Why are other nations generally considered able but we are not?
The British public more thick than other peoples?
Why did the parties complain for years for a referendum when in opposition?
I doubt this will be the end of it funnily enough.
Actually, thats pretty much exactly it, we were one of the most powerful countries in Europe, which tended to mean we moved into this deluded, politician driver decline in our society before other countries. Many EU countries are considered to have better education systems, and the culture here, or lack of it, is noticeable.
Meh, we shouldn't have ever been in the Euro, the strongest countries should have stayed out as we always had the most to give and the least to take basically. Now, we can't pull out now, it's not feasable and if stronger people start pulling out of the EU right now, the EU as a whole will be in major, major trouble, but thats a large part of our income, export, and where we import a lot of things we need to live day to day.
Turn our back on the EU now, watch a major collapse, and see ourselves utterly screwed.
It's a fine line, where do you draw it between doing what your constituents want, and doing what is best for the country. At some level you vote in people to deal with things you shouldn't have to learn about, every single person shouldn't HAVE to know why the EU is good or bad, or why its good or bad now vs back when we got in.
MP's that revolted are doing so for re-election reasons, NOT because they've explained their position to their constituents and NOT because its the right decision but because they are scared of losing their seats in the next election. Ultimately MP's who won't talk or educate their constituents, and won't do the right thing, but will cave to the uninformed public on EVERYTHING purely to maintain their seat, SHOULD be fired, not specifically for this vote alone, but because they ARE incompetant.
We should be living in a country where, education is FAR harder, far more intense and panders to the smartest kids and tries to push everyone up to the same level rather than pander to the worst and just push them to a borderline level of ignorance. Every kid should take basic economy/politics courses throughout school, learning how the government works and how the EU works(if we're part of it or not, its incredibly relevant to most of this country so people should understand it).
The vast majority read crap papers with hysterical stories about handing out 5billion to the EU, while barely mentioning the billions we get back from increased trade, even when the UK ends up losing money, propping up a country like Greece, it has a knock on effect and means we lose less than we otherwise would from decreased trade if these countries collapsed.
Leaving the EU AFTER the recession should be discussed properly, leaving now at the worst possible time that could easily cause a sequence of events that ruins many countries in the EU is, shockingly selfish, shockingly self destructive, stupid without question and absolutely the wrong time to do so.