Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Heh, no.

He's prodded in places I have not been prodded before, moved me in ways which should not be possible, I am partially fixed, however I will need to see how the rest of the week goes and go back for a more thorough examination.

All in all, 100% worth it, we need more wizards like this.

Totally forgot that you were seeing him today. I actually saw him yesterday, we even went shopping for for backload tonight :D.

In fact, there is literally no reason not to use his real name, apart from it being vaguely amusing to call him The Wizard.

What did Pat do with you?

Glad you're feeling better bru!

Totally forgot that you were seeing him today. I actually saw him yesterday, we even went shopping for for backload tonight :D.

In fact, there is literally no reason not to use his real name, apart from it being vaguely amusing to call him The Wizard.

What did Pat do with you?

Glad you're feeling better bru!

Damn you and your backloads, although err'day is backload day for me :D

Anyway, Pat the Wizard did all kinds of love, pulled my arm around and basically reseated it (ie put pressure on it from many angles), loads of thumb jabbing and movement of my arm to free up the pec/under my clavicle etc, needles in my shoulder to see if it can relieve some pressure as it may be mental to some degree.

Also did the buddy pec stretch where you have a roller/towel down your spine and pressure is applied to your pecs, I'd then try and pull my shoulders forward.

Basically, lots and lots of hammering with thumbs while laying on my side and my back.

At the moment things feel better, still some general discomfort but it's a load better. HOWEVER, I would advise not getting this done just after a chest session the day before, DOMS+thumbs do not mix too well :D
Oh indeed, I've come on a long way mind since my back injury. At the moment I literally can't bench or press as it hurts (depending on the weight / bar used etc)

Quite frankly though, I don't mind if I can;t bench press, there are other things more worthwhile.
This week gone
Thought I'd write up what i've been doing this week. Mondays session went like this, which wasn't a complete failure as my legs were destroyed for the rest of the week, I also got my first barbell burn on my back from it - Having performed the main sets for AGVT I realised time wise I just can't do it in the mornings, so....

Tuesday 18th
Decided to change things up, I had an appointment on Thursday to see Pat the wizard about my shoulder as has been said in recent posts with the intention to get it properly fixed and actually start training my shoulders for once.

Tuesdays Session: Chest & triceps
  • Mobility: dislocations, shoulder warmup
  • DB Bench: WU=2 x 12 x 10's. WS=3 x 12 x 16's.
  • DB Incline Bench (2 notches up): 3 x 12 x 16's.
  • DB Pullover: 12kg x 10, 14kg x 10, 10.
  • CGBP: Bar x 10. 4 x 10 x 25kg.
  • Cable pushdown: 3 x 18kg x 12.

The intention was to do BB bench, however I went in the evening and the place was rammed, by rammed I mean all 10+ benches where in use. I think I'm going to drop CGBP, it just doesn't agree with my shoulder, so I'll try some controlled dips and see how they feel.

Thursday 13th: Back and Hams
  • Mobility: stretch hammies etc
  • Lat Pull downs: WU=2 x 10 x 32kg. WS=12 x 39kg. 2 x 12 x 41.3kg.
  • Deads: WU: Bar x 8, 70kg x 8, 100kg x 3. WS=2 x 8 x 120kg.
  • BOR: 3 x 12 x 50kg.
  • Chins: 3/4, 3, 2/3. Lol tastic
  • RDL: 3 x 10 x 60kg (30kg db's)
  • Leg Curl: 25kg x 10, 32kg x 15, 39kg x 20, 41.3kg x 25, 32kg x 15.

Good session, BORs I'm thinking about, they just aggravate my back a little after deadlifts, so I may either swap them out entirely or move them behind chins.

Friday 14th: Shoulders and Bi's
  • Mobility: Shoulders, all kinds.
  • Seated DB press: WU=2 x 8 x 12's. WS=2 x 10 x 16's.
  • DB Front Raise: 3 x 12 x 8's.
  • OHP: 15kg x 10. 3 x 10 x 20kg.
  • Side Laterals: 15 x 8's (nope). 2 x 15 x 5's.
  • Rear Delt Flye (cable): 3 x 12 x 13.6kg (corner stack)
  • Seated DB curls: 10 x 10's. 2 x 10 x 12's. 10 x 10's.
  • EZ Bar Curls: Bar+15kg x 10, 10. Bar+12.5kg x 12.

Pleased with this, day after seeing Pat about my shoulder and it's made a nice difference, OHP was okay (lady weight but nevermind) I just had to make sure to move it up in a certain way, it's extremely controlled, if I jerk it up too much it just hurts.

Side laterals, picked up the 8's instead of the 6kg DB's, not the best idea as the shoulders weak on this movement.

Bring on next week, need to figure out my WS weight for Squats, possibly around the 80kg mark, might go for 10 reps on the sets, I'll have to see how it goes really.

As you can see by the above, I'm going for size now, bit fed up of looking like a pansy (forever a pansy) and I'm pretty confident I made some nice strength gains on my previous 5/3/1 cycles.

Bring on the gains.
Monday 17th June: Legs
  • Mobility and stretching
  • Leg Extensions: 3 x 20 x 39kg
  • Squats: WU=Bar x 8, 60kg x 8
  • Squats: WS=3 x 8 x80kg
  • Walking Lunges: 3 x 8 x 10's
  • BSS: 4 x 8 x 10's

The intention is to up my squats each week by 5 kg, meaning on the 15th July I will hopefully be repping 100kg, if not I will do some prior sets of 100kg then pyramid down if I can't do the full 3 x 8.

Wondering whether to keep leg extensions where they are or not?
You should be doing lighter weights, hence the higher rep ranges I gave you. You're aiming for a deep burn

Although 39kg is pretty light weight tbh, I'd normally say for 20 (on my machine at least), you should be going for 50-55kg
Tuesday 18th June: Chest and tri's
  • Shoulder warmups
  • BB Incline: WU=bar x 12, 30kg x 10. WS=3 x 8 x 37.5kg
  • Flat DB Bench: 3 x 12 x 18's
  • DB Pullover: 3 x 12 x 14's
  • Dips: nope, instant shoulder gash
  • CGBP: two sets with the bar, nope, shoulder gashness
  • DB CGBP (so neutral hand position): felt a lot nicer although some slight twinging = 1 x 12 x 12's, 3 x 12 x 14's.
  • Cable pushdown: 3 x 12 x 20.3kg (F-rep 12 on set 3) + DS=10 x 14kg.

In general, shoulder held up well. BB incline bench felt nice, just need to be careful with it.

Dips and CGBP: just no, dropping these completely until my shoulders healthy.

Also noticing how annoying the benches are for DB work, where I would usually put the weight on my knees then roll back, I just can't do it as I end up skidding across the damn thing :o
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Thursday 20th June: Back
  • Lat pulldown: WU=2x10x32kg, WS=3x12x41.3kg
  • Hamstring mobility
  • Deads WU: RDLx10xbar, 70kgx5, 100kgx5,
  • Deads WS: 130kg: 5, 2 (fail 3), 110kg: 5, 5.
  • Machine row: 45kgx10, 41kgx10, 36kgx10, 32kgx10, 27kgx14.

Well, today was just terrible. Felt weak as anything as soon as I woke up.

Got o my 130kg ws, felt like a lead weight, the second set on rep 3 just wasn't going to shift without snapping something up so just bailed, lower back/whatever the hell is wrong was pumped to buggery and did not feel nice, by this point it was too late to do much else and I knew I wouldn't be able to do BORs without being put out for the rest of the week.

Will see if I can add some stuff in tomorrow or go on the weekend.
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