
heres my desktop. its got a new theme and im now using yzdock. :)

new desktop.jpg
im not actually using iTunes. its just QCD with an itunes skin. there is a program by a guy called alilm i think. i can find a link to it if you want it although so far ive found skinning QCD to be the easiest
Originally posted by DigitalWerkz
hey Uberskilled,
how do i configure the dock, i got some of them icons like yours, just need to know how to add them into the dock?
do i create a docklet folder each time to add an icon?


all i do is find a bunch of icons from a bunch of websites i visit. i find most of them using the forums at an then just put them in the icons folder of yzdock and hey presto!
i assume no credit for any of these some have been slightly modified by me but theyre not my original creations.

ical is HERE

the drive space script is HERE

the g5 is HERE

and the large drives with labels are HERE (you'll need to find your own icons altho i can post some if anyone needs them)

have fun!


in order to run all of these scripts you'll need at least 3 instances of samurize running (as i have) if you are unsure of how to do it post in this thread and ill post a guide
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in this example there will be 3 clients running as thats whats required to run all of the above scripts.
firstly create 3 shortcuts to samurize in the startup folder calling them "my config 1" "my config 2" and "my config 3".

then right click them and go to properties. for each one add my config# where# is the number.

so config ones target line should read a little bit like this

"C:\Program Files\Samurize\Client.exe" config1

config 2s like this

"C:\Program Files\Samurize\Client.exe" config2

config 3s like this

"C:\Program Files\Samurize\Client.exe" config3

then just double click each of the three shortcuts and 3 instances of samurize should come up. just select your config for each instance and your done

hope this is okay. if anyone needs it explaining more ill be happy to help.


did you want an idiot guide just for the samurize thing or did you want one for making your computer look like my screeny as well???
you probably could but you'd need all the scripts put in exactly the right place using the x y coordinate placements. because when you merge configs into one you can only drag them all as one object around the desktop.

eg by default if i just merged them all theyd end up in a clump in the middle of the desktop. and if i dragged them i wouldnt be able to choose just the g5 for example. i have to move all of them.

to sum up i think its easier lol
heres mine. i'llbe adding a new weather script soon. theres a few nice samurize scripts that have been on my screenies if you hunt back through my posts in the last few pages.


mail me in trust if you wanna know anything :)
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well in my case i can go back to xp in a few minutes as the only system files i've changed are the uxtheme.dll file and the shell32.dll. apart from that the rest is just programs running mostly, so you'd just stop them. it would probably take me 5 minutes to get back the default xp look and settings. as for the icons you can download the little set here

obar theme and samurize configs available at CRNI's Web Page

and for anyone who wants the background etc etc


System Icons (not the ones on the desktop)


these will be available for about a week and then ill be removing them cuz i need the webspace lol if anyone wants to host them at all feel free to it would be appreciated. i have a new desktop in the works which ill be posting in the next few days hopefully
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