Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

I did have a play with box squats, I'm going to give high bar a go for a few weeks merely for a change and to take the stress off my lumbar as I clearly can't move properly without a lot of aggressive work.

I MAY be able to do front squats, I honestly haven't tried, it might also be better using straps, I might do some light work anyway.

I'm dropping a lot of chest work as that is the movement which aggravates the area most and I intend on doing lots of internal / external shoulder work upstairs on the mats, it's just finding time.
Thursday 28th November: Shoulders
PP: 40kg: 3, 3, 3, 3.
Arnolds S/S (Side raises): 14's x 4, 4, 16's x 4, 4, 4. (Side raises: 5 x 4 x 8's)

Woke up late, so this was done in 30 mins.

Edit: it was push press not overhead press
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Three actually. And warmup, you know I have a gay shoulder so a lot of stuff I can't do without making things worse.

Get out.
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Maybe but it gets so damn busy there in the evenings its laughable.

Its mainly Thursday I struggle as im out wednesdays nornally.
Friday 29th Novemer: Back
Deads: 4 x 3 x 130kg
BOR: 80kg x 4, 4 (b), 70kg x 4, 4, 4.
Seated Cable row: 5 x 3 x 59kg
SAR: 5 x 3 x 30's

Shorts rests, SARs were done one after the other practically. Then went on to test some front squats.

Front Squat: bar x some, 40kg x 4, 50kg x 4, 4.
Bro Curls: 10 x 16's, 14's, 12's, 10's

User plates on the front squats, shoulder felt okay it was more the bar jumping off at the top and landing on the bone that was the issue, then my right wrist doesn't like bending back.

Stuck a belt on the second set of BORs, I can see how they could help but the weight was just too heavy for me.
Eh? Weight wise you mean?

The bouncing is indicative of the power generated once your 'levers' start working (i.e. you get a couple of inches above parallel).

So depending on how you did below that point, you could have gone heavier. :)

Also, when in front rack, have the bar a bit further down your delts so it doesn't catch your collar bone. As you probably noticed, it hurts when it does. :D

I can rack the bar, and I can retract my scapula's well. But doing the two seems to be a problem!

I pull it in to my throat and seat the bar across by delts but just doesn't feel optimised.

I much prefer front & hack squats, feel much more stable and confident in the hole. Even though back squats make me feel like more of a boss.
Oh really Nick? Definitely in for it then, been itching to meet the man behind the log.

Yes, really. I'm even less interesting in person, mind. :cool:


I can rack the bar, and I can retract my scapula's well. But doing the two seems to be a problem!

I pull it in to my throat and seat the bar across by delts but just doesn't feel optimised.

I much prefer front & hack squats, feel much more stable and confident in the hole. Even though back squats make me feel like more of a boss.

To be fair, it's taken me nearly two years to find a comfortable - workable - front rack position. :o
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