Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Yes but to get the best out of AGVT it's about high volume compound movements...

I guess you'll just have to give it a go and see how you get on. Might as well throw in an arms day too ;)

At least squats and deads and chins and dips will **** you up enough with the volume.
Just trying to play around with the exercises, taking your advice on board, it'd be daft to do front raises on the 10x5 sets....however I'm not sure what else to throw in there, unless I want to be doing dB press on workouts 3 and 6 @ 10x5
Contemplating the idea of doing a single compound movement at 10x5, then doing two assistance exercises at 3x8.

Reason being, time is tight in the mornings, due to existing shoulder problems I'm finding it hard to add in the right exercises etc....I'd rather just do a four day split :p
Thursday 6th June: Squats and Squits and Bench
Been extremely dehydrated this week, been off work for a few days, gains.

took it easy, one because it was a deload week anyway, two because I still feel jaffed.

  • Squats: 5 x 5 x 60kg
  • Bench: 5 x 5 x 40kg

Squats got easier as they went on, pretty tight this morning.

Shoulder felt a bit gash on the first three sets of bench, then got a bit easier, still hurt a bit though, might just have to bail on it for the time being Or go for a lighter weight :(

Not sure whether AGVT will be a good idea just yet seeing as I won't be able to do benching and OHP properly, so thoughts on that are welcome.
Depends on your goals surely, haven't you not long started 5/3/1?

You still looking to gain strength or you wanting to concentrate on gaining some size?

It totally depends on what you want, you seem to be getting some good strength gains from 5/3/1 so why change? I shall be going back to 5/3/1, I'm only doing AVGT as I was starting to hit a wall and needed a change in my training to give myself a change from strength training. As much as I've loved AGVT, I can't wait to go back to lifting proper weights.
Depends on your goals surely, haven't you not long started 5/3/1?

You still looking to gain strength or you wanting to concentrate on gaining some size?

It totally depends on what you want, you seem to be getting some good strength gains from 5/3/1 so why change? I shall be going back to 5/3/1, I'm only doing AVGT as I was starting to hit a wall and needed a change in my training to give myself a change from strength training. As much as I've loved AGVT, I can't wait to go back to lifting proper weights.

I've done four cycles of 5/3/1, which yes has seen me some nice strength gains, I just feel the slow progression isn't doing me any good at the moment.

AGVT looks good, but I feel like I'm just going to be squatting 60kg for 10 sets, which seems kinda pointless.

I would like to put on a bit more size, my issue is I can't do high reps (usually) on things like deadlifts, so I was looking for a program that has higher sets but lower reps to get that hypertrophy stimulus.

I'm no doubt going to just do a 3x8 split or a 5x5 split or something. I just want peoples thoughts really :)
Depends on your goals surely, haven't you not long started 5/3/1?

You still looking to gain strength or you wanting to concentrate on gaining some size?

It totally depends on what you want, you seem to be getting some good strength gains from 5/3/1 so why change? I shall be going back to 5/3/1, I'm only doing AVGT as I was starting to hit a wall and needed a change in my training to give myself a change from strength training. As much as I've loved AGVT, I can't wait to go back to lifting proper weights.

No proper weights on AGVT?! You're doing it wrong :p
I've done four cycles of 5/3/1, which yes has seen me some nice strength gains, I just feel the slow progression isn't doing me any good at the moment.

Same reson i want a change, done my strength routine since the start of the year and feel a switch around might trigger some new stimulus

AGVT looks good, but I feel like I'm just going to be squatting 60kg for 10 sets, which seems kinda pointless.
Err your calculating your weight wrong, its 75% of your 1 rep max, or your 10 rep max, works out to 82.5kg for you ;)

I'm no doubt going to just do a 3x8 split or a 5x5 split or something. I just want peoples thoughts really :)

I am considering a hybrid type program, 2 exercises per day of 5x5 and then 3 accesory at 3x8, rather then my current 6-3 rep 4 week compound cycle.

So something similar to LiE maybe, then again i am not ruling out AVGT, i might just have to lower my numbers a little :)
531 in being a slow progression and not ideal for relatively new lifters shocker :eek:

Syla5, is there any merit in doing a hybrid routine, or is it just people trying to kid themselves that it gives them the benefit of both?

I've always been of the impression it's your overall gym session that lends it to either strength or hypertrophy; I would assume (and this is based on nothing other than my perception of intensity and experience of growth) you'd simply be getting negligible benefits of both. Although it would still lend itself predominantly to strength, as that is where most of your glycogen will be spent.
Like I said to you yesterday, I think you should just stop doing these phaggot programs that clearly aren't working for you. And just do a routine that lets you dictate what you do and what weights you do. You're too broken to do any program properly, and you chop and change so much that any program you can do gives you no benefit.

So just make a standard 3/4 day split routine and stick at it
Err your calculating your weight wrong, its 75% of your 1 rep max, or your 10 rep max, works out to 82.5kg for you ;)

I've not attempted to calculate it yet, I've been sat on the toilet for the last 5 days. :p

531 in being a slow progression and not ideal for relatively new lifters shocker :eek:

;) I've lifted some decent weight with 5/3/1 to be honest.

Like I said to you yesterday, I think you should just stop doing these phaggot programs that clearly aren't working for you. And just do a routine that lets you dictate what you do and what weights you do. You're too broken to do any program properly, and you chop and change so much that any program you can do gives you no benefit.

So just make a standard 3/4 day split routine and stick at it

Indeed. Although I don't agree with the chopping and changing, I've been through this before in this thread and can't be bothered explaining completely again :p I follow 3x8 for the best part of the start of lifting, then did 5x5 over Christmas as I didn't know what I was doing, then did 5/3/1 for 4 months, now I'm here.

I think Steeds, as you say, I just need to lift weights now, do a 4 day split and get on with it. Deadlifts I will just play around with the rep ranges to see whats comfortable again. I'll do squats/db bench/db press/deadlifts, then do 2/3 assistance exercises, see how it goes.
Lettuce not put beets under President Bush, the only lift you've excelled with in 531 is Deadlifts. Your squats are still sub 100kg from memory and your bench is still sub 60kg. For someone capable of repping 140kg deadlifts for 8 or so, that's not progress. 5/3/1 was never going to work for you, as it's more focused towards those in the upper brackets of strength training, where a small increase is liable to take weeks to make.
Syla5, is there any merit in doing a hybrid routine, or is it just people trying to kid themselves that it gives them the benefit of both?

My current routine is strength focused on the compounds and more volume focused on the assistance, progress has been good.

I think hybrid might not have been the best word to use, as i dont plan to mash a hypertrophy routine in with a strength routine. It was more along the lines of strength focused compound work and a little more volume on the assistance stuff. As you probably know, most people who do strength focused training still hit good volume on the assistance work anyway.

I just feel i need to do more volume overall to help my bring some weaknesses up to speed and correct some poor movement habits.
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Syla5 I take it when you want to bring up your weaknesses, you're mainly focusing on your back? You may want to think about what may help it, for benching a stable base is crucial, and what better stable base then a strong back.

Rows are awesome here, db rows, bent over rows, pull ups are all great.
Don't neglect your triceps either, CGBP is a really good exercise.

Chest gains are the hardest to have and you just need to be hitting it with crazy volume if you want to add mass.
Syla5 I take it when you want to bring up your weaknesses, you're mainly focusing on your back? You may want to think about what may help it, for benching a stable base is crucial, and what better stable base then a strong back.

Rows are awesome here, db rows, bent over rows, pull ups are all great.
Don't neglect your triceps either, CGBP is a really good exercise.

Chest gains are the hardest to have and you just need to be hitting it with crazy volume if you want to add mass.

haha i jsut got you in gym rats thread at the same time :p

on a cereal note..........CORNFLAKES

being serious for a minute, I have an over dominance of my right leg during squats, my knees collapse in at higher weights, i want to ingrain lumbar control in my deadlifts, as for benching i just need to hit it hard every week. To do the above, more volume at lower weight will be easier to focus on fixing things then still adding weight but doing less reps. So something 5x5 and adding to it each week will probably where i am heading.

Will keep extra back work in mind ;)
Lettuce not put beets under President Bush, the only lift you've excelled with in 531 is Deadlifts. Your squats are still sub 100kg from memory and your bench is still sub 60kg. For someone capable of repping 140kg deadlifts for 8 or so, that's not progress. 5/3/1 was never going to work for you, as it's more focused towards those in the upper brackets of strength training, where a small increase is liable to take weeks to make.

Well my bench is weak because of my shoulder, you know that, it was getting better in around March time (got 70kg nearly lol) but then it bust up after that, hence me not training it and the 40kg set of pain yesterday.

Squats have always been a pain, I adopted a new stance earlier on in the year which naturally put my numbers back.

I've told Scott I didn't think 5/3/1 was for me after having done it, it has helped, but I can see how it would help someone more so on the top end rather than myself currently.

Syla5 I take it when you want to bring up your weaknesses, you're mainly focusing on your back? You may want to think about what may help it, for benching a stable base is crucial, and what better stable base then a strong back.

Rows are awesome here, db rows, bent over rows, pull ups are all great.
Don't neglect your triceps either, CGBP is a really good exercise.

Chest gains are the hardest to have and you just need to be hitting it with crazy volume if you want to add mass.

I think he needs to implement looooooooooooots of rowing for his back, much like I have been.
Have you tested to see whether you can do the prescribed bench weight pain free?

My suggestion is to do AGVT and substitute exercises where necessary. It really won't be that detrimental to the programme, provided you don't end up doing curls for a back workout.
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