Destiny 2... It's a coming!

Why is this forum turning into such an echo chamber? People can't even think about tolerating an opinion that does not closely mirror their own.

Would you liken it to The Division at all, seems quite similar in the multiplayer team/loot/bullet sponge aspect if not theme and execution.

I've got nothing against opinions, I just don't see the point of flaming the games other people are interested in. Maybe it's the way the "Are we actually excited for this?" came across dude.

Anyway, The Division is a relatively close comparison, but think more Halo / Borderlands mashup. Shoot to loot, still an element of bullet spongey-ness on some of the bosses, but much less so than The Division. Beta will hopefully be announced very soon, likely about a month away
Seems like beta is for pre orders only :o

I guess me no Engrish good. I can see it now, a scrunched up disgusted and dismissive face with a tone of voice akin to mean high school girls. "I mean like, are you actually wearing that" *chews gum narcissistically*
Seems like beta is for pre orders only :o

I guess me no Engrish good. I can see it now, a scrunched up disgusted and dismissive face with a tone of voice akin to mean high school girls. "I mean like, are you actually wearing that" *chews gum narcissistically*

The beta is for everyone but it will open a couple of days earlier for pre-orders.

If you liked the Division, you would love Destiny. It's a much more polished game.
I can see it now, a scrunched up disgusted and dismissive face with a tone of voice akin to mean high school girls. "I mean like, are you actually wearing that" *chews gum narcissistically*

Pretty much :D :p

Would you liken it to The Division at all, seems quite similar in the multiplayer team/loot/bullet sponge aspect if not theme and execution.

I bought The Division on PS4 as none of my PC friends wanted it and it turns out I'm glad I did as it was the first game i've traded in, in about 10 years. Make of that what you will.

I guess they are similar is some respects as they both have the shooty-get-looty style but other than that I found The Divison very boring. Whilst I was playing it I did keep drawing comparisons to how it is similar to Destiny but each time I thought that I ended up thinking something was done better by Destiny. One thing I liked about the Divison is how you had to walk to the spot on the map for where the story began and you could decide to do it single player or co-op. I wish Destiny would've taken that onboard for the 2nd game.

They both have bullet sponge enemies but I found it a bit easier to digest shooting a futuristic alien creature in the face multiple times than I did shooting some thug in a hoody. Not only that, whilst New York was visually very nice I found it very boring after 20 odd hours. Whereas Destiny with it's sci-fi setting can do whatever it wants because it's not based in reality.

TLDR version: I found The Division very boring whereas I loved Destiny both single and multiplayer. YMMV
Hmmm, I really enjoyed the division but I can understand most of the criticism it gets regarding repetition etc, though PVP was the most fun.

I guess I'll have a go in the beta then and see how it goes.
I really enjoyed The Division at the beginning, playing through the story once was great fun and then sadly I found end game is where it took a downhill tumble, you compare the end game PVE content from Destiny and The Division and this is where Destiny comes out very far ahead and I have spent numerous hours on both and I simply don't think will ever have quite as much fun and challenges in any other game for some time bar in Destiny raids.

The PVP side I found completely vice versa The Division was great fun with friends and the dead zones where great and very difficult at times then the hacking got really bad and ruined that for me :)

Really looking forward to Destiny 2, already have a small group of mates lined up to get to end game content asap :)
Sorry but division plays and feels vastly different to destiny to point you can't compare imo, I have played both quite allot too. Division problem is what all Ubisoft games suffer from too much pointless collecting and they lock you out of the best stuff till the you hit max level. Least with destiny you could do pretty much it all from the get go
Sorry but division plays and feels vastly different to destiny to point you can't compare imo, I have played both quite allot too. Division problem is what all Ubisoft games suffer from too much pointless collecting and they lock you out of the best stuff till the you hit max level. Least with destiny you could do pretty much it all from the get go

That is what a lot of people are using as the comparison - as well as the incursion vs raid elements feeling more challenging and rewarding on destiny.

I like the raid aspect so that's what im looking forward too. I have always wanted super hard content in the division - and destiny will fulfil it.

I still play division a lot though and enjoy it, so hoping this will be the next step up.

EDIT: I haven't played destiny but have watched lots of footage.
One thing that worries me a lot for the end game for Destiny 2, is that surely the precision of a mouse and keyboard will make sniping and raiding quite abit easier than say with a controller on console, so does this mean that raiding will be easier on PC or will it end up being more difficult on console due to raising the difficulty on PC? Assuming the raids will be identical on both systems.
they lock you out of the best stuff till the you hit max level. Least with destiny you could do pretty much it all from the get go

The same thing happens with Destiny though dude, take the current light cap of 400. You have to be 350ish to farm the strike playlist, 380ish for Nightfall and 390ish for the Raids.

One thing that worries me a lot for the end game for Destiny 2, is that surely the precision of a mouse and keyboard will make sniping and raiding quite abit easier than say with a controller on console, so does this mean that raiding will be easier on PC or will it end up being more difficult on console due to raising the difficulty on PC? Assuming the raids will be identical on both systems.

It depends, but in general I would say yes. Although, sniping on D1 console was relatively easy if you played on lower sens, as the auto-aim allowed you to drag scope. I don't think it will be that big of an issue though - Communication, timing and co-ordination were much more important than pure aim skill etc during raids in Destiny 1. What I think we will see is a lot of the "top tier" players (speed runs, solo content, first clears etc) will be on PC. I know FPS isn't the only thing that matters, but for all the little extra perks like SSDs, text chat etc
The same thing happens with Destiny though dude, take the current light cap of 400. You have to be 350ish to farm the strike playlist, 380ish for Nightfall and 390ish for the Raids.

It depends, but in general I would say yes. Although, sniping on D1 console was relatively easy if you played on lower sens, as the auto-aim allowed you to drag scope. I don't think it will be that big of an issue though - Communication, timing and co-ordination were much more important than pure aim skill etc during raids in Destiny 1. What I think we will see is a lot of the "top tier" players (speed runs, solo content, first clears etc) will be on PC. I know FPS isn't the only thing that matters, but for all the little extra perks like SSDs, text chat etc
I'm light level 380 and can do most things I could do most things at 350, it doesn't lock you out as much as Division, not only that division forces you into getting pointless collectables to do some extra targets.
Just wondering how many of you out there are in the same situation as myself; never played the original, but very likely to get this on PC? I really like the look of it, and it would be nice to team up with others who'll be seeing it all through fresh eyes as well.
I had hoped people would know what I meant.

Oh I knew what you meant. Just didn't understand it. Destiny 2 will be a new game and the mechanics have changed ever so slightly so everyone will be fresh. Just seems kinda odd looking to find people who haven't played D1 to team up with. I'd understand saying that if it was about D1 and that was what was going to launch
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