Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

yeah my point here was that he would have a much more repeatable movement path for the press. If he is not doing OHP as his main movement, and the aim of the training is not focused on strength then yeah.
I've told him many a time to do pressing movements on the smith for his shoulders until he feels less broken, but he won't

Tried this mate, it just hurt, I can't get the correct line to make it feel right so I'd rather use what I can use.

Until I'm properly fixed by the wizard I just use what I've got to work with :p
Saturday 6th July: Hams and ARMS
Rdl: bar x 10, 60 x 8, 80 x 5.
3 x 8 x 90

Ham curl: 39x15, 45x15, 41.3x15, 15, 39x15

Seated curls: 14sx8, 8.
14sx8 + 12sx7
10sx12 + 8sx12.

Ez curl: bar+15 x 10, 10, 10.

Tri push: 14kgx15, 18kgx15

Tri pull corner unit: per hand
22.8kgx15, 15, 15

Crued copy/paste from my phone, forgot my book.
Monday: 8th July - Squats and Bench
  • Mobility: Hammies and adductors
  • Squats WU: bar x 10, 60 x 5, 5.
  • Squats WS: 3 x 8 x 95kg
  • Mobility: Shoulders warm ups gallore
  • DB Bench WU: 8s x 10, 14s x 10.
  • DB Bench WS: 20s x 10, 22s x 10, 12.

Leave work on Thursday to go up north ready for the weekends antics, so only have 3 days to train this week, going to just do the main lifts then carry on next week as normal.

PB's all round today, or post snap PB's for sure Really pleased.

Squats I'm happy with, knees collapse towards the end which is what makes the lifts grind, need to work on that. DB Bench, felt strong today, the 22's felt lovely :)
Next week - breaking triple digits for 8 reps! ;)


Not sure what I'm doing Monday, my backs taken a hammering these last few weeks, so may take a mini-deload to recover to save snapping.

nice work Delvis.
out of interest what did you do for that mobilty work?

Hamstrings I basically lay on the floor, put one leg back so my knees is flat on the ground, tuck my other foot underneath me then lower down, change angles to hit different parts:

Almost like this:
Just with a straight back leg.

Shoulders I basically warmup with very light sets, stretch them against the wall (elbow above head against wall, push against it) dislocations on occasion. I'd like to think I do some internal and external rotations drills as well.

Apologies for the brief descriptions :p
Wednesday 10th July: Back, Hams and shoulders
  • Mobility: Hammies, bit of hip opening, adductors
  • Deadlifts: RDL with bar x 10, 70kg x 5, 100kg x 3, 120kg x 1
  • Deadlifts WS: 140kg x 3, 3, 3.
  • RDL: 3 x 8 x 100kg
  • BOR: 3 x 8 x 60kg
  • Seated DB Press: 8's x 10, 12's x 10.
  • Seated DB Press WS: 18's x 8, 6 (nope), 14's x 8
  • DB Front raise S/S lateral raise: 3 x 10/10 x 8's

Happy times, repping 10kg off my current RM, pleased with that.

Started getting some lower back pump at the end of the RDL's, BORs weren't too bad, then got some slight twinging on the DB Press, just tired I think.

Time for a little break, going away for 3 days ish.

EDIT: Second set of the three
Last edited:
Monday 15th July: Legs
  • Mobility: hips, hams, adductors, ankles
  • Squats: bar x some, 60kg x 5, 5.
  • Squats WS: 100kg x 6, 5(f6) - 90kg x 8.
  • Walking lunges: 3 x 8/8 x 14's
  • BSS: 3 x 8/8 x 14's
  • RDL: 3 x 8 x 102.5kg
  • Leg curls (15/20/25/15): 25kg, 32kg, 39kg, 34.5kg

Pleased, today was going to be tough regardless as I had an extremely long weekend, wedding and engagement party galore.

100kg squats for reps, nice to be on them, shall continue next week and just hammer them. May main weakness is my knees collapsing, need to work on it, majorly.

I do have a video of the failed set, no point in posting it really.
Tuesday 16th July: Chest and Tri's
  • Mobility: Shoulders
  • Inc. BB Bench: bar x lots (slow, paused, speed), 30kg x 8.
  • Inc. BB Bench WS: 2 x 8 x 45kg
  • DB Bench: 3 x 8 x 22's
  • DB Pullover: 3 x 10 x 18kg
  • Tri Pushdown: 3 x 15 x 18kg
  • Tri Pull down (Corner unit): 22.8kg x 15/15, 13.6kg x 20,20, 20/20

Did some extra stuff as there was time to kill.

Good session, pleased with the 22's after the BB bench. Lil bit of aggro on the shoulder, need to keep an eye on it.
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