Destiny 2... It's a coming!

Just got out of my first hour or so, seems reasonable so far. Performance wise it runs well with all the settings on high (3440*1440), with the odd drop here and there. Not sure if its the same issue as other people have reported here, seems to be at random times will dip for a few seconds and then resume back to 60 (capped).
OK so I've played for two nights, solo really rather than in any organised group.

Graphically it looks good, but not great IMO. Parts of it are very functional but this is likely to help with the framerate which, it has to be said is great, even on modest rigs. Just what you want in a shooter.

The music is excellent and the sound effects are good. Not DICE good, but still, very good.

Gameplay wise it also feels good. You feel your movement has weight and inertia, the gunplay is excellent with unique weapons that feel and behave differently. The guns feel like they have punch and recoil, even though you can't feel them. Even since the Halo days they've always been good at this sort of thing.

The only criticism I can say is that there's no a lot of guidance in the game. I went down to earth on the first mission, level 3, maybe 4 at the time and was having a decent time of it with the attacks and the insect things that don't like headshots and we were having a grand time. THen I was all like 'ooh what's down here' and ended up being repeatedly massacred by some Centurion type Cabal dude who felt like he/she/it was an easy 20 levels above me. No warning, no 'DANGER! These enemies might be too powerful for you right now, come back later' warning, just as good as instant death. So I went a different way and again found some much higher level bad guys. It all seems a bit, well, random at the moment as I wasn't expecting these higher level bad guys in what is supposed to be a lower level area. It all seems very haphazard. There's no real indication that you should go this way or don't go that way. For a game that originated on Console this actually surprised me as us PC gamers always criticise console games and gamers as needing their hand held all the time. It's fun, but it all seems rather random at the moment.

Also when I was matched with people some were level 10 and 14 who went to higher level areas, others closer to my level but there was little in the way of teamwork and it was very easy to lose your team/squad/group and I often ended up doing solo stuff again. Other times people would seem to randomly disappear right in front of me. Going back into orbit or some such I guess. Again the word that comes to mind, having come from fairly rigid squad based games like Battlefield 3/4/1 and The Division is 'random'.

Hey MC long Time no see. I also played solo up until 20 and did a few strikes or whatever.. not the cool ones but the ones where you do the loading fly in screen thing... you are correct there is no team play at all.. no voice comms or anything.

I even had one group where a guy that had unlocked a sparrow just flew off and left me and the other behind haha. I still can’t get my head round if I like this game or not but I bet it could be a real laugh with voice comms like we used to do in the division...
So, I'm Lv11 with 107 power, I really want to try hunter but everywhere I read I hear they are seriously underpowered and just not able to raid like the other 2 classes? Is this true? Is there any point in playing Hunter?
Managed to get to 250 light, but struggling to get better stuff now without grinding heroic events and tokens. Grind here we come :D
Hey MC long Time no see. I also played solo up until 20 and did a few strikes or whatever.. not the cool ones but the ones where you do the loading fly in screen thing... you are correct there is no team play at all.. no voice comms or anything.

I even had one group where a guy that had unlocked a sparrow just flew off and left me and the other behind haha. I still can’t get my head round if I like this game or not but I bet it could be a real laugh with voice comms like we used to do in the division...

Hey mate, long time indeed. You should come back and try The Division again, it's a very different game.

I take back some of the randomness I mentioned in my post through. I did a couple more bits and now it's far better with much more guidance and specific missions to do. Enjoying it a lot! Just did the first mission on Titan which was a lot of fun.
yesterday not in clan 60fps smooth no drops.
today in clan 45-50fps chugging after about an hour.

Same, 20hrs maxed out at 4K without a clan, never dropped below 60 with no frame drops at all. Join the OCUK clan and it's silky smooth as it was before but after 15mins to an hour it drops to 50 odd fps. Watch the fps counter in game and it goes 51, 52, 53, 54fps and back to 51 to 54 over and over. Reboot the game and it's great until it happens again.

Same 388.00 drivers, no windows/software updates and my PC runs 24/7 so it wasn't even rebooted. Only thing changed was joining the clan. If you check the clan it never loads on the right side.
This explains my FPS issues! When the clan notification popped up the game just tanked to about 5 fps and then crashed and yesterday it was much choppier even though the fps counter was still saying 100+
Is there a limit on space in the clan? I don't want to leave and not get back in
Can a mod change the name of the thread? I guess Destiny is actually here now!

This explains my FPS issues! When the clan notification popped up the game just tanked to about 5 fps and then crashed and yesterday it was much choppier even though the fps counter was still saying 100+
Is there a limit on space in the clan? I don't want to leave and not get back in

100.. and we are at 93 already.

Could I get approval for the Clan please? Bnet Torquar.


I'll approve now.
Think im now on 260 light level.

Saw a thread on reddit where a guy from bungie has acknowledged the frame rate issues and they are looking at it.
Up to 263 so far, getting hard to grind out better levels at the moment.

I changed my region to the US on the battle net client temporarily, roster still won't load but it seems to have fixed my frame rate issue so far.
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