Destiny 2... It's a coming!

They had 3 years of feedback that they essentially ignored for D2 :rolleyes::D

I agree that it's probably too little too late, but it's also clear they're in damage control due to the playerbase exodus. It's just a shame that things had to get this messed up for them to actually stop, listen to feedback and make some changes.
They had 3 years of feedback that they essentially ignored for D2 :rolleyes::D

I agree that it's probably too little too late, but it's also clear they're in damage control due to the playerbase exodus. It's just a shame that things had to get this messed up for them to actually stop, listen to feedback and make some changes.

Couldn't agree more, I loved the initial release, the raid but once that was clear it provided very little repeat value so my excitement turned to the first DLC, unfortunately it was dire and after playing the couple of hours it took to do it and seeing what they had initially planned, i've not loaded the game since.

However, the first one went through some similar problems, I had hoped they learnt from this (clearly not) I hope they can turn it around - the playing experience is fantastic but I guess only time will tell.
Massive made a good comeback with the division, there is hope for destiny, although I definitely understand the point of the d1 players.

Stream is up for warmind! One thing to bear in mind September is the big game changed, not the May 8th update
Stream looked very good, they are definitely shifting away from the Casual game we have right now!! Major grinds for PVE and PVP content and proper challenges and they have stated if you don't bother to do end game or group content - it is unlikely you will get these items or even hit power level cap.

Loads of new weapons, armor, exotics (50/50 split between D1 exotics and new ones for this expansion), exclusive items for challenges, reworked exotics and masterworked exotics as well as a new horde mode(which isn't what the summit played so there is more to come), private matches, PVP ranking playlists, new raid lair etc etc

Brilliant update coming but it will require raid groups and PVP groups as well as general PVE groups based on what the summit and bungie are saying about the casual aspect being gone, and how they are changing levelling. Or, there might be more focus on weekly tasks, will find out soon
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All of the above I posted is coming on May 8th. :)

September there is no news on but all the summit people are basically saying, may 8th is a taster and September is the BIG update! :O
Considering how utter crap CoO was I am going to reserve judgement on the new DLC until I have actually played it.

The real test will be whether there will anyone left of our raid groups (talking more PS4 as that is my main platform) to actually care by September.
doubtful there will be tbh. OCUK clan still has some active members but its a struggle to raid regularly with them but we do get our weeklies done at least. Luckily, LFG is damn good for raiding.
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any chance of getting moved from oc2 to oc ive had the game since launch play pretty much every night and still not done a weekly raid or night fall strike
any chance of getting moved from oc2 to oc ive had the game since launch play pretty much every night and still not done a weekly raid or night fall strike

I see you in discord a lot, check out the text channel as we did 3 prestige raids last night, 3 EOW tonight and have been doing nightfalls all week :)

Invite sent!
I'd love to get back in to this game, not touched it in months but it was just so shallow even compared to Destiny 1 which took so many hours from me. And it doesn't look like the latest expansion is even adding that much :(

I'm on ocuk discord when do you guys normally play?

i would be starting from scratch. i played it for like 2 weeks and nobody was on the ocuk discord the 2 weeks i used it for. but i see you guys just come on to raid then disappear.

so do you all just play on your own the rest of the time?
I'm on ocuk discord when do you guys normally play?

i would be starting from scratch. i played it for like 2 weeks and nobody was on the ocuk discord the 2 weeks i used it for. but i see you guys just come on to raid then disappear.

so do you all just play on your own the rest of the time?

There's always someone online, I'm on for a few hours a night and regularly see guys about.
I'm on ocuk discord when do you guys normally play?

i would be starting from scratch. i played it for like 2 weeks and nobody was on the ocuk discord the 2 weeks i used it for. but i see you guys just come on to raid then disappear.

so do you all just play on your own the rest of the time?

Its getting busier. Im going to setup a fair amoung of games on the100 group we have that is linked to the ocuk discord, new raiders, nightfalls etc and also helping people level. Just hit us up
Its getting busier. Im going to setup a fair amoung of games on the100 group we have that is linked to the ocuk discord, new raiders, nightfalls etc and also helping people level. Just hit us up

I'd probably be doing menial stuff now trying to level up. I'll jump on and into a channel. Be warned though if you join me I'll probably be doing some basic stuff trying to get gear and light up.

After a few weeks I should be up to a decent enough standard to raid, etc. I do like a good raid now and again but it's PvP that really drives me in this game. PvE I find very tedious.

I played Destiny 1 religiously for 3 years with a 6 month hiatus at one point and towards the end lost interest. Never gained any momentum with Destiny 2 as there wasn't a big enough community on here to keep me interested.

I'd love to give it a proper go. So I'll get it re-installed.
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