Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Personally, wouldn't have called those 11 reps a 'set'. Taking a little over 2 minutes for a set, with some massive-ass rests between reps? I mean, at 1:50 you take a TWENTY second rest!
Personally, wouldn't have called those 11 reps a 'set'. Taking a little over 2 minutes for a set, with some massive-ass rests between reps? I mean, at 1:50 you take a TWENTY second rest!

I'd rather reset if it means I'm going to save my back from snapping personally :)

Could have no doubt done 11 reps with no pause at all, but I would have rounded like a mofo (upper and lower), got some major back pain and be crippled for the rest of the week.
Yes, but that's my point. If you have to spend over 2 minutes doing a set, resetting constantly, and even having a 20 second rest, you aren't capable of doing an 11 rep set.
I kinda agree, the + sets shouldn't have long pauses between reps. I know you're working on form and need to reset a lot but it doesn't really work with + sets. I guess you work with what you can and don't focus too much on the projected RMs.
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Saturday 25th May: Shoulders with Stoodles
Some shoulder work today to see how it all felt, all in all not bad, seems to be overhead pressing movements that do the most aggravation.

Basically: Seated front and lateral raises, seated BB OHP, bent over cable work for rear delts, some work on a machine press.

Might be going back to four days a week training soon, slowly being able to use my shoulder again is meaning times getting tighter and tighter on Wednesday now.

Little back pic again:
Bank Holiday 7am Monday morning Squats: C4W3
  • Mobility: hammies baby! Ankles, Adductors, shoulders BOOM!
  • Squats: 5/3/1+ (WU: bar x 10, 60kg x 5)
  1. 75kg x 5
  2. 85kg x 3
  3. 95kg x 10 = BOOMTASTIC
  • BSS: 3 x 10 x 20's
  • RDL: 3 x 10 x 102.5kg

Videos are uploading of the Squat plus set and the final RDL set. Started to lose tightness on the squats and felt it in my lower back a touch. RDL's, not bad, started to falter though.

All in all, pleased.

Squats - Plus set:

RDLs: more for form
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Are you still keeping your log going?

How's it going for you?

I'm loving it!

Probably when I'm warming up on your 1RMs. :p <3

I totally forgot about the log, looked at my written log looked at the PC and thought damn this is going to take ages!

I shall get round to typing it out, I swear (lazy :/)

It's going good though, on phase 4 just now and started not hitting 5 reps near the end 3,4,4 for the last 3 sets.

Loving it though, but you do need a lot of food pre-sesh.
Tuesday 28th May: Chest and back asst.
  • Mobility: shoulders
  • BB Bench WU: bar x 10 + 10, 30kg x 10, 40kg x 5.
  • BB Bench set: 6 x 5 x 45kg
  • Incline DB bench: 10 x 20's, 2 x 10 x 18's.
  • Machine row (narrow): 3 x 10 x 45kg
  • Machine row (wide): 3 x 10 x 45kg

Flat bench felt good, decided to drop to reps of five (rather than 10) and up the sets, seemed to help with not flaring my shoulder.

The 20's on DB bench seemed to hurt my shoulder, dropped to the 18's and it was better, seemed to help with I kept my elbows in somewhat.

Machine row was tasty as usual.

Front delts are pretty ruined from the Steedie sesh on Saturday still, need to see to these before Thursday.
Thursday 30th May: Shoulders
  • Mobility: shoulder warmup
  • Seated Smith press: bar x 15 - (All weights not including bar now) 10kg x 10, 25kg x 6 (nope, shoulder) 20kg x 10 x 2 (still not a great shoulder feeling)
  • Seated db front raise: 3 x 10 x 8kg
  • Seated db lateral raise: 3 x 12 x 6kg
  • Seated db press: 14's = 10, 10, 9(f10)
  • Single arm bent over cable delt flye: 3 x 12 x 9kg

Smith press hurt today, stupid shoulder. Bit of aggro on the front and lateral raises, bearable.

Did seated DB press for a test, worked well and didn't get much pain as the Smith press as long as I keep them in line with my head and back if that makes sense.

Just want to train for longer than 6 months without something holding me back yet again - Realised last night thanks to Ice I NEED to stretch my pecs more, I'm just going to **** things up for good otherwise.

And to top it off, my rear breaks keep coming on and catching sporadically while I'm driving - Thank you Lord, you wonder why I have so much faith in you sometimes.
Friday 31st May: Back - C4W3
  • Mobility: hammies
  • Deads: 5/3/1+ (WU: rdlxbarxsome, 70kg x some, 90kg x some)
  1. 107.5kg x 5
  2. 122.5kg x 3
  3. 137.5kg x 7
  • Chins: 6, 4, 4
  • Seated cable row: 54.3kg x 10, 2 x 10 x 52kg, dropset@ 12 x 39kg
  • Pec stretching

Pleased overall. My deads seem to feel terrible with mixed grip, no idea why, I just hate the position sometimes, it doesn't look too bad in the video, might upload it later.

Deload next week, might have a play with some maxes, not sure yet.
Just didn't know why he was doing 6x5 on bench, hell even shoulders looks like random sets of 10, then deads he's doing 531. Seems like a mash up to me, unless I'm not seeing it right?
Just didn't know why he was doing 6x5 on bench, hell even shoulders looks like random sets of 10, then deads he's doing 531. Seems like a mash up to me, unless I'm not seeing it right?

I've not been following 5/3/1 on Chest and Shoulders for a while now.

Stopped training chest and shoulders a couple of weeks/months ago due to snapping my shoulder up/AC joint, thought you knew? I've only recently started chest work again, and until last week wasn't doing any direct shoulder work.

I did 6x5 on bench because going towards 10 reps aggravated my shoulder too much, keeping it at five seemed to help. I kept shoulders this week to 10's to see how it all felt having not done them for a few weeks :)
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