Design a day (56k unfriendly)

I'm not exactly sure how you guys are doing this.

I read how it was done in an earlier post but i don't quite understand as I'm using Paint Shop Pro 8.

My guess is that say i have a photo, i would create a layer of this and select a part of if and fill it with a colour and do the same for shadows, detail and depth etc.

In which case, i'm not sure why your calling them vectors.

Anyone care to explain. I love what I've seen so far, so would love to have a go. :).

Nobody is claiming them to be true vectors, it is merely an imitation of what is widely accepted as a vector style, its just easier to call them vectors than "pseudo vectors" or "photoshop imitations of vector work" :p

dean - awesome, love the skin tones and overall presentation, loses something in the hair somewhat though imo.
lol at my first attempt.

Then again, this is my first time doing anything remotely artisitc in PSP, or any program for that matter.


Edit: How do you guys get edges so smooth?

Here is another one i did, which was/is a picture of me :)


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ive not posted any of my stuff yet but i will..

and what i use is flash to make my proper vectors..
u have your photo in one layer..
then make a layer above that..
in the new layer i would use pens/line tools and draw outlines and details (tracing) the entire photo as detailed as i can but still keeping it simple

i would then.. use the fill tool and fill into the gaps of all these lines and then finally take away the lines.
this would leave me with the vector drawing

i think a lot of people here are using photoshop?
illustrator/freehand is quite good for it i hear

thats the way i do it (i dont know why i use flash, im just used to it)
will probably be different in other programs
nice dean, the face looks a bit wierd though. did u do all the paths yourself or did u get flash/illustrator to auto trace it?

overtone - ive never used psp but doesnt it have a vector lasso of some kind. it should let u select stuff using straight lines at various angles.
Originally posted by Boz
nice dean, the face looks a bit wierd though. did u do all the paths yourself or did u get flash/illustrator to auto trace it?

i did all the paths by myself, altho i had to re-do most of them because it's so hard to get them to look "natural"

any ideas how i can improve the hair and face??, because i want to get this as good as i can :)

thanks for the comments guys and keep this thread alive its really inspirational :)
Originally posted by Boz
nice dean, the face looks a bit wierd though. did u do all the paths yourself or did u get flash/illustrator to auto trace it?

overtone - ive never used psp but doesnt it have a vector lasso of some kind. it should let u select stuff using straight lines at various angles.

Not that i know of :(.

Oh yeh, with freehand selection it has a smoothing option which i can in/decrease i like. :D.

I'll be back with hopefully better results soon! :).

Nimzicki do you mind walking me through creating faded objects,I cant seem to create a decent looking object fading into the background color,tried using feathering but I have no idea what to do with it!so if you could that would be fantastic thanks

oi!you lazy lot!get working on some new pieces!
i don't know what you would class this as,just messing around last night with some custom pattern's and i got carried away!:p

i'm trying to find the thread i got the original pic off,so the original pic was not mine!
brush is ultimate once you have a tablet, it's useless on a mouse, but on a tablet it's amazing, you can twist the brush direction, resize on pressure or alter opacity, etc on pressure, really makes for interesting illustration.

does anyone use coreldraw?

didn't think so.
/edit - bandwidth conservation

bit of a sneak preview of a work in progress :D

/edit - 666 posts :D - wheres a devil smiley when u need it :/
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done some more stuff to it :)

not sure what else needs doing really - any ideas?

/edit apart from the face obviously, it still eludes me :(
Boz, can you tell me exactly HOW you do that?

Everytime you post something i just get ****** off at myself lol.

Then again, I've only been using PSP8 for about 10 weeks, and not a lot, but thats not the point :p.

Boz,use the pen tool!
it is no harder then the polygon lasoo,just try it on the face see if its any easier,much better at curved lines
Overtone,get a 30-day trial of photoshop,see if you get along better with that then psp,then look on e-bay for either version 7 or 8,i've heard they're meant to be very similar,
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