Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Monday 26th August: Legs
  • Mobility: lots of mobility 0_o
  • Squats: bar x some, 60kg x 2 pause, 60kg x 2, 80kg paused, 90kg paused, 100kg paused, 110kg (matched PB), 120kg x 1 PB!, 125kg x F ( :( ), 90kg x 2 paused, 90kg paused.
  • Squats: 65kg x 20, 60kg x 20.
  • RDL: 3 x 10 x 85kg

PB here:
Sneaky squat PB: 120

Delvis ------------- 67.5 / 120 / 160 ------------ [89] ------ 347.5

Will update everything later

Pleased with that, although I could tell today wasn't working well as soon as I squatted the bar, left knee kept caving in, just couldn't get tight.

RDLs: had a weird 'triple crunch' under my right knee, God knows what that was, it wasn't painful and it isn't now, so I'll see how it is tomorrow :p
WTF? Delvis has finally tried squatting like he means it? Son, I am proud. Up next, use your snap city shoulders to get that bench up. Works for me and Skillmister ;).

Thank you! I think :D

Sadly my snap city shoulders won't be doing conventional bench press for a LONG time, they literally can't take the load, push ups aggravate it. :p
uTuesday 27th August: Chest
  • DB Inc. Bench: 4 x 10 x 22's
  • Converging chest press: 4 x 12 x 39kg
  • Tricep push and pull down superset: 14kg x 15, 11.3kg x 15

Right shoulder was funny today, despite hitting the 22's for all four sets. Hate the damn thing :(

First set I felt it going, second set seemed fine, third set it felt all warm and tingly, fourth set just meh. Shoulder transplant please.
Thursday 29th August: Back
  • Stretching
  • Deads: Bar x some, 70 x 5, 110 x 3, 140 x 1.
  • Deads WS: 155kg x 3, 2. 150kg x 3. 140kg x 3, 3.
  • BOR: 3 x 8 x 70kg
  • Chins: 4, 4, 4.

Some lumbar pump on the deads, seemed manageable though. Really pleased to be repping the 155kg :)

BORs are borderline bro reps, need to work on these.

Chins, as ever :D Lolworthy

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