Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Lack of sarcastic smiley makes me think you took him seriously.

I probably row more then, or at least the same amount as you ;) 3-4 variants per week

I've actually been rowing on back days, along with another day thrown in ;)

Have you tested to see whether you can do the prescribed bench weight pain free?

My suggestion is to do AGVT and substitute exercises where necessary. It really won't be that detrimental to the programme, provided you don't end up doing curls for a back workout.

My tested 1RM on bench is 67.5kg, however 75% of that is apparently 50kg, which I won't be able to do without snapping - 40kg yesterday felt dire; but not heavy.

Basically I would need to do the following (left: what I would do, right: what I can't do)

DB bench : BB bench

Rowing as you've said, I'll probably have to resort to some machine/cable rowing and Db rows

I may have a go at 1RM's for squats and deadlifts next week and play around with my 10rm's for DB bench and DB press, I don't think doing bench press is a good idea at the moment.
FF................I love you man, I really do......

50 reps of chins? I can just about do 6 on one set, let alone 10 sets.
Dips will aggravate my shoulder, I will however give them a go, if there is pain I won't do them. I would rather just db press.
FF................I love you man, I really do......

50 reps of chins? I can just about do 6 on one set, let alone 10 sets.
Dips will aggravate my shoulder, I will however give them a go, if there is pain I won't do them. I would rather just db press.

Ring dips. Let your shoulder move naturally. ;)

To be fair, even 5*5 on rings is haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard.
Saturday 8th June: Back and shoulders and stuff
  • Mobility: hammies, shoulders
  • Deadlifts: rdlxbarx12, 2x5x70kg. 5x5x100kg
  • DB Press: 6x5x18's
  • Seated hammer curls: 3x10xsome
  • 21's: 3x21'sxsome
  • CGBP: 3x10/14/12xbar - Nope, not good for shoulder.
  • Machine arm curl: 3x10xsome - this thing is terrible.
  • TRX dips: Fail, fail, fail, 3, 3 - pure lol

Deadlifts: ouch, fatigued today, still recovering from being ill this week and not eating properly - Monday will be interesting if I use the prescribed weight.

DB Press: not bad, may need to start on the 16's next week and work up.

Arms: teehee

TRX Dips: yeah, cannot do these, balancing is ridiculous, I'm pretty sure those 3 rep sets where hardly reps as well.

I think I'm set for next week, it's going to be hard.
Couple of pics from today, showing off my lack of everything:



Updated OP with a link to the June 2013 album: password is my username
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Right, I'll do a full writeup of my session this morning later, first things first though I have some decisions to make:

I only managed to do the first two 10x5 workouts this morning, didn't have enough time despite being in the gym at 6:15 this morning...So, two choices:

1.) I carry on and just do the two 10x5 workouts and leave all assistance work.
2.) I knock the 10x5 workouts down to 5x5 which will allow me more time in the gym to potentially do more assistance work.

Todays training went like this:

  • Mobility: hammies, adductors, ankles.
  • Squats WU: 2 x 5 x bar, 5 x 60kg
  • Squats: 10 x 5 x 85kg (failed rep 5 on set 9)
  • RDL: 10 x 5 x 100kg

Then I was out of time, did a lol as well with squats, they were supposed to be 82.5kg but I stupidly put 85kg on -_-

That said, squats where good, got tough half way through, many grinder reps where had then all of a sudden I remembered how to grip the bar properly and felt good? Set 9 I just lent too far forwards and had to bail, 5 reps on Set 10 afterwards

RDLs: tasty but soul destroying.

So, I need to figure out what I'm doing, I don't have the time in the morning to be doing 10x5 for two exercises, that's with 90s rest as well.

O Lawd
Right, I'll do a full writeup of my session this morning later, first things first though I have some decisions to make:

I only managed to do the first two 10x5 workouts this morning, didn't have enough time despite being in the gym at 6:15 this morning...So, two choices:

1.) I carry on and just do the two 10x5 workouts and leave all assistance work.
2.) I knock the 10x5 workouts down to 5x5 which will allow me more time in the gym to potentially do more assistance work.


Which wouldn't make it AGVT...... ;)
Delvis, are you doing a program again?

He is, he just needs to find something that will fit in in the morning ;)

Doing 5x5 on compounds is not AVGT, but you can still use the weight progression principals of it.

Also i think many people would be sad panda's if delvis didnt follow some progressive loading pattern on his workouts, so i will keep asking him each session and kick his touche if he doesnt put more weight on the bar :)
I didnt say you thought it was mate ;)

I was pointing out you can still use the same weight progression/rep structure should you so desire.
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