Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Wednesday 15th May: Chest and back assistance
  • Mobility: shoulders, YTWL's
  • Bench press: 2 x 12 x bar, 10 x 30kg. 3 x 10 x 40kg.
  • Incline DB bench: 3 x 12 x 16's
  • Machine row - (Narrow): 3 x 10 x 43.3kg
  • Machine row - (Wide): 3 x 10 x 43.3kg
  • Kneeling one armed cable row: 3 x 10 x 41kg

First working set of bench caused my shoulder some aggro, then Syla5 made sure I was tight on the second set by giving me a lift off and it felt awesome, third set I made sure I was tight then 'slid' the bar out the catchers as opposed to pushing it out, things felt much nicer then.

DB bench, felt good, increase the weight - Need to be careful of setup as I think this can cause problems once it gets heavy.

Wide grip machine rows are getting in to form breaking territory so I';; to play those by ear next week.

Cable rows felt awesome, really do love these.
Friday 17th May: Back - C4 W1
  • Mobility: Hammies primarily
  • Deads: 3 x 5+ (Warmup: rdl with bar x 10, 70kg x 10)
  1. 95kg x 5
  2. 107.5kg x 5
  3. 122.5kg x 11
  • Chins: 5, 5, 4
  • Seated cable rows: 3 x 10 x 52kg

Got in a bit late this morning, didn't finishing deadlifitng until about 7:20, should have been doing the chins or finishing them by that point so everything afterwards was a bit rushed.

The rows were okay, bit too much body movement for my liking though.

Video of deads:

Few dodgy reps, few good ones, some mirin. Shame he was a male.
Think it's 137.5kg.

As long as I lift over 4 reps it will be a rep PB for that weight anyway. I'm not going to be on 150kg (current 1RM) for a while.

EDIT: 1+ reps are:
Cycle 4 (This cycle) = 137.5kg
Cycle 5: 142.5kg
Cycle 6: 147.5kg

That's presuming I do cycles 5 and 6.
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Do another cycle, your in the progress zone! I would only consider a change when your plus sets drop to 7/6/5 for example.

However if you fancy a change, I plan on a 60 day cycle of avgt that ff is doing, so you can join me doing that after my holidays if you want? :)
Might be worth it, I've made decent progress strength wise and this will be my fourth cycle now.

I presume you'll have a week of getting back in to things? I think I'll be on my deload when you get back
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