Destiny 2... It's a coming!

You played with my son and I for NF and Heroic Strikes. There's another member and his son who raid. My son wants to raid but he's usually/ideally in bed by the time they start :D.

BTW, your headset is likely fine. Found out later that the Windows sound mixer had Discord on minimum output for some reason (overrides the Discord settings). I probably accidentally hit a hot key at some point.
Ah that makes sense, it didnt matter in the end, we still smashed it. Ill be on the majority of the week and weekend so hope to catch you guys again.
Ah that makes sense, it didnt matter in the end, we still smashed it. Ill be on the majority of the week and weekend so hope to catch you guys again.

Cool, we're usually on at least one day on the weekend since he's not allowed to play much during the week.
I think we will smash this season out for ClanXP just like the first two did - even with reduced numbers.

Three weeks in a row day 1 of weekly reset has had Nightfall/Crucible/Raid clan engrams within a few hours :)

To echo the comments above - definitely join. Considering the in game LFG system doesn't exist, we use discord and the100 which is linked to our destiny channel to organise games like comp crucible, raids(normal, prestige, EOW), nightfalls etc and this will grow as we move into new content.

Longer term goal is to have a good log of community resources, helpful info etc and expand upon what we have already.
Just requested a clan invite. Got this simply because it was cheap on humble but omg it's so pretty!
Cheers for accepting clan request (DJL), played mostly on PS4 until I got it on PC this weekend, powered to 290 odd in just over a day lol.
LOL not a chance. Every mistake they should have learned from and every piece of valuable feedback they had for D1 they completely **** on and ignored

Isn't that pretty standard practise for nearly every studio now though ? Ignore every good idea and every bit of valuable feedback from customers and implement all your own substandard crap.
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