Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Basically a mobility session today with some chest work.

Playing around with different types of bench press, ended up doing some pin presses which worked quite well and didn't aggravate things too much, reverse grip is a no no due to my wrists not being able to turn out that way.

Finished off with some internal and external shoulder rotation work. Pain.
Little massage this evening to try and loosen some things up, basically tight everywhere.

Legs today, nothing to write home about.
Something along the lines of:

Squats: 90kg x 4, 4, 80kg x 4 4,
Bss: 5 x 4 x 16's
Rdl's: 5 x 4 x 90kg

Lumbar felt gash on squats, pain on the 90kg sets hence the drop. Legs aren't going well for me at the moment due to a fair bit of back pain.

Doing the above till xmas then ill be hitting dem slow negatives for steedies mirring pleasure.
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Indeed it would be nice if it transferred duvet!

Not tried yet steedie, will give them a go Thursday hopefully :) I just want something to work!
Front squats :D

I think you'd be surprised how close to the answer this is (from my perspective!). :)

Nice and upright; take the strain off your lumbar... All while taking advantage of your upper back strength.

Just need to get your ankles and hips MOAR athlete rather than that powerlifting stuff. :cool: ;) :D
Not if you go for the enormous biceps/California method of front squatting. There is also the 'zombie' method, too. :D

indeed crossed arms is a solution, but i woudnt be suprised if the aids still get in the way, could be wrong but i thought a lot of the shoulder aids were at the front, kind of right where the bar would rest when using crossed arms :(
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