Design a day (56k unfriendly)

its still way too angular - especially the ass :p

the hair doesnt look natural at all - you either try to do realistic shading or you dont try to do it at all. instead try and get some more detail in its general outline; ie more single hair strands here and there.

as for the skin shadows - you picked too dark a colour and there is way too much contrast and it seems slightly un-natural. sometimes i have to deviate from the colours of the photo to find something that just looks better.

i know im not expert in this field, but here are some of my past attempts to vector'ise people:

- - i broke my usual rule here of only using one shadow tone for the skin, but i the eyes still eluded me and i had to cheat :(

- - again a shadow and a highlight for the skin. the photo i used also had a face to it, but again i couldnt get it to look good enough so i had to crop

- - one of my earlier attempts and i still think its one of the better ones ive done
check the area under both of her cheeks :p

you can see the jagged edges of where you tried to make the curve - you should try and smooth it out.

same goes the right armpit (my right) and some bits of the hair
Boz those are stunning mate - love the textures on them too. I might try this vectorising malarkey tomorrow :D
2nd attempt working on a decent background,comments welcome!:p


Boz that is amazing!
thanks :)

ooo, i like that one - the black is a bit too overpowering though and draws your eyes away from the interesting shading on the skin
Good stuff agent, although I feel it would be better if you replaced the orange skin tone with that grey tone for all the flesh areas. The two contrast too much without any apparent light source so it tends to confuse the line of her body. As Boz said the black is very overpowering, as a general rule, like in painting, pure black should be avoided, its just too flat, even a dark grey would give it a warm look rather than just a void. Hope that makes sense :confused:

The same goes for pure white, its just too intense and the brain confuses it as a space in the canvas, take my last posted piece for example, the 'white' t-shirt actually has a slight cream tone to it.

Couple of pointers in general for people:

- Dont use professional model photos, they are generally fairly low res and will force you to work small, lowering the quality and the ability to work in detail.

If you have a high res photo, like most good stock sites provide, you are able to work at a high resolution and add more points to a curve making them looking smoother when the image is down sized for viewing.
thanks for the tips,i'll mess around with it some more in a bit:)

Boz and Nimzicki how long do you spend roughly on one piece?
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anywhere from 30 mins to about 5 hours for some of the larger projects. hardly ever in one sitting though - always do a bit then go do something else then come back to it. if i still like it after not having looked at it for a few hours, its a keeper
Hey guys, hope you don't mind me joining in, but i've just knocked this one up in a similar style in the last 20 minutes, thought I may aswell share it, love this style, I think it's really artistic:

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Boz do you know one of your earlier pieces you posted further up,a link to deviantart,the page,its the one with a zip up jacket and a number printed on the jacket,how did you get that really nice texture/effect on the number and sleeves?its kind of diagonal lines,looks really good,i'd look for some tutorials on deviant art but i'm having trouble using the website,keeps timing out:confused:

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i made a 3x3 pixel canvas with a transparent background and put three 1 pixel squares in a diagonal line

then i defined that pattern and simply used it as a fill once i selected the area around the number

or you could do it with masks, will give the same effect
thats perfect thanks,i thought that was how you made it,ive done plenty of those pattern dealies(scanlines and such)but i was making a one earlier but it was too big and i couldn't get it right,so thats why it didn't work right

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gawd, forgot about this, ill knock up another design tonight hopefully.

w11tho - looks good, if you havent noticed none of my pieces contain faces, its far easy to avoid them if you cant do them :p
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