Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Wednesday 15th May: Chest and back assistance
  • Mobility: shoulders, YTWL's
  • Bench press: 2 x 12 x bar, 10 x 30kg. 3 x 10 x 40kg.
  • Incline DB bench: 3 x 12 x 16's
  • Machine row - (Narrow): 3 x 10 x 43.3kg
  • Machine row - (Wide): 3 x 10 x 43.3kg
  • Kneeling one armed cable row: 3 x 10 x 41kg

First working set of bench caused my shoulder some aggro, then Syla5 made sure I was tight on the second set by giving me a lift off and it felt awesome, third set I made sure I was tight then 'slid' the bar out the catchers as opposed to pushing it out, things felt much nicer then.

DB bench, felt good, increase the weight - Need to be careful of setup as I think this can cause problems once it gets heavy.

Wide grip machine rows are getting in to form breaking territory so I';; to play those by ear next week.

Cable rows felt awesome, really do love these.
Friday 17th May: Back - C4 W1
  • Mobility: Hammies primarily
  • Deads: 3 x 5+ (Warmup: rdl with bar x 10, 70kg x 10)
  1. 95kg x 5
  2. 107.5kg x 5
  3. 122.5kg x 11
  • Chins: 5, 5, 4
  • Seated cable rows: 3 x 10 x 52kg

Got in a bit late this morning, didn't finishing deadlifitng until about 7:20, should have been doing the chins or finishing them by that point so everything afterwards was a bit rushed.

The rows were okay, bit too much body movement for my liking though.

Video of deads:

Few dodgy reps, few good ones, some mirin. Shame he was a male.
Think it's 137.5kg.

As long as I lift over 4 reps it will be a rep PB for that weight anyway. I'm not going to be on 150kg (current 1RM) for a while.

EDIT: 1+ reps are:
Cycle 4 (This cycle) = 137.5kg
Cycle 5: 142.5kg
Cycle 6: 147.5kg

That's presuming I do cycles 5 and 6.
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lol at the guy doing curls in the background.

Why do so many people go to the gym and not bother to challenge themselves.... weird

Good lifts mate
Do another cycle, your in the progress zone! I would only consider a change when your plus sets drop to 7/6/5 for example.

However if you fancy a change, I plan on a 60 day cycle of avgt that ff is doing, so you can join me doing that after my holidays if you want? :)
Might be worth it, I've made decent progress strength wise and this will be my fourth cycle now.

I presume you'll have a week of getting back in to things? I think I'll be on my deload when you get back
See I looked back, last time I did 122.5kg I got 12 reps, yesterday I got 11.

I'll have to see how it goes next Friday, either way I'm still shifting more on week 3.
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