Didn't everyone already know it's a 30% damage reduction for each level below mission level?
Yes, but it shows a level 30 player still better then a 29 with max weapons and how much better per shot.
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Didn't everyone already know it's a 30% damage reduction for each level below mission level?
Yes, but it shows a level 30 player still better then a 29 with max weapons and how much better per shot.
Just got my secondary up to 26 still need a legendary helmet but she has raid weapons is it worth me trying to take her in to the vog now or should I wait to get my helmet and up to 27
Oli: I'm on now and can lend a hand. GT is the same as on here
Cheers, looking like it won't be until 9:30pm if that's OK? I'll add you now - my GT is oli660
I'll likely be on at that time and can give a hand, I've already done it this week but only twice overall so would be good to practice, if you can get a group together gt is WriteThatD0wn
If the other two pull out, i'm online and haven't done it yet on this character (usually stomp raid though and have the oracle killer for 1 shot goodness). gt = krisboats2
I'm a warlock as well if that helps any haha. You doing it normal or hard?