it.
Well, no chest or shoulder work for the short term until I heal up.

Squats and deadlifts it is then basically. Not sure what to do about the routine at the moment as I was going to retest maxes this weekend and next.
Ultimately, I don't know. As far as I know, neither does anyone else, but I'm not interested enough to look.

I've used it myself to literally pull my shoulders around.
Ultimately, I don't know. As far as I know, neither does anyone else, but I'm not interested enough to look.

I've used it myself to literally pull my shoulders around.

That's pretty much the idea from what I can gather, just to pull it in to place a bit :)

Wednesday 10th April: whatever
Usually I would have done bench on Tuesday and OHP on Thursday, seeing as I can't do either at the moment, I came in today to do some squats.

  • Mobility: some hamstring work, russian baby things
  • Squats: singles
  1. Warmups: bar x some, 40kg x 5, 60kg x 1
  2. 80kg x 1
  3. 90kg x 1
  4. 100kg x 1
  5. 110kg (matched Pb with depth from Decemeber)
  • Preacher curls supersetted with 21's: Ez=Bar + 20kg x 8, 7. 21's (12.5kg bar) x 2
  • Tricep extension machine: worked in 10's = 27kg, 32kg, 36kg, 41kg, 45 kg, 41kg, 36kg, 32kg, 27kg.

Really pleased with my squats today, matched my previous PB which was terrible for depth last time but managed to hit depth nicely this time round, more in the tank as well.

Video below shows 90kg, 100kg, 110kg.
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