*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

I wouldnt mind jumping in on friday if it goes ahead kissenger. done a few runs hard and normal with zoomeez etc :)

PSN Friday night 20:30 - normal mode then hard mode run time permitting.

1)- Zoomee - zoomeez - Hunter 30
2)- oHutchyo - oHutchyo - Warlock 29
3)- Sieze2 - Sieze2 - Warlock 30
4)- Jdwhalley - Jwhalley - Hunter 29 / 30
5)- Dredd - Dr3ddPS - Warlock 30
6)- ps3udo - polynomial - Hunter 30

djcj - Col_Jacko - Titan 30
CoreyMck20 - Titan 29
Chewie - Hard mode run only

If we can get one more that'll easy be two teams running it on friday ;)
Can someone else start the fire team so we don't start at my checkpoint cheers

I'm on now

Good run tonight all. Think it was a little over an hour, and that was with the network problems for the first half.

Out of the 4 raids I've done, I've now had 3 sets of gloves.. Give me boots goddamnit! :p
Good run tonight all. Think it was a little over an hour, and that was with the network problems for the first half.

Out of the 4 raids I've done, I've now had 3 sets of gloves.. Give me boots goddamnit! :p

Yep thanks to all, somewhat quicker than yesterday! Was good fun.
3 raids and only 1 set of gloves to show for it at least its not trolling me with duplicates I suppose ;)
Just managed a quick PUG run, got the ship and Patience and Time which is rather handy for the Nightfall. Did Atheon in just 2 transports too which is the quickest I've done it by miles.
PSN Friday night 20:30 - normal mode then hard mode run time permitting.

1)- Zoomee - zoomeez - Hunter 30
2)- oHutchyo - oHutchyo - Warlock 29
3)- Sieze2 - Sieze2 - Warlock 30
4)- Jdwhalley - Jwhalley - Hunter 29 / 30
5)- Dredd - Dr3ddPS - Warlock 30
6)- ps3udo - polynomial - Hunter 30

djcj - Col_Jacko - Titan 30
CoreyMck20 - Titan 29
Chewie - Hard mode run only

If we can get one more that'll easy be two teams running it on friday ;)

Right guys, xbox-dude and THE_HOODED_GUEST want to play raid tomorrow too so looks like defo two raids tomorrow. Will leave the second team to sort their own out if one of you can lead it please
PSN Friday night 20:30 - normal mode then hard mode run time permitting.

1)- Zoomee - zoomeez - Hunter 30
2)- oHutchyo - oHutchyo - Warlock 29
3)- Sieze2 - Sieze2 - Warlock 30
4)- Jdwhalley - Jwhalley - Hunter 29 / 30
5)- Dredd - Dr3ddPS - Warlock 30
6)- ps3udo - polynomial - Hunter 30

djcj - Col_Jacko - Titan 30
CoreyMck20 - Titan 29
Chewie - Hard mode run only

If we can get one more that'll easy be two teams running it on friday ;)
I am definitely up for running this tonight, I have already done the normal run on my titan just need to do hard mode.
Okay so provisional second raid team for tonight 8.30:

1. kissenger (PSN: Videotrap)
2. CoreyMck1994 (CoreyMck20)
3. SGWills (???)

And then first come first served from the rest of the reserves list. Please post here to let us know if you're up for it.
Neither xbox-dude or THE_HOODED_GUEST are on the forums much dude, but they really want to do the raid tomorrow. You got them on your friends list?
Okay so provisional second raid team for tonight 8.30:

1. kissenger (PSN: Videotrap)
2. CoreyMck1994 (CoreyMck20)
3. SGWills (???)

And then first come first served from the rest of the reserves list. Please post here to let us know if you're up for it.

Is this a Hard run through? If so put me down PSN: FaceBaker Lv29 Hunter
so whats the plan ? is someone dropping out of zoomee's group for the hard run or am i joining the other raid group ?

because im needing to use my hard last boss save check point,
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