Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

It is yes. My assistance work follows 3 sets of 10. I've picked my assistance work based on what works for me and whatever else needs extra improvement.

For clarification, I don't do any BBB sets :)
The assistance is custom.

Delvis you are a strange man! It took you half of that set to remember what a squat was, then the reps got better as you fatigued!

Are you perhaps missing something out of your warm ups? In terms of decisiveness and intensity...
Progressively more cueing the further he gets in to his plus sets. I will start cueing from the very first rep next week and we shall see how that works :)

I am surprised by how well he performs with cueing, especially considering he trains solo and always has. I think delvis would be a great example of someone who would really benefit from a training partner.
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Delvis you are a strange man! It took you half of that set to remember what a squat was, then the reps got better as you fatigued!

Are you perhaps missing something out of your warm ups? In terms of decisiveness and intensity...

Tell me about it. I'm jaffed today, had a fair few drinks on the Saturday so I'm putting a lot of it down to that, it really does help having Syla5 shout at me, especially after that second 'rep' if you can call it that!

Can you explain the second part of your reply for me please? I tend to stretch my hammies, adductors (inside leg?), started doing russian baby makers (:D) which help I think, also added in some ankle mob as I can get tight there sometimes.

Squat warm ups today I did some with the bar, then some at 60kg, then went on to the 65kg set.
Squatting without a mirror can make a big difference if that's what your normal is. I found this out tonight as I removed the mirror and filmed some sets. Took me 4-5 sets until I could actually feel my depth and squat in my normal way without a mirror.
Squatting without a mirror can make a big difference if that's what your normal is. I found this out tonight as I removed the mirror and filmed some sets. Took me 4-5 sets until I could actually feel my depth and squat in my normal way without a mirror.

Syla5 usually has the mirrored rack, I occasionally use it, I don't tend to think about it to be honest.
Wednesday 24th April: stuff
  • Mobility: shoulders, TTWsomethings, front raises.
  • Bench press: bar x some x 3
  • Machine row - Narrow: 3 x 10 x 36kg
  • Machine row - Wide: 3 x 10 x 36kg
  • Kneeling single arm cable row: 3 x 10 x 32kg
  • TRX body saw: 3 x 12

Really liked today, love training my back, all seems good in the world when I'm training my back.

Tried benching with the bar, Syla5 noticed due to my stretch armstrong arms I was basically bringing the bar way down past my nip nips, so I'm basically doing some weird arse curled-front-raise-press, corrected and seem to get less aggravation in my Anterior delt.

Regardless of the above, still have issues pressing overhead just with my hands.

Love the single arm cable rows, they really are humbling.

Back to reality, I hate things rite now.
Friday 26th April: Back - C3 W2
  • Mobility: Mainly hammies and legs
  • Deadlifts: 3 x 3+ (warmup with bar RDL's, 70kg x 5 for 2.)
  1. 97.5kg x 3
  2. 112.5kg x 3
  3. 125kg x 10
  • Chins: 5, 4 (+4 negs), 3 (+3 negs)
  • Rope trainer: Resistance 5 - Middle notch - 3 x 40s
  • Seated cable row: 54.3kg x 10, 52kg x 10, 45kg x 10+2

Pleased with the deadlifts, reps started to get ropey towards the end.

Can't seem to do pull ups without aggravating my shoulder/AC joint thing, even chins aggravate it unlesss me palms face me, even then there is a little something.

Weak on the rows today, bound to happen as weights increase elsewhere.

Good work. Love the guy hyperextending in the background and sweating using just the bar! :D

Thanks :)

Aye. He was going 40kg prior, it was a weird RDL with a knee bend at the bottom :o

I should face the camera the other way really, all kinds of weird going on there...mirrored tricep kick backs, Overhead elbow bends, the works.
Can't seem to do pull ups without aggravating my shoulder/AC joint thing, even chins aggravate it unlesss me palms face me, even then there is a little something.

I have this, my solution? Don't do pullups. It's like doing a wide grip bench really in terms of snap city positioning, bad times for me. Parallel or palms facing chins are fine, just need to concentrate a bit more to make sure you get back activation not too much bi.
I have this, my solution? Don't do pullups. It's like doing a wide grip bench really in terms of snap city positioning, bad times for me. Parallel or palms facing chins are fine, just need to concentrate a bit more to make sure you get back activation not too much bi.


Never used to be an issue prior to my recent shoulder snappage, annoying as hell....Even parrelel (hammer grip I guess? Basically palms facing each other rather than my face) still aggravated it.

I'll just have to do different things as you say :)
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