*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

This happened on the one of my nightfall runs this week!

I wanna thank Davie for putting up with my flakey internet tonight. Kept cutting out. Game rewarded with with the most apt weapon though from the Nightfall... Patience and Time...
Don't think I'm gonna be able to raid again this week, but not long until HoW!

I'll be looking to team up with people running 3 characters. Blast through the new story content, then through the Nightfall X3 (don't know what etheric light drop rates are like, but 3 of them plus 1 exotic upgrade will get one character to 34)....and then dive into Prison of Elders :)

Who's keen?

House of Wolves Tuesday 6pm+ GMT fireteams
Team #1 triple NF
1) middgen

Team #
Don't think I'm gonna be able to raid again this week, but not long until HoW!

I'll be looking to team up with people running 3 characters. Blast through the new story content, then through the Nightfall X3 (don't know what etheric light drop rates are like, but 3 of them plus 1 exotic upgrade will get one character to 34)....and then dive into Prison of Elders :)

Who's keen?

House of Wolves Tuesday 6pm+ GMT fireteams
Team #1 triple NF
1) middgen
2) apatia7

Team #

I'm up for that though I usually get home about 6 gmt, not sure if I'll be able to download patch in the morning or while console in sleep mode. Patch download can mess up timing for a lot of people I think.
Guessing you've probably got it done by now, if not I can be on from 8pm onwards. Still need to get the NF done.

I'll be around if you need help just drop us an invite, while I've already done it this nightfall is a great one for glimmer farming (get 3-4k per run) :D
I'm up for that though I usually get home about 6 gmt, not sure if I'll be able to download patch in the morning or while console in sleep mode. Patch download can mess up timing for a lot of people I think.

Cool, but remember I'm doing 3 NFs before PoE. Need 3 32s to be able to blitz the new NF quickly, unless you're happy running it without rewards a couple of times.
Oh cool you got that second one quick :) I thought you only had the 1 still.

Just gonna be blasting through em quick, not expecting a huge challenge although it will be a new strike!
Oh cool you got that second one quick :) I thought you only had the 1 still.

Just gonna be blasting through em quick, not expecting a huge challenge although it will be a new strike!

2 x titan so only need one set of 36 light armour for it. 1 x warlock but not enough shards yet to get her to lvl 32. I'm leveling a more optimised gear for my main titan at the moment (intelligence + discipline). Just 10 shards short :)
Don't think I'm gonna be able to raid again this week, but not long until HoW!

I'll be looking to team up with people running 3 characters. Blast through the new story content, then through the Nightfall X3 (don't know what etheric light drop rates are like, but 3 of them plus 1 exotic upgrade will get one character to 34)....and then dive into Prison of Elders :)

Who's keen?

House of Wolves Tuesday 6pm+ GMT fireteams
Team #1 triple NF
1) middgen

Team #

I'll be up for some of that PoE goodness, got 3 32's now. I think there'll be loads of teams going up for this and it should be good fun. You can put me in whichever team Midgen, I don't mind. Bring it on!
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