Destiny 2... It's a coming!

But then it is a moot point... As they are both rinse and repeat games.... But there is more to do in D2... But D2 gets accused of being limited....

End of the day, you get what you want out of it. I've paid £40 for The Order on PS4 and got 6 hours out of it. Was it a waste of money? No, I enjoyed it.
Same for D2 and every game out there :)

But to say D2 is limited... With more stuff on the way is crazy... But each to their own :)

I agree, i have barely scratched the surface. Finished the story last night. Spent half an hour exploring the Tower. Its pretty cool.

The planets have tons of places and content. Treasure maps, loot maps, public events, patrols and those missions that are orange markers + other missions (the ones that appear as bluey purple banners), daily challenges, lost sectors, campaign reflections from Ikora and clan activities. Then theres crucible, iron banner and strike playlist.

D2 has tons of content. As it stands theres easily enough to keep me busy till next year. Probably even longer.......

Oh and overwatch is deep in terms of tactics and teamplay at the higher skill levels but not really in pubs with randoms. But its not really that deep in any other way. But i wouldn't expect it to be - its an online rinse and repeat shooter.and a totally different proposition to D2.

I think D2 has a little something for everyone. Its by no means perfect but for me its already a firm favourite.

Edit - also i havent even started a new class yet either. Still rolling with my titan. Gonna have to try a new class.
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But then it is a moot point... As they are both rinse and repeat games.... But there is more to do in D2... But D2 gets accused of being limited....

End of the day, you get what you want out of it. I've paid £40 for The Order on PS4 and got 6 hours out of it. Was it a waste of money? No, I enjoyed it.
Same for D2 and every game out there :)

I agree that value is subjective. However, when you compare the width/depth of content in D2 to other similar games it is extremely repetitive and limited in nature. In my opinion for an AAA game with huge budget that is unacceptable. Apart from the story, one raid and handful of strikes, the game is repeated over and over again. There are obvious QoL features missing which makes the game frustrating.

Also, CS:GO and Overwatch are pretty much strictly multiplayer games, apples and oranges compared to Destiny.

But to say D2 is limited... With more stuff on the way is crazy... But each to their own :)

I'm sorry but can you not see the hypocrisy? You're claiming that vanilla D2 isn't limited but then don't see how a paid DLC 2 months after release reflects on the level of content already in the game? It took over 2 years for the first WoW expansion to be released, what does that tell you about the content?
I'm sorry but can you not see the hypocrisy? You're claiming that vanilla D2 isn't limited but then don't see how a paid DLC 2 months after release reflects on the level of content already in the game? It took over 2 years for the first WoW expansion to be released, what does that tell you about the content?

This I agree with also. DLC is the cancer of the gaming industry in my opinion. I believe the content in D2 is worth the price tag per se, BUT i would rather they put more in on release and charged a little more.

However in this instance I feel that its probably schedule related due to the game needing to go gold. They can always add content but a line has to be drawn for release. Early DLC might look like content has been witheld but actually its probably a time thing. That said - if it was planned to be in the game for release it should be free. But the pubs aint ever gonna miss a chance to make a few more bucks, sadly. At that point I start to have a problem with it.
Many of the arguments in this threat are flawed, comparing wow to destiny is laughable but then so is the whole comparison to overwatch.

I have a suggestion, if you don't want to play it for who the hell cares why or you think paying for dlc is the devil, which it is but has been covered a billion times, just avoid this thread and leave it to those that have an active interest in the game or for those seeking information.

It's just pages of trash now, let's try to get it back on track prior to release.
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Forgot this was coming out, lost all hype for it between beta and now. Saved myself some moolah at least.
I'm sorry but can you not see the hypocrisy? You're claiming that vanilla D2 isn't limited but then don't see how a paid DLC 2 months after release reflects on the level of content already in the game? It took over 2 years for the first WoW expansion to be released, what does that tell you about the content?

WOW isn't the best example.... 'cos you paid £40 for it, then £10 (?) a month for 2 years before you saw an expansion. So between expansions you actually paid £280...
In Destiny's two years you probably spent £100ish? Probably spent the same time playing it :)
I'm not a fan boy of Bungie / Destiny - just someone who's played it since Day One but people who've never played it, or only dipped their toes in like to ride the 'old Rollercoaster of Opinion that Bungie are evil overlords...

At the end of the day, you summed it up well; value is subjective.

People need to stop seeing Destiny as an RPG. It isn't. It's an action shooter with some RPG elements thrown in to spice things up. :)
Enjoyed the first one but didn't get that far. Tempted by this one, I don't get a lot of hours of play so I won't run out of content. How do you think this will run on my pc?
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