Destiny 2... It's a coming!

I’m not trusting the in game FPS counter it seems to read high FPS when I know I’m not getting it and low FPS when running smooth.

When I’m back in the uk I will run action with the game for an FPS counter. That works during the beta.
Hey mate, long time indeed. You should come back and try The Division again, it's a very different game.

I take back some of the randomness I mentioned in my post through. I did a couple more bits and now it's far better with much more guidance and specific missions to do. Enjoying it a lot! Just did the first mission on Titan which was a lot of fun.

Just started playing the division again and it was great fun. Got my gear score up but it’s all over the place haha. Mender has started playing it again as well.

Man being away for two weeks sucks I must admit I’m getting withdrawal symptoms from destiny :D
I don't know why people are joining the discord server/clan then refusing to group up with anyone.

The discord channel has like 6-8 rooms for this game with them all empty whenever I have went on it's always dead.

If anyone on here actually wants to join a fireteam and group up then let me know.
Having all sorts of problems running this, I think my poor old i7 2700K might be finally showing its age! Running at 3440x1440 with two 980ti in SLI, with medium/high settings and it struggles to maintain 50fps (100Hz monitor set to 50fps v-sync in the game options). And when the infamous memory leak starts causing fps drops it tends to then crash shortly after. I think an OCUK overclocked upgrade bundle might have to be on my christmas list at this rate.
I don't know why people are joining the discord server/clan then refusing to group up with anyone.

The discord channel has like 6-8 rooms for this game with them all empty whenever I have went on it's always dead.

If anyone on here actually wants to join a fireteam and group up then let me know.
I think people are wary of joining anyone, especially when their level isn't shown as far as I can see? It will likely get better once everyone starts getting to higher levels.
I do want to play this. As a filthy casual I imagine I would get my money's worth content wise.

Is there a go to deal out there right now? Not in a massive rush I guess but it seems like a game you can fall behind on.
I think people are wary of joining anyone, especially when their level isn't shown as far as I can see? It will likely get better once everyone starts getting to higher levels.

again this goes against the whole community aspect of it. you should be helping everyone to level up so that they are ready to then do the nightfall/raids with you, etc.

or start a second character and go through it with other people who are lower, etc.
again this goes against the whole community aspect of it. you should be helping everyone to level up so that they are ready to then do the nightfall/raids with you, etc.

or start a second character and go through it with other people who are lower, etc.
I only have one character at the moment, level 11 I think! I joined a public event with some level 20's last night and was insta-killed six times. Admittedly I was revived six times too but felt relatively powerless.
It doesn't help that you can't see where others are upto, I've only just got to the mission after getting Cayde and I've done it all solo as I can't tell where other people are with regards to story progression, would be nice to group up even if it was just with randomers when you launch the mission like The Division does.
Greenmangaming or a key site I'd suggest.
Cheers, had a browse and nothing's standing out enough for me to make the jump right away. I know that's bad but I can hold off I hope

Can anyone confirm, from a console perspective, does this control and feel identical when using a controller with the obvious exception of the higher frame rate?

It's a console game imo and I want to sit back and play the pve content via my tv with a pad. The first had a great aim assist mechanic that made the shooting feel spot on, hoping this translates across?
I only have one character at the moment, level 11 I think! I joined a public event with some level 20's last night and was insta-killed six times. Admittedly I was revived six times too but felt relatively powerless.

same as me then. so we should be teaming up lol.

i'm level 10/11 on my solo character. so we should be on roughly the same missions. you always start from whoever is on the earlier mission so you both progress together.

if i'm on i'll jump into a channel on my own. anyone is free to join and we can help each other out.
same as me then. so we should be teaming up lol.

i'm level 10/11 on my solo character. so we should be on roughly the same missions. you always start from whoever is on the earlier mission so you both progress together.

if i'm on i'll jump into a channel on my own. anyone is free to join and we can help each other out.

How far in on missions are you? I'm around same level but won't be on till tonight.
Up to 263 so far, getting hard to grind out better levels at the moment.

I changed my region to the US on the battle net client temporarily, roster still won't load but it seems to have fixed my frame rate issue so far.

Same problem when I was gearing up on PS4 265-275(ish) is around the light level where upgrading seems hardest, at this point you need to complete the milestones to get the powerful upgrades to push past it.
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