Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Nice work bro :)!

Thanks mate :)

Nice. Very nice. :cool:

Only 15kg behind the most I have pulled all year! :eek: :D

Challenege accepted.jpeg


Starting to make great progress. Keep it up!

Thanks dude. Where have you been hiding? :p

Friday 9th August: Shoulders and hams
  • Mobility: shoulders
  • WU: seated press 10 x 10, Arnold press 10 x 10s
  • Arnold Press: 3 x 8 x 14's
  • Side raise: 8's - 15, 15, 12 + 12 x 6's
  • OHP 3 x 8 x 30kg (really chuffed with that :p)
  • Single arm rear delt flye: 3 x 12 x 22.8kg
  • RDL: 3 x 10 x 90kg
  • 21's (done with RDL) 3 x 20kg
  • GHR: 8 lololol, 5 lololololol

A rather nice looking lady came along at the GHRs and I was most put off. Dayum.

Really pleased with the OHP, IN.

Dropping the delt cable flye for something else I think, it's aggravating my A/C joint and I can basically feel it grinding and tightening up everything else around my shoulder.
Well done on pb bro.
Can I ask how long you've been doing dl's and what you started out at?

HAH! That's a tough one.

I started deadlifting properly in what...late 2011 at a guess? (which you can see here - DATA SPEED!) I then did my back in around February 2012.

Come around June 2012, I started deadlifting again: here
Testing the waters, still a bit ropey at that point...

Annnnnnnnnd I've been doing it since then I guess. I've realised my back doesn't like high rep deadlifts, so I don't do them very often. I also need to let you know that progression could have been a LOT faster, I just didn't want to snap myself again, to this day I still have some issues with my back, although they are getting better I think.
Awesome DOMs today, upper back is fried, felt it getting worked during the deads nicely, managed to keep a decent amount of tightness during the lifts.

Shoulder is a bit gash today, need to do some work on it, its such a pain.
Nothing really to report. Taking it easy on chest days, finding stuff that doesn't aggravate the shoulder otherwise it's never going to heal long term.

Squats today went okay considering my adductors and hamstrings feel like they want to tear off and have become 5 cm shorter than normal. Considering this, I didn't do too badly, something along the lines of:

Squats: 100kg, 7, 6, 2 (Failed 3rd, leaned too far forward again)
Paused squats: 50kg, 3 x 5
BSS: 2 x 8 x 18kg

Out of time by this point.

I keep getting pains in my right knee, which I can only put down to squats, I'll see how I go next week otherwise I need to take a look at it.
Thursday 15th August: shoulders
  • Arnolds: 14's x 10, 8, 8
  • Seated side raises: 10's x 13 (lol reps), 8's x 15, 15.
  • OHP 30kg x 9, 8(+2 PP), 25kg x 9.
  • Some paused squats at 50kg, 4 x 3.

Nothing major, shoulders still playing up but I just can't afford to go to the physio at the moment :(

Weak as sin that session, OHP destroyed me and to be honest didn't feel great, side raises might be causing me some jip so I may lower the weight and concentrate on getting a nice pump for those rather than snapping my shoulder to pieces.

Friday 16th August: Back
  • Deads: 150kg x 3, 3, 2. 110kg x 3, 3, 3.
  • BOR: 3 x 10 x 60kg
  • NG Chins: 3 + 2neg x 3

Well. That's my 1RM repped several times, will try and be a bit quicker next time, also need to reset properly so I have a more flat back after the first rep.

Damn, you got better form than I had on my 150's last night and also did about the same! mirin bro!

Cheers mate :)

Phaggot was going to do 147.5kg. Told him to MTFU :D

**** ***! :D

Worked though!

nice work.
is that syla in the background.

Whats your puregym like?

Yeah on the left normally, the one of the bench is one of his mates.

Pure Gyms is alright, does the job, not many douches around in the morning, the evenings are over crowded and full of bizep monkees.
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