*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

I hope they've managed to fix the Hive Disruptor perk on the Black Hammer. That will be super useful for keeping boomers down whilst having GH equipped.
If I recall from VOG hard mode, the only real changes were
  1. Higher level mobs
  2. Containment field on Aetheon

This might sound negative, but I wouldn't be surprised if a similar trend is followed here with higher level mobs and minor changes on crota (maybe oversoul and gatekeeper spawning on each swordbearer kill)

My concern is the loot itemisation. Armor is now far more easily obtainable and all weapons look like they could be from Crota alone (primaries from HM and special/heavy from NM). As such, all people will want is Crota HM kills for the 331 primaries, helmet, husk of the pit thing and cosmetics. The rest could just be a shard farm :(

And of course the key difference - No revives.

On Atheon this could be countered by having a team that were an equivilant level to the mobs. On CE HM we are already a level down even if we are max level.

It wouldn't surprise me if the only change was no revives and an Oversoul everytime Crota's shield is taken. Reduced DPS and less time with the Sword will make timing absolutely critical.

I wait to be surprised though.

EDIT: on the talk of loadout I can choose from (all 331 attack or *nearly maxed):

Primaries: Suros / MIDA / Monte Carlo / Bad Juju*/ Venation III / Vanquisher VIII / Up for Anything / S' Rapier / Three little words / NITC*

Special: Icebreaker / LDR (Arc) / Murmur* / Pocket Infinity*

Heavy: G'Horn / One Way ticket (solar or void) / MGA18 Harms way (arc or void) / Culling / Dragons Breath* / SGA* / Truth*

I think I have enough cover for most scenarios. :)
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I'm up for that, aim for Thursday at 8pm?


Already raiding tonight and Wednesday, might have to cool it for Thursday or the missus will give me evils. Busy Sunday too. Argh! Will see how it goes but don't let me stop you, I'm sure there's plenty more wanting to do it too :)
So....the saturday 'gf is away' mega raid :)

PS4 Saturday 1000 GMT, Crota's End Hard Mode. 32's and 331/331/331 only please! (You can try VoG raid weapons but have a 331 to fall back on, I think it's going to matter).

1) middgen

Keep going as long as we want to....can break it up with a bit of nightfall/weeklies etc, especially if like me everyone else burned through their coins last week. Advance warning: I''ll be finishing up 6-7ish for a session so performance may deteriorate after 4 :) I will be on all day Sunday from 1100 ish again but I might go for something easier on the head like VoG if anyone fancies it?
So....the saturday 'gf is away' mega raid :)

PS4 Saturday 1000 GMT, Crota's End Hard Mode. 32's and 331/331/331 only please! (You can try VoG raid weapons but have a 331 to fall back on, I think it's going to matter).

1) middgen

Keep going as long as we want to....can break it up with a bit of nightfall/weeklies etc, especially if like me everyone else burned through their coins last week. Advance warning: I''ll be finishing up 6-7ish for a session so performance may deteriorate after 4 :) I will be on all day Sunday from 1100 ish again but I might go for something easier on the head like VoG if anyone fancies it?

Yeah put me down for this.

OweO - Level 32 Warlock(s) (interchangable beyond one having Pigtails - damn important difference mind :p).

My wife is on Tea duty (need lot's of cuppas!). :D
I'm after a Crota chest piece and radiant shards, so anyone up for a normal run?

Croda Normal Mode XB1 Thursday 8ish

1) Wardyp
So....the saturday 'gf is away' mega raid :)

PS4 Saturday 1000 GMT, Crota's End Hard Mode. 32's and 331/331/331 only please! (You can try VoG raid weapons but have a 331 to fall back on, I think it's going to matter).

1) middgen
2) djcj - psn Col_Jacko

Keep going as long as we want to....can break it up with a bit of nightfall/weeklies etc, especially if like me everyone else burned through their coins last week. Advance warning: I''ll be finishing up 6-7ish for a session so performance may deteriorate after 4 :) I will be on all day Sunday from 1100 ish again but I might go for something easier on the head like VoG if anyone fancies it?

Definitely want to do this. Got my warlock to 32 today. Have plenty of 331 weapons and the other half is in work all day Saturday!
Definitely want to do this. Got my warlock to 32 today. Have plenty of 331 weapons and the other half is in work all day Saturday!

So....the saturday 'gf is away' mega raid

PS4 Saturday 1000 GMT, Crota's End Hard Mode. 32's and 331/331/331 only please! (You can try VoG raid weapons but have a 331 to fall back on, I think it's going to matter).

1) middgen - 32 Warlock
2) djcj - psn Col_Jacko 32 Warlock
3) OweO 32 Warlock

Sweet, that's 3. Sunsinger warlocks always made raids easier :)
So....the saturday 'gf is away' mega raid

PS4 Saturday 1000 GMT, Crota's End Hard Mode. 32's and 331/331/331 only please! (You can try VoG raid weapons but have a 331 to fall back on, I think it's going to matter).

1) middgen - 32 Warlock
2) djcj - psn Col_Jacko 32 Warlock
3) OweO 32 Warlock

Sweet, that's 3. Sunsinger warlocks always made raids easier :)

Would be up for this, hit 32 at the weekend with my Titan, interested to see what's been added, although no revies in the lamp run could be fun :p
Another Crota destroyed. Cheers for the run lads! 43 minutes in total but I think about 30 minutes of that was watching Mr Jones and WriteThatD0wn trying to jump up to get the first chest :D

Only one non self induced wipe I think, so it bodes well for tomorrow night.

I did indeed get Suros in the end. Apologies for doubting you all :p I now have one for each of my 3 characters.
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