*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Yeah that was a good VoG run. Glad I got the Mrs something to show for it. :) Shame no Vex or VoC for her though.

Sorry about messing up on the sword. By that point I could tell I was tired. Right at the end I walked right into an Ogre's "Death ray" as my concentration level was through the floor :(.

Ah well, next time is a charm.

Thought it was pretty good, consider how many hours I've spent wiping on it! Maybe we can sneak in a kill during the week. The completionist in me wants the shader mainly :)

All geared up for IB!

Red Death
Felwinter's Lie (shot package etc)
Found Verdict
Corrective Measure
Jolder's Hammer (field scout)

Going with my usual Sunsinger build + Claws of Ahamkara + Song Of Flame for muchos scorch beatings

Feels good to be one of those annoying guys this time round with all the OP weapons ;)

Good runs yeah, got myself a VoC aswell but the fatebringer still alludes me. I'll definitely be in for the IB group ups, was fun last time.

be using/trying my vex with felwinter/tttm and some machine gun maybe corrective measure or a slow but powerful hitter.
What with Iron Banner around this week, thought I'd drop a quick list for a VoG HM then NFs/IB afterwards...

Raid: VoG HM XB1, then IB/NFs after
Time: Wednesday 8.30pm-ish

1) Kahuna Jay
2) SPK Inc
3) Yimpy
4) Thor
Add me on PSN (ps4) BigDealRichOneil for IronBanner (or general Crucible any other time). I'm a decent player, wouldn't mind playing with other decent players....sick of been the only person with a positive k/d on my team -_-
PSNs for Iron Banner!


Add your names :)

We'll use party OCUK IB #1 etc....as I think we'll end up with more than one fireteam
Add me on PSN (ps4) BigDealRichOneil for IronBanner (or general Crucible any other time). I'm a decent player, wouldn't mind playing with other decent players....sick of been the only person with a positive k/d on my team -_-

First time I hit PVP was IB, and after running that for 1 week I was pretty decent at PVP, my K/d was horrible for a while thou, like 0.4 but its up now to around 1.5.

Would be fun to have a decent team around thou haha.
First time I hit PVP was IB, and after running that for 1 week I was pretty decent at PVP, my K/d was horrible for a while thou, like 0.4 but its up now to around 1.5.

Would be fun to have a decent team around thou haha.

Oh definately. Im by no means an amazing player or anything, but when the teams are so lop-sided with a fireteam of 4 or 5 good players against an anon team, makes it so frustrating
You stayed in orbit all day???

Nope. People confirmed that their rank was still showing where it was at the end of the last IB after the reset so I logged in at 5.40pm, farmed exclusion zone for 10 mins, went to orbit, waited til 6pm, changed armor and hit the tower. Rank was still there so bought the warlock helmet! :D happy days!
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