Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Then why say you can't afford it? It's almost like you're deliberately trying to catch people out by more or less lying about your situation in the first place :confused: :p

Because at the moment I can't afford to spend £200 or so a month, each session costs around £50, I have to pay for the session, drive 40 minutes, pay for parking and drive back, it soon adds up.

At the moment I'm making do with what I can, some days it hurts more than others, I like to voice my pain on this board, because it's er, a forum :p
Some of it seems legit, I haven't read it thoroughly so you'll have to confirm things with various sources, especially the rotator cuff stuff as you don't want to knacker that any more than normal.

The main things I need to do are stretch my pecs daily, multiple times preferably.
Attach the back of my shoulder, primarily on the infraspinatus and terest minor (I believe this is correct)
Then some of my front delt is knackered as well, basically feels like it has doms contactly, or it might be part of a bicep insertion in to my shoulder, hard to tell sometimes.
Well, shoulders today :X

Something like: OHP = 30kg x some, 40kg x 1, 50kg x f, f. :mad:
Then: Push press 40kg x 8 (:D), 35kg x 12, 30kg x 12.

Arnolds: 16's x 6, 14's x 8 or 10, 12's x 12.

Seated side raises: 6's x 15, 15, 15.

Some stuff mixed in with the side raises, concentration curls, 16kg x some, 14kg x some, 12kg x some. Then seated curls along the same lines.

Really pleased with the 40kg push presses, happy days. Good job shoulders was today, just had 3 injections in my arm, feels kinda dead now! back day will be fun now doubt :D
Deads: 110 x 3, 140 x 1, 150 x 3, 160 x 3, 150 x 3, 130 x 5.
BOR: 3 x 10 x 60kg - Slowish neg
Single Arm rows: 3 x 10 x 32kg.

I was going to do Chins with the Single arm rows, but my shoulder was having none of it.
<3 you Big Bear

@mrthingyx: Well that is the next step yes.

The last few weeks have been up and down, had a Hospital trip last week which luckily didn't effect my lifting too much but I still felt gash, then before that I had a short week but the hospital cancelled the appointment :@ so that threw me off.

Back has been feeling naff for the last few weeks as well, nevermind. Oh then I'm on holiday for two weeks which will naturally put me back a little.

That music at 1:30, I swear I thought I was in MY gym for a second. That song has been playing for the last year and it drives me crazy. I have to have my headphones on when lifting, I workout so much harder.

I blast out After the Burial and Banes theme, it gets the adrenaline going and I just want to run really fast or lift really heavy.

Nice work though, I find it harder to lift the weight again with that long of a pause between sets so extra props.
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