*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

The 3 sword method is abit hit and miss as sword disappears if you're lucky, 1 hit after the third kneeing.
We can totally do him in two swords: Crota 75% damage in 1 sword

As soon as he starts shielding up again, rockets should be in the air ready to hit him immediately. That guy goes for 5 hits, 5 hits, then 4 hits (1 heavy, super, 2 heavy). I don't think he gets the 5th hit in with the first 2 rounds, and possibly not the first hit on the 2nd round either.

It should be absolutely doable to get 4 hits, 4 hits, 3 hits (including 1 super) which should easily get him below half health. 2 of those and he's dead.

EDIT: Just watched the Ogre room strategy too and it also looks like a very good one to try. I'd be up for doing that one first as it looks the easier of the two - less stressful and reliant on timing.
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After spending the last couple of evenings and sometime during the day afternoon, and just getting no where, really close a few times but like Mr Jones mentioned earlier, it's usually some silly bad luck which causes it go up in smoke! I'm really not enjoying the hard mode version of crota's end, all they've done is chucked in a load of bullet sponge enemies and made everything 1 level higher so it's just artificially harder by the penalties we have put on us.

It's just boring and annoying. Normal is good fun and it's enjoyable (I think anyway), but hard mode is just awful I think.
In a way I am glad it is that tough, it means only a select few will complete it. In a couple of weeks, with practice, we'll do well. Its just the initial phase.

Like Kris mention earlier, in 6 weeks time, HoW is out and we'll all cake walk it with level increase.
My main issue with it is that it relies on split second timing and communication...but is built on an engine that has clients operating out of sync with each other.

10 second time Windows are fine with this setup, see oracle, atheon etc. <1 second timing which is what you need for CE HM just isn't working on this engine. We've made a similar mistake on my game and there's not a lot you can do about it. Combined with the major random factor in a slick run (where does the swordbearer decide to go and hide) and it's very frustrating.

I do think you can improve your chances by making sure your fireteam is being hosted by the best internet connection, and you're all geographically close. 90% of Destiny glitches come from network sync issues.
PS4 Saturday 1000

Still looking for one more 32 for CE HM tomorrow if anyone else can drag themselves out of bed in time

1) middgen - 32 Warlock
2) djcj - psn Col_Jacko 32 Warlock
3) OweO - 32 Warlock / 31 Hunter (depending on what we do - still need a CE chest piece for my hunter).
4) Evil_Par5sn1p
5) jdwhalley - 32 Hunter
6) Turbo_Nuter 32 Titan

Nice one.

I'll be running my crappy warlock alt, still 32 but no self res. If we need it on lamps then I can swap it back over...but I will switch back for bridge and deathsinger 4thelewts.

Still definitely up for this. I'm just logging on now to get a few bounties done before hand.
So who's up for finishing off Crota tonight? Let's get it done! I've watched the Ogre room strategy a few times now and it definitely looks like the one to do. There's very little opportunity for anyone to get killed. The only real problem will be if the Swordbearer is hiding away somewhere on the 2nd and 3rd sword runs.

With this strategy, we either need to distract the Boomers while Crota is being hit with the sword, or stick a Titan bubble in front of them. Either should be fine.

Anyway, I'm really keen to get this done today!

Raid: Crota's End (just the big bugger himself!)
Difficulty: Hard
Time: 7:30pm Saturday, 24th Jan

1) thoseion
So who's up for finishing off Crota tonight? Let's get it done! I've watched the Ogre room strategy a few times now and it definitely looks like the one to do. There's very little opportunity for anyone to get killed. The only real problem will be if the Swordbearer is hiding away somewhere on the 2nd and 3rd sword runs.

With this strategy, we either need to distract the Boomers while Crota is being hit with the sword, or stick a Titan bubble in front of them. Either should be fine.

Anyway, I'm really keen to get this done today!

Raid: Crota's End (just the big bugger himself!)
Difficulty: Hard
Time: 7:30pm Saturday, 24th Jan

1) thoseion
2) WriteThatD0wn

I'll be there for the kill
I've done it on two of my characters but have a level 31 Titan that needs to do it. Happy to go through what we did for ogres sword bearer etc. PSN FaceBaker
So who's up for finishing off Crota tonight? Let's get it done! I've watched the Ogre room strategy a few times now and it definitely looks like the one to do. There's very little opportunity for anyone to get killed. The only real problem will be if the Swordbearer is hiding away somewhere on the 2nd and 3rd sword runs.

With this strategy, we either need to distract the Boomers while Crota is being hit with the sword, or stick a Titan bubble in front of them. Either should be fine.

Anyway, I'm really keen to get this done today!

Raid: Crota's End (just the big bugger himself!)
Difficulty: Hard
Time: 7:30pm Saturday, 24th Jan

1) thoseion
2) WriteThatD0wn
3) Ehhh Mazin

Hope we can end it tonight, I've used too much heavy ammo on this. 12 packs left on my Hunter, I had just under 40 when we started :D
No worries bud, thanks for letting us know beforehand.

Space for one more on Saturday and reminder for tonight guys.

Friday 23rd 8:15PM - CE Normal mode.

1)- Zoomeez - Level 32 Hunter / 31 Warlock
2)- Polynomial - Level 32 Warlock
3)- OweO - Level 32 Warlock
4)- redrooster303 - Level 31 Titan
5)- Daviem66 -
6)- Turbo_Nuter - Level 31 Warlock / Hunter or 32 Titan

Saturday 24th 8:15PM - VoG Hard mode.

1)- Zoomeez - Level 32 Hunter / 31 Warlock
2)- Polynomial - Level 32 Warlock
3)- OweO - Level 32 Warlock
4)- Daviem66 -
5)- Cowboydebop7DR

Still up for toñight. :)

Wouldn't mind kicking Crotas ass first if possible.
So Sunday 8pm - Crota HM cp

1) ps3ud0 - polynomial007 - 32 Titan
2) Oweneades - OweO - 32 Warlock
3) Soulja - Soulja85 - 32 Titan
4) Greboth - Greeboth - 32 Warlock
5) Zoomez - Zoomez - 32 Hunter

ps3ud0 :cool:
Still looking for one person - afraid will have to move this to 8pm to fit everyone in if thats ok. Got a good mix so can try a few methods (think Hunter invis swordman with Titan bubble on Crotas platform while everyone sits on the middle ledge is the best one. Not sure what to do with the Ogres though due to their timing)

ps3ud0 :cool:
Still looking for one person - afraid will have to move this to 8pm to fit everyone in if thats ok. Got a good mix so can try a few methods (think Hunter invis swordman with Titan bubble on Crotas platform while everyone sits on the middle ledge is the best one. Not sure what to do with the Ogres though due to their timing)

ps3ud0 :cool:

Yeah 8 is fine by me. Nothing planned anyway.

If you don't mind I will run as my hunter to hopefullu get the helmet. 31 should be fine. :)

Edit: talking about Crota normal VoG tonight not CE HM.
Raid: Crota's End (just the big bugger himself!)
Difficulty: Hard
Time: 7:30pm Saturday, 24th Jan

Raid: Crota's End (just the big bugger himself!)
Difficulty: Hard
Time: 7:30pm Saturday, 24th Jan

1) thoseion
2) WriteThatD0wn
3) Ehhh Mazin
4) Auty71

I'll be up of it but might struggle to get online for 7:30.. will try my best but feel free to get someone else if you have enough.
I'll be up of it but might struggle to get online for 7:30.. will try my best but feel free to get someone else if you have enough.

I'm in no rush for 7:30. 8 is fine too. I expect I'll be on well before then anyway.
Raid: Crota's End (just the big bugger himself!)
Difficulty: Hard
Time: 7:30pm Saturday, 24th Jan

1) thoseion
2) WriteThatD0wn
3) Ehhh Mazin
4) Auty71
5) EvilMatt
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