*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

See you all at 8ish - hoping to kick off promptly! Heard theres some possible cheese, but tbh rather just get it done properly :). Bring those heavy ammo packs!
Ok so the raids fixed - time to sort out a CE raid. Wednesday 8.15pm PS4?

1) ps3ud0 - polynomial007
2) Greboth - Greeboth
3) Wyrdo - Wyrdo
4) Zoomeez - Zoomeez
5) Sieze2 - Sieze2
6) Reeve - Righteous_Rabbit

Might try and sort one out for Friday - depends how Weds goes :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
ps3ud0 :cool:
Ok.. PS4 Crotas End Raid.. 7PM..

1. Evil_Par5n1p
2. PyschoSonny
3. The_Hooded_Guest (potentially)
4. Xbox--Dude (Potentially)
5. DreddPS (Potentially)
6. Apostoliskt

There are potentially 3 spots open.
Sorry guys, I've been told I have a work trip up t'North tomorrow evening so I'll have to drop out of tomorrow's raid. :(
Anyone want to do crota? Got a checkpoint at the end of it (just the boss, should take 30mins)

Edit: can do Thursday at 8.30pm?

1 . the buff man
2. Wigles

Xbox one FYI!

Let's do this guys!
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Ok.. PS4 Crotas End Raid.. 7PM..

1. Evil_Par5n1p
2. PyschoSonny
3. The_Hooded_Guest (potentially)
4. Xbox--Dude (Potentially)
5. DreddPS (Potentially)
6. Apostoliskt

There are potentially 3 spots open.

well played guys managed 1 full raid and 3/4 of second raid before I called it a night and found a couple of replacements.

if you don't manage crota on the second go, i'm willing to try again on friday or saturday.

it felt a lot easier with us all using our best characters together.
See you all at 8ish - hoping to kick off promptly! Heard theres some possible cheese, but tbh rather just get it done properly :). Bring those heavy ammo packs!

ps3ud0 :cool:

Good games last night fellas - I quite enjoyed that run!!
Was dreading the deathsinger part but blumin eck it was all over quick :)

Thanks guys, hoping we can get together again for friday if I can get my Warlock up to Level 30 (Hit Level 28 last night just need to upgrade all this darn armour)
Just a heads up, since yesterday I've been getting the newt error everytime I try and do a mission/go to the Tower. I tried it again morning and still had problems. It looks like it could be an XBL problem, but looking at my friends list, it didn't seem to be affecting everyone.

If it doesn't improve by tonight I might have to drop out of the raid :(
If anyone needs help with Crota, I'll be happy to step in and use the sword. Usually kill him before the first ogres spawn - 1.5/2 sword cycles.
1. Evil_Par5n1p
2. PyschoSonny
3. The_Hooded_Guest (potentially)
4. Xbox--Dude (Potentially)
5. DreddPS (Potentially)
6. Apostoliskt

Thank you guys for the groups.

It was nice, 2 rounds and good that at least we downed him on one.

Just to make something clear there were some comments in the party chat yesterday which were a bit weird/ offensive at the moment when my gf was supposed to take over (not the comment about channel 5 that was fun). zanyzan is my real life gf and wanted to play yesterday and was happy about it and some comments drove her off so i took the remote to play her char cause i didnt want to leave the group hanging. Just keep any personal bad comments guys to your selves this is a game, i have played with girls in destiny as randoms before and there is nothing different. There is no need for any weird gender blah blah blah comments, she plays from day 1, knows how to play the game, some people here have played with her in the past everything is fine. I know there will always be men comments and its fine but when there is a heads up that a girl is going to get in the group why make any comments especially since we can hear everything... Its just a game is all i say so i dont care but some people have different thoughts.
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