*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Nice work on getting as far as you did. :)

How did you find in terms of using saying 300 weapons instead of 331? Also are there many key differences beyond it being "harder"?

Actually not a big deal. Fatebringer still one shot crits thralls and is still the best weapon for lamps.


No Revives

level 33 mobs.
3-4 yellow 33 ogres, plus 4+ sword knights spawn at the bridge

Bridge...seemed to just be level 33, mechanics the same.

Deathsinger....just level 33, same mechanics

No chalice
Gatekeeper spawns at bottom room and roams around causing trouble
Wizards spawns at boomers and likewise makes a pain of itself
Enrage is much sooner/triggered at low health on crota
PS4 Saturday 1000 GMT

1) middgen - 32 Warlock
2) djcj - psn Col_Jacko 32 Warlock
5) jdwhalley - 32 Hunter
6) Turbo_Nuter 32 Titan

We're down to 4 now and I've done up to Crota....I might switch this to VoG newbie/HM run, plus nightfalls or whatever.

If we can get a full team of 32s I will switch armour to my other warlock and run the first few parts of CE HM again, but he doesn't have self-res unlocked which makes him a bit useless.
I've not done a hard run past the bridge yet but the middle platform looks like a good shout. You can even do it without getting to ogres. Need a few with Ghorns and a titan and jobs a good un.

We were so close up till that enraged bit. As you've said, looks like orbs generation for the last sword attack. We can do it tonight!

This is a new method - Centre Platform, currently top topic on Bungie Forum

One key technique we need to take home from their work is, don't kill the boomers. Have someone constantly crit hitting the boomers so no shots from them, no wizard spawn to deal with. HOWEVER, it works for them because they only crit the boomers when the sword man goes to pick up sword / waiting for crota to go down.

Also, the sword bearer seems to run in just before crota goes down and use his blade hit to finish the shield damage.

Thor, have you noticed that worked? Might be another time saving move like the invisible melee.

I've never tried hitting him with the sword to bring his shield down. It's a pretty risky one as, if he doesn't go down with a single hit, I'm screwed!

Tonight, I'll just be switching to use kneel invis anyway so I can jump up as soon as that kicks in and be ready to 4 hit him as soon as his shield is down. Drop sword, melee, then 4 hit again. If we can get some orbs in the bottom corner, I can make the final hit a super to do even more damage.

I think our strategy is pretty solid. We need to handle the Ogres a little better as they still cause a bit of chaos, but we have plenty of time. When Crota goes left and the Ogres come out, we can let him go back middle, off to the right, then back to middle before we need to take him down again. That 3rd sword should be all we need. :)

When I think about doing it again, and watching a couple vids, it's still pretty simple. We just need to keep it together after the 2nd sword.

I never thought I'd say it, but a Titan would be really bloody helpful! Whether it's protecting us from Boomer/Ogre fire or replenishing everyone's health. Getting a couple Titans involved in the future will make things a bit easier I think.
I never thought I'd say it, but a Titan would be really bloody helpful! Whether it's protecting us from Boomer/Ogre fire or replenishing everyone's health. Getting a couple Titans involved in the future will make things a bit easier I think.

Writethatdown isn't available tonight is he?

Looks like it maybe open for a Titan...
I've not done a hard run past the bridge yet but the middle platform looks like a good shout. You can even do it without getting to ogres. Need a few with Ghorns and a titan and jobs a good un.


Thats a nifty trick they do and he landed hits 3 consecutive times with one sword! Shows how rubbish are my pug runs these days.

Still lvl 31 my self and guess what, after i bought the exotic healmet for the warlock yesterday i got the helmet from CE normal. Figures. Now need shards to level to 32. Getting there. I think i will manage to come next week on a HM crota run!

If there is a VOG run HM i would happily do it today or the weekend. Or a second CE normal for my gf's char.
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Do one and Ill join you for sure - Friday as usual?

ps3ud0 :cool:

I'd be up for a normal run on Friday on my Alt WL (or hunter) if there is a space going. :)


I still need to do 2 runs through.. Shall we set one up for Friday night?

Always up for a run on any raid, so count me in

I've already finished crota (normal mode) on both my characters and done up to the bridge on hard mode with just the hunter (Thanks to the team I hijacked last night LOL! - yaay got the shards I need for Level 32 AND surprisingly the Raid helmet too) - but would like to completely run it for the bits I've missed (bridge and the ultimate beeatch). Also need to run VoG

Friday 23rd 8:15PM - CE Normal mode.

1)- Zoomeez - Level 32 Hunter / 31 Warlock
2)- Polynomial
3)- Oweo
4)- Chandler_90
5)- BF-Bert

Please confirm usernames and characters etc.

Saturday 24th 8:15PM - VoG Hard mode.

1)- Zoomeez - Level 32 Hunter / 31 Warlock

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I've already finished crota (normal mode) on both my characters and done up to the bridge on hard mode with just the hunter (Thanks to the team I hijacked last night LOL!) - but would like to completely run it. Also need to run VoG

Friday 23rd 8:15PM - CE Normal mode.

1)- Zoomeez - Level 32 Hunter / 31 Warlock
2)- Polynomial
3)- Oweo
4)- Chandler_90
5)- BF-Bert

Please confirm usernames and characters etc.

Saturday 24th 8:15PM - VoG Hard mode.

1)- Zoomeez - Level 32 Hunter / 31 Warlock


Ah sod it, despite my reservations (about burning out) put me down for everything! :)

(oweneades) - PSN: OweO - Level 32 Warlock (x2) or Level 31 Hunter

Friday & Sat night.

Happy to run CE hard mode after a complete normal run as well.
Actually not a big deal. Fatebringer still one shot crits thralls and is still the best weapon for lamps.


No Revives

level 33 mobs.
3-4 yellow 33 ogres, plus 4+ sword knights spawn at the bridge

Bridge...seemed to just be level 33, mechanics the same.

Deathsinger....just level 33, same mechanics

No chalice
Gatekeeper spawns at bottom room and roams around causing trouble
Wizards spawns at boomers and likewise makes a pain of itself
Enrage is much sooner/triggered at low health on crota

The weight of darkness stacks faster in the abyss section too.

There's a bunch of small, little differences here and there too, like the thrall don't flinch or flinch a lot less, same with the Knights it seems too. Gatekeeper seems harder to stun on the bridge section, but flash bangs still work wonders!

There are three shreikers in the hallway and they respawn as well.

Nice list of changes here, being updated regularly: http://www.slipperysherpa.com/?page_id=303


Not really sure what's happening with the healing stuff, everyone on reddit saying picking up orbs with the helmet perk is working but Rob75 last night wasn't getting any. Suros Regime works but it seems quite a small chance, so red death will help but is it worth it? I don't know. Blessing of light seems pretty critical, just have everyone dip in and out and cycle if you have more than one titan!

We encountered a load of bugs and annoyances last night too, swords dissapearing, sword bearing not spawning and just taking forever, we didn't have one appear until Crota went right and back to the middle again for example.
I'll be back on tonight from 9:30if any of the guys from last night wanna try again :)
Ill be on tonight for this for sure :)
I've already finished crota (normal mode) on both my characters and done up to the bridge on hard mode with just the hunter (Thanks to the team I hijacked last night LOL! - yaay got the shards I need for Level 32 AND surprisingly the Raid helmet too) - but would like to completely run it for the bits I've missed (bridge and the ultimate beeatch). Also need to run VoG

Friday 23rd 8:15PM - CE Normal mode.

1)- Zoomeez - Level 32 Hunter / 31 Warlock
2)- Polynomial
3)- Oweo
4)- Chandler_90
5)- BF-Bert

Please confirm usernames and characters etc.

Saturday 24th 8:15PM - VoG Hard mode.

1)- Zoomeez - Level 32 Hunter / 31 Warlock

Ill join you on both - still need that bloody epilogue :(, so will always try and VoG it - Ill bring my Warlock for first bits of CE then swap to Hunter at the second chest if thats ok...

Also ascendant material will be more useful than radiant stuff in HoW most likely

ps3ud0 :cool:
Do you get double drops like the VoG hard mode?

Nope. Or at least for me anyway.
Some people got primaries, others like me got shards/energies only.

I did get a Chest (FINALLY!) at the bridge sector though.

And can confirm with Gallahorn and some luck, 2 alone on the other side of the bridge can complete that sector if everyone else wiped to trigger ogres.

I was bricking it but pulled through with Phog. Definitely don't want to do it again though :p
Not really sure what's happening with the healing stuff, everyone on reddit saying picking up orbs with the helmet perk is working but Rob75 last night wasn't getting any. Suros Regime works but it seems quite a small chance, so red death will help but is it worth it? I don't know. Blessing of light seems pretty critical, just have everyone dip in and out and cycle if you have more than one titan!
Healing by picking up orbs definitely works if you have gear equipped with that perk. I had Mask of the Third Man on and my health would regen to full on picking up a single orb. You can't pick up orbs if your super is full or you're using your super, so I kept having to burn mine just to be able to pick up an orb.

For Bladedancers, the Hungering Blade perk also fully regens health by killing an enemy with Blink Strike or Arc Blade. I found that Blink Strike wasn't killing in one hit though so I needed to get a shot on a Thrall or Acolyte before meleeing.

For Suros, I wasn't using it, but I can imagine a big reason it doesn't work so often is due to not getting the killing shot? With so many people shooting the same enemies, I can imagine people will be stealing kills all the time.
And can confirm with Gallahorn and some luck, 2 alone on the other side of the bridge can complete that sector if everyone else wiped to trigger ogres.

I was bricking it but pulled through with Phog. Definitely don't want to do it again though :p
I've never been in more awe of two Guardians in my whole time playing this game! Mr Jones and Phog taking down 2 Hallowed Ogres by themselves while Hallowed Wizards and Knights are also running around with tons of Thrall and Acolytes. Was stunned that you two managed to do it! :cool:
Writethatdown isn't available tonight is he?

Looks like it maybe open for a Titan...

I should be home about 19:30 but have to go out again at 20:50 so if we think we can get it done in that time then cool, else I'm happy to be replaced by someone else.

On the healing front my Light Beyond Nemesis did seem hit and miss with regards to picking up orbs but to be honest I wasnt paying close attention to whether my super was up all the time. I fully upgraded my Apotheosis Veil after the run last night which also adds healing when activating super so I should be a self healing machine!
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I've never been in more awe of two Guardians in my whole time playing this game! Mr Jones and Phog taking down 2 Hallowed Ogres by themselves while Hallowed Wizards and Knights are also running around with tons of Thrall and Acolytes. Was stunned that you two managed to do it! :cool:

Ha yes that was an heroic effort! I felt slightly guilty receiving the Auto Rifle lying dead on the other side, come to think of it I was also dead in the pit when I received the Pulse Rifle! new tactic to beat RNG :D
I should be home about 19:30 but have to go out again at 20:50 so if we think we can get it done in that time then cool, else I'm happy to be replaced by someone else.

Oh cool! I'm sure we can do it before you need to go. Otherwise, there's always weekend - but I know we can do it. 1st run!

Ha yes that was an heroic effort! I felt slightly guilty receiving the Auto Rifle lying dead on the other side, come to think of it I was also dead in the pit when I received the Pulse Rifle! new tactic to beat RNG :D

I am willing to die when Crota enrages and go down on his knee when Thor's going for the final kill, for the RNG to favour me. Hopefully it'll be Blackhammer or that Void Hand Cannon. Or both, I'm not greedy.
I've already finished crota (normal mode) on both my characters and done up to the bridge on hard mode with just the hunter (Thanks to the team I hijacked last night LOL! - yaay got the shards I need for Level 32 AND surprisingly the Raid helmet too) - but would like to completely run it for the bits I've missed (bridge and the ultimate beeatch). Also need to run VoG

Friday 23rd 8:15PM - CE Normal mode.

1)- Zoomeez - Level 32 Hunter / 31 Warlock
2)- Polynomial
3)- Oweo
4)- Chandler_90
5)- BF-Bert

Please confirm usernames and characters etc.

Saturday 24th 8:15PM - VoG Hard mode.

1)- Zoomeez - Level 32 Hunter / 31 Warlock


I've been poached by a friend to go for a curry on Friday night.. So I'll have to sit this one out.. Sorry guys :(
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