Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

I've never done stronglifts. I did 5x5 for about a month over Christmas, about it.

Anyway, read the OP - Started some form of training 2009, jaffed my shoulder in 2010, stopped training.

2011, started again as a noob in the work gym deadlifting and squatting like a ****, did my back in mid-2012, didn't squat or deadlift for about 2-3 months because of it and still get back pains today.

I started 531 in March I think? Or something, basically did 4 cycles of it, during which I knackered my shoulder again.
What are you jabbering on about? I've not told you to upload a form video, regardless of that fact and whether or not I have injured myself, you can re-learn form you know.

Above all that, there are people on this forum you would do well to listen to.
Heh, no.

He's prodded in places I have not been prodded before, moved me in ways which should not be possible, I am partially fixed, however I will need to see how the rest of the week goes and go back for a more thorough examination.

All in all, 100% worth it, we need more wizards like this.
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