Destiny 2... It's a coming!

I think it's funny that you are against d2 for lack of content, but d1 gets a pass on that? d1 had nothing but the very limited grind and it was SLOW for an extremely long time

I enjoyed d1, put a lot of time into it but I think people are forgetting how meh it was on release.

It doesn't matter tbh, if you don't like, then don't buy it/cancel your pre-order take to the forums..etc..

As i've said a number of times so i'll go with the short version - it should be better than it is, but it's still good (excellent if you have limited game time) It's gone backwards in a few ways like the skilltree and removing random weapon rolls but I appreciate that's personal preference and I can understand why it's changed.

The good thing is, the DLC is not far off, they have promised lots of content to come - could be bs but they eventually got it mostly right with D1 so i'm happy to give them time.

On a personal note, this is kinda perfect for me, i've taken a few days off to play with mates to do the bulk of it and then it's something i'll dip in and out of each week because it's fun - not because I have to grind the same strike 50 times so I don't get left behind.

I appreciate what you're saying but I think you're missing my point completely. Vanilla D1 was bare bones, but Y3 D1 was rife with content and depth. Yes, the grind was real, but you still had something to work towards. D2 was released less than 5 weeks ago and already a DLC is on the horizon. What does that tell you?

The platform for D2 was already in place, but Bungie have ignored it. D2 is wide but with no depth.
OOi see typical ******** here people quitting before playing themselfes .

I consider Destiny 1 FIRST YEAR best FPS game I played for YEARS. Pumped over 150 hours on my ps4 and i hate fps on pad thats for noobs !!! Cant wait to get on Destiny 2 on PC with proper aiming and movement tools aka keyboard and mouse !!!
I appreciate what you're saying but I think you're missing my point completely. Vanilla D1 was bare bones, but Y3 D1 was rife with content and depth. Yes, the grind was real, but you still had something to work towards. D2 was released less than 5 weeks ago and already a DLC is on the horizon. What does that tell you?

The platform for D2 was already in place, but Bungie have ignored it. D2 is wide but with no depth.

But how would You rate Destiny 2 for people that NEVER PLAYED destiny 1 ?? And thats the 90% of PC gamers !!!
But how would You rate Destiny 2 for people that NEVER PLAYED destiny 1 ?? And thats the 90% of PC gamers !!!

Sorry, where do you get the 90% of PC gamers from? For example, I'm a PC gamer and so are my friends, but we've all played D1.

D2 looks great, sounds even better and has fantastic gunplay, but the depth beyond the initial play through is lacking, that's the problem. If the raid required some prolonged effort to complete it or if leaderboards/ranking (aka Halo 2/3) existed in PvP, I would be grinding it non-stop. Sadly neither of those exist.

OOi see typical ******** here people quitting before playing themselfes .

I consider Destiny 1 FIRST YEAR best FPS game I played for YEARS. Pumped over 150 hours on my ps4 and i hate fps on pad thats for noobs !!! Cant wait to get on Destiny 2 on PC with proper aiming and movement tools aka keyboard and mouse !!!

I played D1 alpha, beta, vanilla and all of the DLC's. I also played the D2 beta on PC and vanilla release on PS4. I would like to think I've got experience in the Destiny world somewhat :)
you dont think they will sort it out like they did D1?

That's my point. Activision/Bungie will release paid DLC after paid DLC to "sort it out". It's just another way to fleece consumers for money to supposedly fix an already inferior and unsuitable product.
That's my point. Activision/Bungie will release paid DLC after paid DLC to "sort it out". It's just another way to fleece consumers for money to supposedly fix an already inferior and unsuitable product.

And that's the problem! If we have to wait until Y2 for the equivalent of TTK to fix the game, that is unacceptable.

I think D2 will be fine for newbies who haven't played Destiny but for those of us who have 100s/1000s of hours of gameplay on the first will know what we are missing.
That's my point. Activision/Bungie will release paid DLC after paid DLC to "sort it out". It's just another way to fleece consumers for money to supposedly fix an already inferior and unsuitable product.

And that's the problem! If we have to wait until Y2 for the equivalent of TTK to fix the game, that is unacceptable.

I think D2 will be fine for newbies who haven't played Destiny but for those of us who have 100s/1000s of hours of gameplay on the first will know what we are missing.
well im a casual player of D1 so maybe I will like D2, but after reading the reddit im not so sure, its a grim read
But how would You rate Destiny 2 for people that NEVER PLAYED destiny 1 ?? And thats the 90% of PC gamers !!!
My point is Destiny 2 on PC is Destiny 1 basically as 90% of PC gamers dont have either of those ****** consoles :D Sold my ps4 few months ago was gathering dust. Not enough exclusives on it to keep it :p

I'm waiting for proper PC only review frrom soemone that NEVER played Destiny 1 :) Beta of destiny 2 played great.
My point is Destiny 2 on PC is Destiny 1 basically as 90% of PC gamers dont have either of those ****** consoles :D Sold my ps4 few months ago was gathering dust. Not enough exclusives on it to keep it :p

I'm waiting for proper PC only review frrom soemone that NEVER played Destiny 1 :) Beta of destiny 2 played great.
Have you tried the beta? For me the combat was easy and simplified.
Datto's take on the endgame is interesting. Seems to think the lack of grind and things to do is entirely intentional - casual players will finish the campaign, maybe play a nightfall or two and the raid once or twice, then leave happy - which means they're more likely to then buy the expansions and come back for more. The endgame grind of Destiny 1 and it's expansions would put a lot of people off and they wouldn't then come back. So Bungie might not even try to "fix" the game (at least the endgame as D1 players see it) if they don't think there's a problem to fix.
Have you tried the beta? For me the combat was easy and simplified.

Yup and loved it :) Same as my mates as we SUCK BAD in FPS games but like mmo pve aspect of it. Thats why we played the **** out of destiny 1 farming all sorts of stuff. Destiny is good cause its Easy for FPS noobs :)

We start BF One and get ******* recked all the time so thats not fun for us.

Only reason we stopped playing Destiny was... ******* UI at 100% costrast white burning in our Plasma screens like no games before and Bungee ignoring it and thousands of people asking for option to hige Gun icons or make them transparent or something :(

Not gonna kill 1500 quid Panasonic last gen plasma with a game :(
Im a casual player. Over the course of 3 years I have played D1 quite a lot, base game + expansions. I have never been into coordinated team raids and nightfalls. I just potter about doing my own thing and I have enjoyed it. I dare to say its been one of my favourite games.

I have D2 on PS4 and I am also quite enjoying it. Played for about 10-12hrs so far and I have barely scratched the surface. Still on the story, but I am doing other bits and bobs on the side. The content in D2 will keep me busy for ages, and thats before I even get to PVP. So for me it is more than enough value for money. I am considering double dipping to get it on my PC in higher res + mouse / kb, yey! (I soooo miss that control method!)

People playing the game on release for 12hrs a day for two weeks straight are obviously going to feel like there isn't enough content. But I think what those people have to accept is that they are not the usual representation of how the game is played. You really can't lambast a game for lack of content when you have blasted through more content in a week or two than your average gamer will get through in a year of gaming. Playing hours upon hours a day is fine if thats your bag, but if the game offers 50-60hrs of content then its worth the price and certainly not short on content. More will also inevitably be added.
It's all subjective. I've spent 91hrs on Destiny 2 on the PS4. Not tried the raid. Only done the nightfall a couple of times. I am level 299 on all 3 characters.
Already it is good value for money! Destiny, over 1600hrs spent on that! :P

People buy games like say, Overwatch, and say it's great (it is) - but that has almost zero depth to it. Even if you look at Far Cry series, which to me is similar. I think I 100% it in urm... 20-30hours? Nothing else to really do but people didn't complain as they enjoyed it.
Im a casual player. Over the course of 3 years I have played D1 quite a lot, base game + expansions. I have never been into coordinated team raids and nightfalls. I just potter about doing my own thing and I have enjoyed it. I dare to say its been one of my favourite games.

I have D2 on PS4 and I am also quite enjoying it. Played for about 10-12hrs so far and I have barely scratched the surface. Still on the story, but I am doing other bits and bobs on the side. The content in D2 will keep me busy for ages, and thats before I even get to PVP. So for me it is more than enough value for money. I am considering double dipping to get it on my PC in higher res + mouse / kb, yey! (I soooo miss that control method!)

People playing the game on release for 12hrs a day for two weeks straight are obviously going to feel like there isn't enough content. But I think what those people have to accept is that they are not the usual representation of how the game is played. You really can't lambast a game for lack of content when you have blasted through more content in a week or two than your average gamer will get through in a year of gaming. Playing hours upon hours a day is fine if thats your bag, but if the game offers 50-60hrs of content then its worth the price and certainly not short on content. More will also inevitably be added.

you really ought to do raids. your missing out on the best part of PvE. however IMO once you have done a raid like 5 times it can then start to become tedious until hard mode comes out then same goes for hard. people end up doing them for a specific weapon/armour rather than doing them for the enjoyment.

nightfalls are nothing special just a strike with some powerful modifiers on it. however if you don't do raids at you haven't really played the game. i do them until i have what i need then avoid but that's because i'm one of those once i've done it once i don't want to do it again. this is what i hate. destiny forces you to do the same thing over and over again and when it's PvE that is extremely boring.

people will disagree but it's the people you play with that make it much more enjoyable than what it is. it should have been completely seamless open world like GTA / red dead redemption. story was crap / non existent. so i don't know how people enjoyed the single player aspect at all apart from the mechanics and gameplay.
I maybe worded it wrong... what I meant was the story is weak. No single player. Limited number of maps. No crafting tree. It's just multiplayer. That's what I meant by lack of depth.

That's like saying there is no depth to CS:GO beyond the Operations.
That's like saying there is no depth to CS:GO beyond the Operations.

But then it is a moot point... As they are both rinse and repeat games.... But there is more to do in D2... But D2 gets accused of being limited....

End of the day, you get what you want out of it. I've paid £40 for The Order on PS4 and got 6 hours out of it. Was it a waste of money? No, I enjoyed it.
Same for D2 and every game out there :)

But to say D2 is limited... With more stuff on the way is crazy... But each to their own :)
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