Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Yeah just need to work timings out so I can get back home prior then leave, annoyingly the gym is in the opposite direction otherwise I'd go straight from the gym :p

Either way, hoping to shift some reps at 145kg :)
Thursday 18th July: Back
  • Mobility: hammies, some adductor
  • Deads WU: rdlx10xbar, 70kg x 5, 100kg x 3, 130kg x 1
  • Deads WS: 145kg x 3, 1F, 140kg x 3, 2 + 1f
  • BOR: 3 x 10 x 60kg
  • NG Chins: 3, 3 1/2, 4 (with red band)
  • Lat pulldown with pause: 3 x 10 x 39kg

For some reason, I felt like this session was a waste of time, when in reality my deadlift work out is a PB, so I'm pleased with that, despite wanting more, back didn't feel right in all honesty.

BORs, good, up the weight next week depending on how the back is.

Chins, ******* chins, literally no strength on these, annoys me.

Lat pull down ended up nagging my shoulder a bit, stupid thing.

I do have videos, but my version of movie maker doesn't support mp4s apparently.
What is with chin-ups?


How do you mean? I'm just weak at them, particularly after BORs, I feel I get more from BORs though rather than chin ups which is why I do them first.

Unless you mean something different? :p

Anyway, vids:

Set 1

Set 2

Set 3

Set 4

Notbad.jpeg, certainly fatiguing and you can see it.
Will continue on till I'm repping 145 like it's a block of Wensleydale.
Da fork happened on that 145 set?

Nice work on the rest!

Set 2 presumably? Just didn't feel right, my backs being a bit of a git lately and pump just makes it hurt, so I'm only going to lift whats comfortable :) And that just didn't feel comfortable for some reason.

Probably could have gone up, would have just hurt myself though.
Thought I'd do some comparisons, first, pictures. Going to be comparing January 2013 to July 2013, I feel terrible at the moment, basically fat, while there is fat but it's hardly bad.

January 2013 front double bi:
July 2013 front double bi:

January 2013 rear double bi:
July 2013 rear double bi:

Most of this time has been spent following a strength routine, so I'm not surprised there isn't that much different, hoping to change in the next few months....

I also want to cut just a little bit, I despise my stomach right now.

Just found this gem as well:
Squats from November 2012 - 100kg

Squats from July 2013 - 100kg (Video uploading, taking agggggges)

I think it's an improvement anyway :)
Friday 19th July: Shoulders
  • Mobility: shoulders galore
  • Seated DB press: 8's x 10, 12's x 8
  • Seated DB Press WS: 2 x 8 x 18's
  • DB Front Raise: 3 x 10/10 x 10's
  • OHP: 3 x 10 x 25kg
  • Seated side raises: 3 x 15 x 8's
  • SA rear cable delt flye: 3 x 10/10 x 31.6kg
  • Seated DB curls/hammer: 14's x 10, 10. 12's x 8.
  • EZ Bar curls: 3 x 10 x Bar + 17.5kg
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Tuesday 23rd July - Legs and Chest :x
  • Mobility: Hams, adductors, hips
  • Squats: barx10, 60x6, 80kg x 8, 8, 8.
  • Walking lunges: 3 x 8 x 10's
  • BSS: 3 x 8 x 10's
  • Mobility: shoulder warmups
  • Incline BB Bench: Bar x 5,5,5, 30x8, 40kg x 8, 8.
  • DB Bench: 3 x 10 x 18's
  • DB Pullover: 3 x 15 x 14kg
  • Tri pushdown: 3 x 20 x 14kg (30s rest)
  • Tri pulldown: 3 x 20 x 13.6kg (30s rest)

Taking it easy this week, what with the increased load over the past couple of weeks and the weekends antics my bodys a bit jaffed, so recovering a tad.

Knees need to be out more still, although they were a ton better at 80kg this week. The heat this morning was bonkers, sweating buckets.
Being doing the usual tat this week, just not logged it.

Saw Pat the physio again this evening, mega rushed session as traffic was horrendous, felt better instantly. Got taped up again, feels better this time around, need to get some myself.
Monday 29th July: Legs
  • Mobility:
  • Squats WU: bar x 10, 60 x 8, 80 x 1, 95 x 2
  • Squats WS: 100kg = 7, 6, 6.
  • Walking lunges: 3 x 8/8 x 16's
  • BSS: 3 x 8/8 x 16's

Watch my knees out, need to create more torque (I think?) as well.
Generally happy with the session, I was going to do 95kg and work up again but Syla5 talked me out of it which I'm happy about, repping 100kg so I'm happy :)

Granted, depth could have been better, don't care quite frankly it's something I'll work on, its a major weakness at the moment so i'll hit it as and when.

Well, my week is pretty much screwed up now, got a Hospital visit to attend on Wednesday which I only booked this morning, which means I can do tomorrows session and that's it really, Thursday is most definitely a write off, Friday, most likely. Along with that, my diet is pretty much out of the window as well for the next two days, I also need to keep it 'low fibre' somehow??? =/ Noice.

Gains, not even once.

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Fine, no one cares about my Squat PB session. Tards.

Had the all clear from the hosp and nothing else is being done until I get another letter through the door, then I most certainly wont be able to sqiat or deadlift for a week.

Anyway, Squats happened Monday, not done anything since, had no food for over 24 hours and now need to squeeze in 3 days workout in before Monday, should be fun. Thats assuming the sedations worn off by then :D

Some pics from the other evening:




Strong face.
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