Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Yeah should be in Syla5, intending on going in tomorrow but I'll see how I feel.

Cheers PK. Back has been a little iffey on and off but it usually just needs a crack or two :) It is by far the best part of me :p Chest, not even once.
Thursday 1st August: Chest and tri's
  • Shoulder mobility, some pec stuff
  • Inc BB Bench: bar x 5, 5, 5 (fast, slow, stretch) 30 x 8, 40 x 6
  • Inc BB Bench: 3 x 8 x 45kg
  • Flat DB Bench: 9 x 22's (bit ropey, shoulder niggling) 10 x 22's (HAH!, last rep was about 20 seconds)
  • DB pullover: 3 x 14 x 18kg
  • Tri push down: 3 x 15 x 18kg
  • Tri pull down: 3 x 15/15 x 13.6kg

Good session considering the lack of food the past few days, shoulder a little bit ropey, started to feel odd on the flat DB bench, hardly managed to get up off the bench on the last reps, couldn't swing properly so just imagine a beached whale trying to flip up or something and that's what I looked like.
Just dump the DB's if you're truly fried, IJDGAF about some 'no dropping weights' rules I'm not putting my shoulders in a dangerous position just to not make a bit of noise. A controlled drop is fine IMO.

Doovis though, dat deadlift. Mirin', srs. I should probably stop ignoring my complete failure at deadlifts because I'm pretty sure I could out squat it atm :o.
Just dump the DB's if you're truly fried, IJDGAF about some 'no dropping weights' rules I'm not putting my shoulders in a dangerous position just to not make a bit of noise. A controlled drop is fine IMO.

Doovis though, dat deadlift. Mirin', srs. I should probably stop ignoring my complete failure at deadlifts because I'm pretty sure I could out squat it atm :o.

Thanks mate, really appreciated :) Certainly get back on them, post some videos as well in the form thread, you'll be surprised how much people can help just by watching you setup for instance. Side shot and maybe a front/rear one.

Agree about the dumping, generally I can get my knees up and swing back up, just couldn't today for some reason. It's normally okay to drop the DB's in our place as theres music going on half the time and a fair whack of noise anyway, will bear it in mind :)
Cheers dude

Friday 2nd August: Back
  • Mobility
  • Deads: bar x some, 70kg x some, 100 x 3, 130 x 1.
  • Deads WS: 145kg x 3, 1 then F2, 1 then F1. 135kg x 3, 130kg x 3.
  • BOR: 3 x 8 x 65kg
  • NG Chins: 4, 4, 3.
  • Pallof press: 3 x 12/12 x 16.3kg

Pleased, more reps on the 145kg sets that previously, just gotta hit it. Can feel it in my lower back at the moment now though, I think when my form goes a bit on my lumbar it just pumps it up and causes some discomfort, not sure how to explain it...Annoying though :(

Chins, heheeeeeeee.
Lower back has some mega DOMs from yesterday, so it's aggravating it somewhat....Coupled with that, my AC joint feels gash today, really starting to do my head in now and I can feel a definite drop in my shoulder where it is.

Saturday 3rd August: Shoulders, Bi's, some hams
  • Mobility: shoulder stuff, felt good, no pain.
  • Seated DB Press: 10s x 10, 14's x 10, 18's x 10, 7 + 16's x 3.
  • Arnold Press (wide): 12's x 8, 10's x 10, 10.
  • OHP: 30kg x 6, 27.5kg x 8, 5 + 2pp, 25kg x 5/6 + 1pp
  • Seated side raises: 3 x 15 x 6's
  • Single Arm Cable rear delt flye: 3 x 15/15 x 13.6kg
  • Seated Hammer curl: 14's x 10, 14's x 10 + 12's x 4, 10's x 10, 10.
  • RDL: 100kg x 10, 8, 8.

Well, my shoulders were pumped to buggery, felt amazing, had no pain or discomfort during most sets, I felt them mostly in the side raises for some reason, dropped the front raises for now as that part of my shoulder gets hit more than enough doing other things coupled with the fact they actually aggravate the problem I have at the moment.

After the gym, I was quite pleased but now my AC joint is feeling tremendously annoying, dull ache, slightly pulsing, just feels so uncomfortable.

I nearly didn't do the RDL's due to the DOMs I had, kinda wish I didn't as I didn't feel much in my Hams, never mind.

Physio Monday, need to have a proper chat about what I should and should not be doing now as it puts such a downer on to my training at the moment.
On your deads, you let the weight drop to the ground. The fact I am trying to lower the bar slowly in controlled, is that what might be causing me discomfort in my lower back?

Possibly. How heavy is it? :)

Id try and not just drop it as the negative is part of the lift to be fair, just control it down.
Get some videos up as well, might just be pulling a little odd.
Monday 5th August: Legs
  • Mobility: not much
  • Squats: bar x some, 60kg x 6, 80kg x 4, 90kg x 2
  • Squats WS: 100kg - 7, 6, 4. - :(
  • Walking Lunges: 3 x 8/8 x 16's
  • BSS: 3 x 8/8 x 16's


  • Exscuses: Lack of sleep, back still tight and niggly from Friday's Deadlifts.
Rather annoyed today, squats where worse this week than last week. Set 2, last rep I just leaned too far forward and all the weight went on to my Lumbar which was an AWESOME feeling, I appear to always do this? Get to a point, then lean forwards too much somehow.

I need to work on my bottom position in the squat, that in my opinion is my weakest part, that and knees out as this is the second week running my right knee has felt a bit painful after squats so I think I'm collapsing too much.

3rd set just made me laugh, so much fatigue, couldn't keep tight, leaned forwards again.

Ah well, next week.
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