Destiny 2... It's a coming!

Wow, what a bad idea ...

After all the fuss about levelling caps, they honestly thought blocking previously available content away to make you buy the dlc would go unchallenged? Just wow, who runs these companies?
Well after playing the free weekend last weekend I was considering getting it despite the year exclusives ( 1 month like the division would be annoying but bearable compared to MINIMUM 1 year), but then I saw reddit & my interest is even less than before now, will wait for a goty edition if there ever is one.
They did the same with D1 i don't know why people are surprised lol.

It wasn't quite the same iirc, it was that you couldn't do the nightfall if it was a dlc map on that weeks rotation.

You didn't have it one week then the next it's no longer available.

Both are bad though :(
Seriously how can Bungie let a weapon like Prometheous lens be so OP for so long, god damn patch it!! Totally ruining PVP .
The quick fix for the weekend but it's Bungie so it won't happen is let Xur sell it so it makes pvp a level playing field for trials this weekend.
Interesting vids (although I'm not sure when they say in the first that the dlc campaign can be done in 60-90 minutes). Bungie's practices are pretty low to be honest but I'll still be playing the game as much as I can.
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