Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

All it explains is that you have tight pecs, which we knew, and suggests that you haven't been stretching them as much as you should.

Makes sense in a mechanical way when I think about it.

Granted, haven't been stretching them every day, I do it during most workouts however. I'll get on that as well.

If it feels less painful to be doing it narrower for the time being, should I continue that direction?

Also, I presumed having a wider grip would always put more stress on the shoulders? My other issue is when I grip wide, I can't tuck my elbows in properly.


We've covered this several times. It's stretching 101.

Yes, do it if it feels better but keep an eye on shoulder movement. What is stressful for a shoulder will largely depend on the limitations of the individual's shoulder.

Also, I don't want to hear you complain about your shoulders again until you've done two weeks of stretching every day.
The only thing I do (regarding pecs) is stretch my pec on the wall, which I believe you said to do before, during sets and after originally?

Everything else is what Pat prescribed to me for my shoulder.

EDIT: Not being narky, my original response didn't explain what I was stretching properly.
Also, I don't want to hear you complain about your shoulders again until you've done two weeks of stretching every day.

This, so hard. So hard it'll make your eyes water.

Seriously, for someone that has had the issue diagnosed and rehabilitation exercises for it provided, you should not still have tight pecs after all this time. This to me makes it sound like you're not doing it as actively or intensely as required.
Oh, pain faces from shoulder work the other day:

The top pic has improved over the last few days, arm goes lower now.
The bottom pic my arm gets to the floor after persuasion, again that's improving each time as well.
I have never said to stretch your shoulders during and after sets, unless those sets are squats. Pat would not have said that either, although he may have suggested some mobilisations to do.

In both of those pictures your shoulder is shrugged up, which is the wrong position. It's great that you've looked these up, but you need to make sure you're doing them properly.

You need to be stretching all aspects of your pecs every day. The wall stretch I showed you can be modified to accomplish most of this by working your upper arm in increments from horizontal to almost overhead. Then there are other stretches you can find from MWOD.

You need to do this every day. It isn't difficult to build a routine so that you remember, just get it done.
Pecs, you said to stretch my pec if it gets tight and to stretch it during sets. If this is incorrect then I will no longer do it. - Stretched like this

Pat has given me stuff to do before I use my shoulders, some involve small plates starting from a hanging position to essentially pulling them above my head, others are stretches involving a wall which I would class as a static stretch. I may be getting my words muddled up regarding a stretch / mobilisation

I shall amend those positions accordingly, I have changed the bottom position a touch already as I noticed that after I looked at the picture the other day.

Woke up late! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Tuesday 3rd December: Legs
Squats: Bar x 10, 10. 60kg x some.
WS: 4 x 3 x 70kg
RDL: 5 x 4 x 90kg

No time for anything else, squats rests where 1 minute, RDL's where 30s-1min.
Squats felt better on my back, just need to get bar positioning better.

RDL's, same weight as last week but not much rest so I'll go with those. Wanted to do some BSS but no time, I was late to work as it was :o

Vid of the squats to follow.
Doovis I don't get it. Here is your squatting session in August 26th:
bar x some
60kg x 2 pause
60kg x 2
80kg paused
90kg paused
100kg paused
110kg (matched PB)
120kg x 1 PB!
125kg x F ( )
90kg x 2 paused
90kg paused.
65kg x 20
60kg x 20

A decent session with a PB then some crazy volume at the end of it. That 60kg is 10kg less than today for SEVENTEEN more reps!!!!! Never mind the 65kg being only 5kg less.....

Here is your session from 22nd November:
Bar x some
40 x 8
65 x 8
65 x 8

So only 5kg less than today, but for 5 reps more per set..........

Here are your squats from your last dedicated leg session:
90kg x 4
90kg x 4
80kg x 4
80kg x 4

More weight, more reps.

You are actually regressing. And more than anything, if you're so pushed for time that you can only manage 9 sets for legs, you do squats or leg press. RDLs in a session like that is just pointless imo.
Gotta agree with Wills, that's some serious regression. Pushed for time or not.

If you really are that pushed for time, do legs another day. Legs should not be a session you rush
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