Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Stop snapping your neck down at the end of every rep. You're doing well to keep your spine completely neutral every rep but then suddenly look down once you're stood up!
The first rep is always the toughest for me and if I pause between reps it's harder again. It's just easier for me to have a momentum going. Pausing for me is like jumping in the air without bending your knees. I like to have some spring back power.

Chest today.

Managed the 26's for 8 on set 1, set 2 I failed miserably, nearly dropped the things on my face (2 with 2 more helped), set 3 think I got 8 again. Had help getting them to the top of my ROM, from there I'm usually okay.

After that nothing special, just got pumped y0.
OHP: Bar x 10, 30 x 5, 40 x 1.
Push press: 45kg x 4, 40kg x 8, 6, 35kg x 7.
Arnold's: 16's x 7, 14's x 7 + 4, 12's x 10.
Side raises (one arm): 8's x 15, 15, 6's x 15
Hammer Curls S/S: 18's x `12, 16's x 10, 14's x 10, 12's x 8.

Leaned back a bit far on the OHP, need to just stop next time otherwise ill snap my back. Also forgot my damn shirt so had to drive home and shower.
Well how was anyone to know, you haven't mentioned it?!


You are pleased you can squat 110kg, OHP 40kg and push press 45kg? :confused: ;) :D

Good job on giving it a try! :)

Squat 120kg actually, and Push press 50kg for a single I'll have you know :mad:

Either way, yes, because my squats are crap and my shoulder has aids. Funnily enough my left shoulder is still weaker than my right :p

Strict press doesn't work too well for me as pushing from the lowest point is where my right shoulder is the weakest and where it hurts the most, push pressing the weight helps :)

That and it actually enables me to shift some weight for once.
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