Destiny 2... It's a coming!

New players to destiny 2 will want people who have got some experience of destiny id imagine as there is allot of extra bits to learn that if like 1, 2 may not explain.
I wouldn't be surprised if they made announcements for console Betas only, with some advantages for PS4 owners and didn't talk a whole lot about the PC version at all. Which is madness because the PC version could easily outsell one or both versions. There's a lot of appeal and appetite for a game like this on PC.
Bungie has explicitly stated that there is a pc beta, in fact the pre-order website says it as well and asks you to wait for participating stores and services to be available before sending you the code. Presumably this will happen over e3 when the date is announced.
Some further insight and info's, hopefully we see more and beta details + release date on Tuesday morning after the PlayStation / Sony E3 slot at 2am BST.

As I spoke with the creative leads, a picture began to emerge. The first Destiny game offered a broad swath of mystery about the universe. For better or worse, that vision left a lot of questions unanswered. With subsequent entries, Noseworthy and Smith seem to suggest that Bungie is focused on communicating clear focal points. The Darkness might not be the core threat in Destiny 2, but it is still likely to be very important in later installments. Prior to dealing with that concept, the team is interested in exploring the player’s identity and his or her ties to The Light.

“The manifestation of Light in the game is about what it means to be chosen,” Smith says. “That’s what ultimately happened. The Traveler chose humanity to wield its greatest power.” Over the course of Destiny 2, by robbing the player’s Guardian and all the other Guardian leads (Zavala, Ikora, Cayde) of their Light, players see what that power means in the Destiny universe – a concept that can fuel subsequent storytelling further down the line of game releases.

If the nebulous threat of The Darkness wasn’t going to play into Destiny 2, Bungie needed a compelling conflict to embrace. That threat comes in the form of the alien race from the previous game that had been least fleshed out through Destiny 1 and its expansions – the Cabal. “The Cabal have nothing to do with the Darkness,” Noseworthy says. “They are not of the Darkness, or its representatives. The Hive are the closest, because they worship the Darkness – but you can worship a thing that you are not.” Those are important distinctions for lore followers, but it also points to a freedom for the team to let the Cabal have their own complexities and nuance, freed from the mythology surrounding The Darkness.


Info on PvP playlists looks promising also, still no solid info on ranking yet though:

"Quickplay is the place where you're going to find more party games - Control, Clash, Supremacy."

"Competitive play has two modes - one we're not talking about right now, and the other is Countdown. These are objective modes..."

Have to say that the seamless open world on show from Anthem has seriously diminished my interest in D2.

Still remains a lot to be seen of course, but what I've seen from D2 so far is looking more and more stale.
Have to say that the seamless open world on show from Anthem has seriously diminished my interest in D2.

Still remains a lot to be seen of course, but what I've seen from D2 so far is looking more and more stale.
I see what you're saying, but at the moment we haven't seen any actual gameplay from free-roam in D2. It could be very similar to what Anthem showed. Also bear in mind that the Anthem trailer was premade (?), its 4 player and release is a year after D2. At the end of the day, why not both?! :)
I see what you're saying, but at the moment we haven't seen any actual gameplay from free-roam in D2. It could be very similar to what Anthem showed. Also bear in mind that the Anthem trailer was premade (?), its 4 player and release is a year after D2. At the end of the day, why not both?! :)

D2 gameplay vids show matchmaking in orbit and hanging around in the ship screen before teleporting into the strike still though? That was the main thing I was looking forward to in D2, a proper seamless open world, with a decent match-making system...from what I've seen so far we're just getting a Destiny expansion pack with a little visual polish.
D2 gameplay vids show matchmaking in orbit and hanging around in the ship screen before teleporting into the strike still though? That was the main thing I was looking forward to in D2, a proper seamless open world, with a decent match-making system...from what I've seen so far we're just getting a Destiny expansion pack with a little visual polish.

My thoughts exactly. I was under the impression that Destiny intended to be a seamless open world adventure. At least that's what the early teasers, trailers and information suggested. That turned out to be false. You have to fly into zones from orbit and all areas are locked off/instanced. The areas you can visit are linear and non-dynamic with sky boxes/invisible walls preventing you from exploring.

I wanted a proper open world MMO, aka World of Warcraft or any other MMORPG, but the Destiny universe. Sadly it looks like nothing has changed with D2. This is surprising considering the technology has been around for decades.
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D2 gameplay vids show matchmaking in orbit and hanging around in the ship screen before teleporting into the strike still though? That was the main thing I was looking forward to in D2, a proper seamless open world, with a decent match-making system...from what I've seen so far we're just getting a Destiny expansion pack with a little visual polish.

And we still kept coming back for more with each expansion, although with each expansion peoples interest seemed to die a little quicker. I was excited for D2, but since the announcement my excitement has diminished a little more to the point that I've cancelled my pre-order on PS4, I'm sure I will still pick D2 up but more likely on PC now and even then it's likely to be a game I pickup have a quick blast on and put down.
Anthem was shown off in a heavily scripted video used for the unveiling of an entirely new console. Don't believe anything you see.
If it remotely looks like that on release I will eat my socks. That there's only a vague '2018' date is very very telling. Also a highly questionable developer, considering the stinker that was Andromeda.
By comparison Destiny 2 was unveiled and they literally let people play the game for themselves the very same day. A world of difference.
Anthem was shown off in a heavily scripted video used for the unveiling of an entirely new console. Don't believe anything you see.
If it remotely looks like that on release I will eat my socks. That there's only a vague '2018' date is very very telling. Also a highly questionable developer, considering the stinker that was Andromeda.

It's not the visuals that interest me, it's that the gameplay on show basically answers every major criticism I have of Destiny, which Destiny 2 appears to not be addressing. I've put something like 1400 hours into Destiny, I was hoping for something new but so far it is very, very disappointing.
It's not the visuals that interest me, it's that the gameplay on show basically answers every major criticism I have of Destiny, which Destiny 2 appears to not be addressing. I've put something like 1400 hours into Destiny, I was hoping for something new but so far it is very, very disappointing.

What is it the you found to show or be different exactly with the very small game play clip in Anthem that Destiny 2 doesn't address? Just curious :)
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