Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Oxford bro down:

Didnt do that much, still fatigued from testing my deads on friday i think. Worked up to a 110kg squat single, tried 115kg and failed, rested for a fair while and failed, things just werent firing but no biggy it was just nice to get triple figures on my back.

Did some deadlifts, worked up to 140kg and called it a day, fatigue kicking in and i could feel my lower spinal erectors clammig up.

All in all good, starting a new 531 cycle next week with new calcs, will only be doing squats and deadlifts though, not too sure what to do on wednesdays now...
Fill wednesday with more back work, simple.

A couple of cycles of 531 and your squat will joocy.

Yeah, anything in particular?

The first two cycles have given me some nice gains already, so i cant wait to see what the next two bring :)
Monday 15th April: C3 W1
  • Mobility: hammies, legs in general, ankles
  • Squats: 3 x 5
  1. 62.5kg
  2. 70kg
  3. 80kg x 16
  • BSS: 3 x 10 x 14's
  • RDL: 25 x 60kg

Dead doesn't even cover it. Squats, really pleased, knackered though, only reason I stopped was due to the bar slipping down my back, probably could have got one/two more.

BSS: dropped down to 14's to get some nice ROM, turns our I was fatigued anyway and had to reset on a couple of the reps.

RDLs: ran out of time, so bashed out a set, will do some Wednesday.


Oh, and vid:
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16 lol see where encouragement takes you haha I thought it was 12 reps or something but 16 and things still looked good from where I was
Lil bit of rounding, possibly a couple of dodgey reps.

I'm sure they are all far from perfect, but for that many reps I can't moan to be honest :)
Wednesday 17th April: Stuff
  • Mobility: Legs and hammies primarily
  • RDLs: bar x 10 - 60kg x 8 - 3 x 10 x 90kg
  • Machine row: Wide = 3 x 10 x 32kg
  • Machine row: Narrow = 3 x 10 x 32kg
  • Single arm cable row: 10 x 23kg, 2 x 10 x 27kg.

Added RDL's in as I didn't get to do them properly on Monday, nom-tastic.

Love single arm cable rows, need to play with them a bit, but they felt awesome.
Friday 19th April: Back - C3 W1
  • Mobility: hammies, bit of shoulders
  • Deads: 3 x 5+ (Warmups@ bar RDL x some, 70kg deads x some)
  1. 90kg x 5
  2. 105kg x 5
  3. 117.5kg x 14
  4. Dropset: 70kg x 10
  • Pull ups: 4, 4, 3 1/2
  • Rope pulley thing: Resistance 4 @ middle notch: 3 x 1min
  • Seated cable row: 3 x 10 x 52kg

Deadlifts: pleased with those, lost count by the end of the plus set, think I may have got 15/16 but I definitely counted 14, just collapsed in to a pile afterwards.

Pull ups: terrible as usual, these aren't amazing for my shoulder A/C joint pain in all honesty.

Rope pulley thing: this seems to be new at our gym, I'm glad I used it, the feeling in your lats is just immense if you really concentrate on using them.

Seated cable rows: these felt nice this week, das pump.
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Monday April 22nd: Legs - C3 W2
  • Mobility: hammies, ankles
  • Squats: 3 x 3+
  1. 65kg x 3
  2. 75kg x 3
  3. 85kg x 12
  • BSS: 3 x 10 x 16's (could have reps had to be reset on some)
  • RDL: 3 x 10 x 95kg

Good session, although felt weak and generally knackered due to the weekends antics.

Video of the plus set:

2nd rep made me laugh, just dropped, didn't brace properly and nearly failed.
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