Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Doovis I do love how you set your aim to the stars. Reps 160kg for two sets of 3, reckons he can only lift 170 total. Have some faith!

I'm still in repairing my back mode in all honesty.

Short term goals mate, short term :p

Cheers PK! :)
Cheers bru's, may pull a 170 this week, need to recover a bit I think as I'm feeling some tightness developing in annoying areas.

Monday 16th Sept: Chest
Inc. DB Bench: 24's x 10, 10. 22's x 10, 7. 18's x 10.
Conv. chest press: 52kg x 12, 12, 45kg x 12 S/S in to 39kg x 12.
Tri Push down: (All S/S) 23kg x 15, 18kg x 15, 14kg x 20, 9kg x 20 (slow and paused)
Tri Pull: (All S/S) 18kg x 15, 14kg x 20, 9kg x 25 (slow and paused)
BB Curls yo: 12.5kg x 25, every 5th rep paused in the middle for 5 seconds.
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Fuarrrr, 200kg, I think I'd wet myself with joy.

The two lads who run the new gym I joined posted a video today of their mum who is 50+ odd deadlifting 100KG for 3 reps. Nice neutral spine but the mechanics of the rest of the lift were :/ impressive none the less.

Catching (and beating) some of our resident lifters :p
20th Sept: Back
Deads: 70kg x5, 110kg x3, 140kg x1, 160kg x 1, 170kg x 1 (PB), 150kg x 3, 110kg x 5.
BOR @60kg s/s (Chins): 12 (3+negs), 12 (2+3negs), 12 (5negs)
Seated Cable (no rest between sets): 66kg x 12, 59kg x 12, 52kg x 12, 45kg x 12.

Today was tough, been getting more and more fatigue over the last few weeks, today I just felt kinda meh but I had the thought of pulling a 170, so I tried and succeeded. The rep was terrible and I felt it a little bit, so the next time around should be a cleaner pull :)

160kg + 170kg.

I may start doing chins on a separate day as well, as I'm pretty pathetic at them.
This is not normal, Delvis making steady progress is not the world that I know and love


I think Delvis is slowly realising that he can lift, is strong, but is wired up like a pusseh! ;)

In other words, Mr. Delvis: it's all in your head. Get lifting at your potential. :D

Great stuff! :)
Cheers bro's. I might take Monkees advice and rename the thread to: Delvis, deadlift log. :D

Deception, I just need to learn to squat again!
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