Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Looking at FF's routine, I've done almost the same but changed a few things which I'll note blow:


Changed pull-ups for chins, I can't do pull-ups because of my shoulder at the moment, that said, I won't be able to do 8 reps anyway, thoughts?

BOR's, not sure what to do here, I don't think BOR's will help my back much especially once fatigue kicks in, its either more cable work or DB rows.

OHP, again, I don't think my shoulder likes these yet, last week I tried smith press and it aggravated it a bit...thought on the OHP days are I could always put DB press on to 10x5 and do 3x8 on seated front+lateral raises?

Dips will snap me I think, so done high incline bench? Or should that be CGBP?

T-BAR rows, guessing these will be the same as bors, might give them a try.

Can I have peoples ideas? Again, no direct arm work, but I can always do bits where I can fit them in. if I follow this it'll be Mon/Weds/Fri layout.

Following the article here: am I correct in thinking I would do workouts 1-6 over the two week period at 10x5, then after this go on to 10x4? Its a touch confusing as I'm doing deads, bench and squats twice for instance, whereas the article says not to do the same exercise within a ten day period.....
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When you say "can't do OHP," do you mean with a barbell, or anything overhead?

Given the choice, I would always go for dumbells (chest, shoulders, guns, whatever) as it not only requires more stability (better assistance work), but also allows freer movement of the working joints.

The only reason I switch to barbells for bench, OHP, BORs (unless there's a specifc requirement for a direct equivalent from my primary lifts e.g. snatch, clean'n'jerk -> overhead/front squats and pulls, OHP) is where I can't get enough weight from dumbells.

So my answer to a couple of your questions is that "dumbell work will be fine in lieu of other barbell-focussed stuff." :)
The movement of OHP at the moment just hurts, db's are a tad better, so might move the DB press in place of the OHP, then do different assistance work. Its getting better but I'd rather let it heal more.

Regarding bench, I could do one bench session with BB the other with DB'S. BOR I'm not sure about yet.
The movement of OHP at the moment just hurts, db's are a tad better, so might move the DB press in place of the OHP, then do different assistance work. Its getting better but I'd rather let it heal more.

Regarding bench, I could do one bench session with BB the other with DB'S. BOR I'm not sure about yet.

IMHO, there is no benefit to be derived from barbell rows over dumbell rows because most people can't get the horizontal torso required for the best effect (if you want to minimise trap involvement). Particularly when fatigued. :)

Another thing regarding OHP: try a standing, single arm dumbell press. Because of the huge stability required, you'll have to drop your weights and get everything aligned properly (shoulders, core, etc.) so it might be the kind of stimulus required without pulling your shoulder out its socket. :)
Cool. Has somebody looked at your movement when you press?

EDIT: I mean REALLY looked at it in person to make sure your shoulder, elbow, etc. are all in the right place?

If it's ******, it's *******, but just in case. :D
I purposely don't get horizontal for my bent over rows :)

Delvis I really can't help but feel you should be fixing these issues first...... Your shoulders are obviously in such bad state there's more exercises you can't do than what you can! Can't do OHP, can't do bench, can't do pull ups, can't do dips...?!
I purposely don't get horizontal for my bent over rows :)

You occasionally train with Steedie, and so - with you both being handsome men both charged with srs test - I can understand that. ;) :D

Delvis I really can't help but feel you should be fixing these issues first...... Your shoulders are obviously in such bad state there's more exercises you can't do than what you can! Can't do OHP, can't do bench, can't do pull ups, can't do dips...?!

In an ideal world, yes. Delvis needs a decent physio and a coach who also knows what they're doing to check his rehab.

Key thing is making sure he takes the time off to maximise a proper recovery. :)
Steedie was with me last time, seemed fine, scale are back and down, just need to try things I guess.

I purposely don't get horizontal for my bent over rows :)

Delvis I really can't help but feel you should be fixing these issues first...... Your shoulders are obviously in such bad state there's more exercises you can't do than what you can! Can't do OHP, can't do bench, can't do pull ups, can't do dips...?!

What would you have me do sir? :) I always seem to have some kind of issue, so I can't sit there fixing everything all the time otherwise I literally wouldn't get anywhere! More so than usual.

Its mainly my right shoulder, my left is fine in general, my right is knackered due to the injury a couple of months back. Bench is okay, just need to be careful, lower reps help hence my sets last week that you noted. Dips I probably can do, but they're so renowned for screwing up already screwed shoulders along with the ease of doing poor reps I'd rather not risk it currently. Pull ups again just aggravate the joint last time I tried, chins were okay.

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You going to be testing your 10 rep maxes to find out what your numbers need to be? I am going to try giving some testing a go this week before starting next week.
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