*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Raid: Crota's End (just the big bugger himself!)
Difficulty: Hard
Time: 7:30pm Saturday, 24th Jan

1) thoseion
2) WriteThatD0wn
3) Ehhh Mazin
4) Auty71
5) EvilMatt
6) FaceBaker
I take it this is PS4? If you have done the rest with te same fireteam feel free to get someone else but otherwise I'm happy to fill the last spot (PSN: FaceBaker)
I take it this is PS4? If you have done the rest with te same fireteam feel free to get someone else but otherwise I'm happy to fill the last spot (PSN: FaceBaker)

Hi this is actually X1 I'm afraid I think the ps4 lot are doing vog tonight. Actually looks like they might have a spot for crota HM, message ps3ud0
I believe Mr Jones will be our 6th once he gets back from his drinks!
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The Saturday morning ps4 casual rabbit fanciers crew did another stroll to Crota with only a whiff of cheese on the bridge. Crota is nails though....don't think I have the patience for it. Pretty sure abyss defiant is better than nechrochasm so not that fussed.

Might do a Sunday afternoon jaunt through VoG if anyone fancies, any raid newbs want a normal run?
The Saturday morning ps4 casual rabbit fanciers crew did another stroll to Crota with only a whiff of cheese on the bridge. Crota is nails though....don't think I have the patience for it. Pretty sure abyss defiant is better than nechrochasm so not that fussed.

Might do a Sunday afternoon jaunt through VoG if anyone fancies, any raid newbs want a normal run?

You guys did really well, i saw you cheesing the bridge and parts of the final boss.

Few things i saw that could help next time.

Don't require a titan bubble next to the boss.

You need to throw grenades each time at the tower when going back in (use the warlocks void or solar) to stop them shooting you.

Hunter needs orbs to regen heath (use blade dancer helmet), the warlocks need to use supers to create orbs at the start. (easy to make 15+ plus) for hunter later on.

The ogres stage, just put a titan bubble on the edge at the top, around the place you was standing and fire everything you have at them. Once killed run back in again.

must have the following classes:

1x Titan (defender)
2x Warlocks (1x void walker and 1x Sunsinger)
1x Hunter (blade dancer)

We had another two hunters, one was a level 31 but never helped much.
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The Saturday morning ps4 casual rabbit fanciers crew did another stroll to Crota with only a whiff of cheese on the bridge. Crota is nails though....don't think I have the patience for it. Pretty sure abyss defiant is better than nechrochasm so not that fussed.

Might do a Sunday afternoon jaunt through VoG if anyone fancies, any raid newbs want a normal run?

Yeah timing is everything on that. I didn't get any gun drops but not too fussed. Maybe will get something tomorrow night.

Guys we still on for tonight at 8:15? I will be on anyway so ping me when ready.

Just need helmet or chest piece and my hunter is 32...:D
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Still looking for one person - afraid will have to move this to 8pm to fit everyone in if thats ok. Got a good mix so can try a few methods (think Hunter invis swordman with Titan bubble on Crotas platform while everyone sits on the middle ledge is the best one. Not sure what to do with the Ogres though due to their timing)

ps3ud0 :cool:

If you don't get another 32 could I join, only Lv31 with my Titan?
Still up for toñight. :)

Wouldn't mind kicking Crotas ass first if possible.

We'll see afterwards bud - I'll bring my Level 32 Hunter as I've completed it already twice ;)

Reminder for tonight fellas:

Saturday 24th 8:15PM - VoG Hard mode.

1)- Zoomeez - Level 32 Hunter / 31 Warlock
2)- Polynomial - Level 32 Warlock
3)- OweO - Level 32 Warlock
4)- Daviem66 -
5)- Cowboydebop7DR
6)- AStaley
If you don't get another 32 could I join, only Lv31 with my Titan?
With everything being level 33 its probably not sensible - especially at Crota where a single death is pretty much a wipe. Probably be better to go as 5 32s than with an extra 31 tbh...

Its not the damage you can give out more the damage you can take that will be the biggest issue

ps3ud0 :cool:
We did it with about 3 32's and 3 31's last night just a random group off lfg.
I think if you all have good weapons maxed and the sword bearer is a 32 hunter that knows what he is doing it doesn't actually take that long. The timer doesn't start till you leave the rooms, the boomers you ignore. Suros for the start rooms and health regen should you need it , black hammer for the sword bearer and thorn/leg scout for crota seemed to work fine. First run was i agree less painful (5 32's and 1 31) but the second run (half 31 half 32) still only took maybe 6 attempts includingn changing ogre strat to tower etc
We did it!

Middle strategy and Ogre room kill, patience with final sword and complete.

Took us awhile but I'm glad we finished it. Damn shader is ugly though.
We did it!

Middle strategy and Ogre room kill, patience with final sword and complete.

Took us awhile but I'm glad we finished it. Damn shader is ugly though.

Yeah, well done to everyone! Took a wee while to get a run going where one of us didn't make a mistake (mainly that was me I think - killed by Crota, killed by Ogre, killed by Swordbearer...), but once we did, it's actually very simple and straightforward. It's a really good strategy, and with it not relying on any sort of cheese or exploit, it should see us through each hard run from now on.

The Gatekeeper may as well not be there at all - I don't think I actually saw it once!

I'm happy with the scout rifle. Would've preferred the hand cannon but at least I got something (sorry WriteThatD0wn :( ). You're right though: the shader is horrible!
I'm happy with the scout rifle. Would've preferred the hand cannon but at least I got something (sorry WriteThatD0wn :( ). You're right though: the shader is horrible!

All 5 of us left were standing in the tower with the shader on.. looked like a 70s Disco in blacklight..
I'm happy with the scout rifle. Would've preferred the hand cannon but at least I got something (sorry WriteThatD0wn :( ). You're right though: the shader is horrible!

Don't feel too bad, I did get both weapons from the pit and bridge and by all accounts the auto is meant to be the best one of the primaries. Ive got it almost maxed at 323 and it was really good on the omnigul strike with all the wizards, and also worked on omnigul.

The strategy certainly keeps most of us safe almost all of the time and its only you that is any real danger, you have that sword down really well now!

Anyway the glowhoo shader is staying on and i'm dusting off my flares and butterfly collar shirt for a night on the town.
Don't feel too bad, I did get both weapons from the pit and bridge and by all accounts the auto is meant to be the best one of the primaries. Ive got it almost maxed at 323 and it was really good on the omnigul strike with all the wizards, and also worked on omnigul.
I really like the auto rifle, especially with the Focused Fire perk enabled. It will be good to try it out in Crucible with that perk on and off. I just need 5 more energy to max it out.

I have a level 29/30 Titan to go through on normal, and a level 32 Hunter (Gunslinger) on hard. So if there's any more runs tomorrow or Monday, give me a shout.
Well done guys! I have guests staying with me for a few weeks so won't get a chance to finish this for a while :( I want the scout rifle / hand cannon :D
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