Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

An hour isn't a short time at all, but 3 exercises in an hour to me perhaps indicate tempo could be up'd. And yes Delvis your Deadlifts are coming on fantastically, but you need the rest of your back to be progressing too.
Bitch please, have you seen how much I fit in to an hour?!

Bro, have you seen how much I fit in an hour. I'd get like one rep in then have to call it a day there :p.

Delvis, get your rests as short as possible on deadlifts, then do one heavy pulling movement and two lighter ones with higher volume. Superset everything. Try doing something like face pulls with deads and chins with rows. Four exercises in an hour with a reasonable amount of volume is fine. If you are running short then do a crazy suicide set of rows: max reps then drop some weight and repeat until fatigue ensues :D
TBH Delvis, a back session of deadlifts, bent over rows and 3 sets of 4 pull ups is pretty short :)

All relative to frequency bru.

Technically my back element of my full body is 2 sets Pull ups and 2 sets of Rows. But that's done 3 x per week so 12 sets total.
I assume you do Deadlifts separately? That's still double the sets that Delvis is doing over the course of a week.

I guess there is some cross over with RDL's. If I deadlift, it's usually once a week at the moment on one of these 3 days.

That said my deadlift PB was set at uni deadlifting once a week.

I didn't know Delvis's frequency was once per week. It's obviously working but there's always room for improvement. Supersets were a good suggestion.
Friday 30th August: Shoulders
  • OHP: 3 x 8 x 32.5kg
  • Arnolds: 3 x 12 x 12's
  • Side raises: 3 x 12 x 8's
  • Face pulls: 32kg x 15, 39kg x 15, 15.
  • Seated Curl: 14's x 8, 8. 12's x 8.
  • Seated Concentration Hammer Curl S/S (:D): Right-12kg x 5, 10kg x 3, 8kg x 4. Left-12kg x 10, 10kg x 4, 8kg x 5.

Yeah, made up the name for the last one. OHP felt heavy as hell today, pleased to complete the reps though, weak as anything from rep 5 though.

That feel when your left bicep is stronger than your right.
Monday 2nd September: Chest Mondays
  • Mobility
  • Inc. DB Press: 24's: 10, 10. 22's: 10, 10.
  • Converging Chest Press: 4 x 10 x 45kg
  • Tri Push: 20.3kg: 15, 15, 10.
  • Tri Pull: 14kg: 15. 11.3kg: 15, 15.

Oooooooh yeah. Pleased with the 24's! Didn't get much aggro on them if any, it was only until the end of the 2nd set it become noticeable, the main issue I have is getting them in to position which causes more issues than the set itself...:(

The chest press machine is helping a lot too, found a way of loading it and setting it up so it doesn't aggravate my shoulder as much.

Tricep work, makes me giggle but felt decent afterwards, starting to get some nice shapes now.
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