*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

331 legendary armour starts at 24 light

ps3ud0 :cool:

Looks like Chris will need at least 1 more upgrade to hit 30. Running the helmet for a few strikes should unlock the first armour upgrade (not ability!), that should add an extra 3, if not upgrading the boots means a shard required...

Run public events or RoC strike or do the daily and hope you get shards instead of energies?
All before 7pm! finish work at 5:30 home a 6 -6:10 depending on traffic...

45mins to level up...no worries.


We're doing the weekly at 18:00 so yea, no worries ;)

Easy. You might gen a legendary engram from weekly, which usually turns out to be an ascendant material :p Just hope it's a shard.

Also, time to make that Auto M135i drive faster :D
Lets do this again :)

Friday 8.15pm PS4?

1) ps3ud0 - polynomial007
2) Greboth - Greeboth
3) Zoomeez - Zoomeez
4) Reeve - Righteous_Rabbit
5) MachM - MachM82

Might have a spare space, just waiting for a reply or two - if we do this quick anyone fancy VoG HM after?

ps3ud0 :cool:

Yeah, I am up for CE and VoG if there is time. Come on CE Helmet.

So, hard mode will very likely be made available next week, possibly week after. What do people think the new mechanics will be?

A few people have reported a glitch during Crota where a Gatekeeper appears and kills everyone (you can actually see him standing above the main room), so I imagine Gatekeepers will play a part. No doubt it'll be a similar mechanic to the bridge whereby once you kill the Swordbearer, a Gatekeeper spawns which can only be damaged with the sword.

Seeing how all the perks on the raid armour is related to the Oversoul, I'm thinking it'll play a bigger part in hard mode as well. Perhaps it'll just be harder to take out, similar to Oracles, but hopefully it'll be a bit more inventive than that.

The other assumption about the gatekeepers is they are simply an anti cheese mechanic to stop people sitting up the top. Though doesn't really answer why have the top level at all if you don't want people up there. If you have kill a gatekeeper before attacking Crota that is really going to eat in to the time before he enrages and make it really difficult.

In reality though I hope they add something to make the raid more interesting rather than just higher level enemies.

The new Legendary armour start at 27 Light don't they? I'd imagine just getting the helmet would be enough :p

Welcome to the forum by the way :)

Yes I believe it does, wasn't it 24 when the DLC dropped but they increased it in a patch to base 27 light.
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