Destiny 2... It's a coming!

Yeah that's what has always annoyed me with Destiny, you don't feel any more powerful whether you're 100 light or 305. As an example, I love the fallen vs cabal battle that breaks out in the EDZ starting area, but now that I'm light 290, I feel like I'm no better off than when I was 100. I still die after a few melee hits or shots from orange mobs, and they still are bullet sponges like they were.

Same with strikes, strikes are no easier now I'm 290 than when I started doing them as soon as I finished the campaign
Yeah it's not like D3 or other ARPG's where you grind loot to get more powerful to do more difficult encounters to get even better loot to do even more difficult encounters, it just feels way too static and lacking of a point to get upgraded gear apart from to show off your score and unlock things that nobody seems interested in doing.

The game lacks any kind of goal once you cap your GS and it's evidenced by the game losing nearly 80% of its player base already as people run out of things to do until the expansion come along (which I probably won't buy if the base game is so empty it needs an expansion to make it a little bit less empty)
Hey guys

We'll be running a raid tonight if anyone wants to join. Looking to start between 7-8 and have 3 slots free, don't mind if your a newbie we're already taking 1.

Add me on bnet if you'd like to join mightymart#2922
Bit late to the party, a friend and I are really struggling with Nightfalls and it appears the clan is full.

Any idea if an OCUK clan #2 might be on the cards?
Bit late to the party, a friend and I are really struggling with Nightfalls and it appears the clan is full.

Any idea if an OCUK clan #2 might be on the cards?
Just go to: and create your own clan, then get a few others to join. Lots on here are looking to be in a clan as the OCUK one is full. I joined a clan from a random invite just to get the extra loot.
I kinda regret buying D2, not that it is not a good game, it just consumes too much of my free time. I hate that slow gear progression every week just to get that extra light level, I kinda feel trapped that I need to do everything on all 3 characters so that I am not left behind. I much preferred vanilla D1 where you get to max level and then just do raid and NF for fun, trying to get some very powerful and best in slot weapons.

Also I hate the timed NF, where you are kinda pressured all the time just to keep moving forward. I guess this is where gaming is going nowadays.

Well, I bought the edition with 2 expansions so I guess I will be playing D2 some more over the coming months :D
I gotta say I'm still loving it but that may be down to only being able to spend an hour or two in the game at a time. Campaign finished, just plan on working through the after campaign-quests and then will be looking for some clan members to take a total newbie through a raid (will put something up on the page)
Hallo :)

We are still trying to grow the100 group. we have raids setup for tonight, two tomorrow, and there will be some on Sunday. We have been hammering raids to practice and are growing in experience. It is also linked via a bot to OCUK discord.

And it is working in practice above :)

Get involved!

On another note, almost 305 on all three characters. Have played SO much!! Love it so far
For the guys who signed up for the Trials tonight. I've pushed back the time to 10:30pm. Apologies. I'll be on one of the discord channels then.
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