Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

The bouncing is indicative of the power generated once your 'levers' start working (i.e. you get a couple of inches above parallel).

So depending on how you did below that point, you could have gone heavier. :)

Also, when in front rack, have the bar a bit further down your delts so it doesn't catch your collar bone. As you probably noticed, it hurts when it does. :D

Well, it's on my wind pipe, I'm sure Syla5 can confirm my beetroot face poses.
Bits and bobs today, started with some deads just to warm up, went up to a 140kg single or two, 160 didn't want to shift, probably because I did deadlifts yesterday.

Then did some benching to see if any of the bro's can see some funny shizzle going on, ended up doing a +2.5kg PB, 70kg:

Previous PB was pre-shoulder snap, so happy with that, just need to fix it then I'm confident higher numbers will shift.
Monday 2nd December: Chest rehab
Bench: Bar x some, 30kg x some.
Pin Press: 40kg x 3, 50kg x 3.
WS: 4 x 3 x 55kg
High bar squat test: bar x 10, 40kg x 5, 50kg x 5, 5.
Tri pull: 5 x 5 x 45kg
Tri - Push: 5 x 5 x 54kg

Bench went alright today, 55kg pin-press felt heavy. I played around with grip width and weirdly the narrower the grip the better it feels on the shoulder...Also the narrower it is the more I can keep my elbows in.

High bar felt alright, will proceed for a few weeks.
I played around with grip width and weirdly the narrower the grip the better it feels on the shoulder...Also the narrower it is the more I can keep my elbows in.

There is nothing weird about the narrower grip feeling better on your shoulders at all :p:D
That's exactly where I bench too, I don't think that's anything unusual. BennyC benches from the same place too iirc. Stop trying to make out you're different :p

I'm not it's just different to what I've done in the past, no doubt explains a few things.

Good to know a few people do it anyway, I'll try this and go on from there. Ta mate.

Worked on my rotation last night in the shoulder, it's slowly getting there, improving each time I do it.
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