*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Just a heads up, since yesterday I've been getting the newt error everytime I try and do a mission/go to the Tower. I tried it again morning and still had problems. It looks like it could be an XBL problem, but looking at my friends list, it didn't seem to be affecting everyone.

If it doesn't improve by tonight I might have to drop out of the raid :(

You're not the only one.

Last night I popped on from 21:30 to try and get some bounties done. Nothing.

No Newt error, just cannot connect be it mission, tower or raid.

Will try again when I'm home, hopefully it'll be fixed then.
I couldn't get on last night, may have something to do with this;

Social and Gaming Limited

Affected platforms:
Xbox One
Xbox 360
Affected services:
Accessing or retrieving data stored using cloud storage
Posting game performance or viewing the performance of other Xbox Live members
Unlocking achievements
Viewing achievements

I'm assuming Destiny uses cloud to store charater data?
Yeah I saw that service alert and the message on the Destiny website, but I noticed others were playing online at the time so I thought the problem might be more isolated to my area.

I guess we'll see how it is tonight...
Good games last night fellas - I quite enjoyed that run!!
Was dreading the deathsinger part but blumin eck it was all over quick :)

Thanks guys, hoping we can get together again for friday if I can get my Warlock up to Level 30 (Hit Level 28 last night just need to upgrade all this darn armour)

I don't know how many people have done any or what parts legit for a full legit run it was quick and easy. Timing on Crota took a while but we got there :) I agree about the deathsinger though, by the time I got myself out a thrawl mess she only had 1/3 health left.

You're not the only one.

Last night I popped on from 21:30 to try and get some bounties done. Nothing.

No Newt error, just cannot connect be it mission, tower or raid.

Will try again when I'm home, hopefully it'll be fixed then.

I was only last night but a few times I did get the pop up about contacting destiny servers. And we all had troubles getting back in when swapping characters to get the hidden chest in CE.
Newt errors was a problem their end, its fixed now :] Well, its ok on the blurry 360, not been on XO this morning, bloody poor friends lingering on last gen :]
Lets do this again :)

Friday 8.15pm PS4?

1) ps3ud0 - polynomial007
2) Greboth - Greeboth
3) Zoomeez - Zoomeez
4) Reeve - Righteous_Rabbit
5) MachM - MachM82
6) oweneades - OweO

Might have a spare space, just waiting for a reply or two - if we do this quick anyone fancy VoG HM after?

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Lets do this again :)

Friday 8.15pm PS4?

1) ps3ud0 - polynomial007
2) Greboth - Greeboth
4) Zoomeez - Zoomeez
5) Sieze2 - Sieze2
6) Reeve - Righteous_Rabbit

Might have a spare space, just waiting for a reply or two - if we do this quick anyone fancy VoG HM after?

ps3ud0 :cool:

Can I have the spare space if it's still spare?
Yeah I saw that service alert and the message on the Destiny website, but I noticed others were playing online at the time so I thought the problem might be more isolated to my area.

I guess we'll see how it is tonight...

I got that as well last night, switched console off and back on again, all fine.
So, hard mode will very likely be made available next week, possibly week after. What do people think the new mechanics will be?

A few people have reported a glitch during Crota where a Gatekeeper appears and kills everyone (you can actually see him standing above the main room), so I imagine Gatekeepers will play a part. No doubt it'll be a similar mechanic to the bridge whereby once you kill the Swordbearer, a Gatekeeper spawns which can only be damaged with the sword.

Seeing how all the perks on the raid armour is related to the Oversoul, I'm thinking it'll play a bigger part in hard mode as well. Perhaps it'll just be harder to take out, similar to Oracles, but hopefully it'll be a bit more inventive than that.
So old ;)
So, hard mode will very likely be made available next week, possibly week after. What do people think the new mechanics will be?

A few people have reported a glitch during Crota where a Gatekeeper appears and kills everyone (you can actually see him standing above the main room), so I imagine Gatekeepers will play a part. No doubt it'll be a similar mechanic to the bridge whereby once you kill the Swordbearer, a Gatekeeper spawns which can only be damaged with the sword.

Seeing how all the perks on the raid armour is related to the Oversoul, I'm thinking it'll play a bigger part in hard mode as well. Perhaps it'll just be harder to take out, similar to Oracles, but hopefully it'll be a bit more inventive than that.
Tempted to say just the mechanic of no revives will be added, its Bungie :p. They only added the force fields from the Templar to Atheon HM so I can see the logic about bringing something from the Bridge fight to Crota HM. Already seems a hard enough fight with no revives anyway considering the automatic level disadvantage (I assume no revives but I guess that might not be a standard HM addition)

What Im more interested in is where the new raid loot will be placed because I wont be impressed if the new raid weapons are only at Crota and are part of a loot table that contains the already available weapons.

ps3ud0 :cool:
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I'm quite looking forward to the Trials of Osiris, and that exotic scout rifle bounty. Be good to get some teams together because it's going to be tough with matchmaking. Remember you'll need motes to buy entry into Trials....

Really don't know what they will do with CE hard mode...although I'm probably not going to bother with it until after the new level cap if they stuff it with over-levelled mobs again....and then only to get the Crux of Crota.
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Had Chris hit level 30 / 31 yet?

Not yet, 29 currently need to do 2 more bounties then will be level 3 vanguard and be able to buy a lege helmet then fingers crossed will be at 30!

Currently 25% towards level 30,

Rocking a Vision of Confluence, Murmur, and a crappy rare Despot SA/5 RL,

Rare - Nemesis Plane - helmet - light =18
Lege - Exodus Grips - Gauntlets -light = 31 - 1 upgrade available need 6 shards
Exo - Starfire Protocol - Chest - light = 32
Lege - Viper Spine IV - Leg - light = 31 - 1 upgrade available need 1 shard

Hoping that the leg helmet takes me to 30!
Not yet, 29 currently need to do 2 more bounties then will be level 3 vanguard and be able to buy a lege helmet then fingers crossed will be at 30!

Currently 25% towards level 30,

Rocking a Vision of Confluence, Murmur, and a crappy rare Despot SA/5 RL,

Rare - Nemesis Plane - helmet - light =18
Lege - Exodus Grips - Gauntlets -light = 31 - 1 upgrade available need 6 shards
Exo - Starfire Protocol - Chest - light = 32
Lege - Viper Spine IV - Leg - light = 31 - 1 upgrade available need 1 shard

Hoping that the leg helmet takes me to 30!

Nice first post ;)
Not yet, 29 currently need to do 2 more bounties then will be level 3 vanguard and be able to buy a lege helmet then fingers crossed will be at 30!

Currently 25% towards level 30,

Rocking a Vision of Confluence, Murmur, and a crappy rare Despot SA/5 RL,

Rare - Nemesis Plane - helmet - light =18
Lege - Exodus Grips - Gauntlets -light = 31 - 1 upgrade available need 6 shards
Exo - Starfire Protocol - Chest - light = 32
Lege - Viper Spine IV - Leg - light = 31 - 1 upgrade available need 1 shard

Hoping that the leg helmet takes me to 30!

120 overall is needed for 30. I think but could be wrong that the vendor stuff starts at 24 so you may need to do that final upgrade on the legs to get to 30.

Then its probably not worth upgrading too much more and see what you pick up from the raid, hopefully if the rest of the team is 31 it shouldn't be too bad maxed weapons will help though as you do need the DPS output for the crota fight as you need to get the sword bearer down asap to get the rest of the timing sorted.
If I was you I'd make myself the designated 'keep fire on crota' person with say the VOC as his shields regenerate very quickly if he is not being continually hit during that phase.

The new Legendary armour start at 27 Light don't they? I'd imagine just getting the helmet would be enough :p

Welcome to the forum by the way :)
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